I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 392 Red Regime Soviet! Tsarist Russia is gone! Peter the Great was dumbfounded!

Chapter 392 Red Regime Soviet! Tsarist Russia is gone! Peter the Great was dumbfounded!
"Tsarist Russia has won!"

Everyone's excitement has not dissipated yet.

Watching the final victory announcement with excitement!

The crystal explodes and the winner is decided!
No more reversal events will happen now!
“Let us congratulate the Tsarist Russian team for winning this international aquatics competition!”

The anchor also congratulated the Russian team.

"Although Tsarist Russia established civilization late, it does not affect its ability to become a world-class power!"

"There once were two men who swept across Europe with the intention of invading Tsarist Russia."

"But after triggering the copy of Winter is Coming, their dreams of invincibility were shattered! Two powerful empires also fell!"

Everyone in the world is in awe of Tsarist Russia, a world-class power!
The civilization of Tsarist Russia was indeed established late.

After the founding of the country, they found ways to inherit Roman civilization and called themselves the Third Rome.

Although there are many unsightly and humiliating records, they have been defeated by some small countries.

But its strength is still unshakable!
Hitler was shaking all over, his eyes lost the light of struggle, and two lines of muddy tears fell down his cheeks.

"I didn't keep it! I didn't keep it!"

He murmured in pain.

God has already used the game's game to hint at the outcome of the Berlin Defense War.

His Berlin, his capital, was lost!
"What kind of existence is Tsarist Russia?"

"I actually lost too!"

It was the high-spirited Hitler.

At this point, I was completely confused.

He did not expect that his war plan against Tsarist Russia would bring disaster to his empire!

All foreigners.

Even those famous big shots.

They all took a breath!
across Europe.

How familiar this word is!
[Attila]: "The strength of Tsarist Russia is really unexpected!"

[Alexander the Great]: "As expected of a monarch with the same name, I said I was right about Tsarist Russia!"

[Genghis Khan]: "It's such an interesting country. I wonder how my Mongolia will fare against such a powerful country."

Tsarist Russia does seem strange.

Sometimes weak and sometimes strong.

When it is weak, it will lose to small countries.

When it is strong, even the powerful countries sweeping across Europe can subvert it!

"Since the founding of Tsarist Russia, it has always been a strong unified kingdom."

"Even Mongolia, which once swept across Europe, did so because of Tsarist Russia's intervention."

"It was split into Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia."

Heard that Mongolia was divided.

The faces of many people in the heavens have changed!
Mongolia is the steppe dynasty established by Genghis Khan!
Genghis Khan was called the Scourge of God by Europeans!
When Mongolia was at its peak, it occupied more land than the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets!

Even though Mongolia later became lonely.

But because Genghis Khan has Chinese blood.

Kublai Khan even integrated the Yuan Dynasty into China.

Mongolia naturally became a part of China.

Backed by Chinese civilization, it was actually intervened by Tsarist Russia and split into two countries?
[Ying Zheng]: "Tsarist Russia, there is indeed something different!"

[Li Shimin]: "Such a powerful country is actually right next to China!"

[Liu Che]: "How can I allow others to snore and sleep on the bed?"

Every emperor in China.

They are all wary of Tsarist Russia!
Even Mongolia was divided due to intervention.

Tsarist Russia’s wolfish ambitions are clearly revealed!


A large-scale natural disaster broke out in China!

Jin Kingdom, Yuan Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Xixia Kingdom, and Qing Dynasty. They all experienced a big earthquake!

There is a severe drought and locust plagues everywhere!
This is the penalty for losing the game!
"The destiny of the country has been taken away!"

Qianlong looked at the extremely vicious sun on the horizon in horror!
His prosperous age may end prematurely due to this natural disaster!

Their dynasty will also be taken away because of the national destiny.

Destroyed in advance!

The last emperors of several dynasties turned pale with fright!
And within Tsarist Russia.

The once daunting winter has become less biting.

The entire dynasty is full of vitality and prosperity!
The national fortunes of the five countries are increasing.

Tsars throughout the ages clearly felt that they should comply with destiny.

Expand your territory!
[Peter the Great]: “It is not impossible for our Tsarist Empire to sweep across Europe!”

[Emperor Catherine the Great]: “So many other countries have swept across Europe, it’s our turn this time!”

Countless Tsarist Russians shouted with joy!

Their country will become more and more powerful!

And the monarchs of other small countries in Europe all turned pale!

Originally there was a dispute between the alien races of China and Tsarist Russia.

As a result, they did not escape this disaster!

Under the cover of the nest, An You has finished the egg!
At this moment, Tsarist Russia once again showed its ambitions and fangs!
Many emperors of the Qing and Ming dynasties.

There is also some concern.

This powerful empire is right next door to me!

If a fight breaks out, how can it be possible without harming yourself?
"Tsarist Russia has indeed become a superpower that once defeated Blue Star!"

The anchor's words made the monarchs of Tsarist Russia extremely proud!

[Peter the Great]: "Look! We can become a superpower even without strengthening our national fortunes!"

[Alexander I]: "We, Tsarist Russia, are the strongest dynasty!"

to this new superpower.

All foreign kings are extremely worried!
"Under the impact of Western civilization, the people of Tsarist Russia awakened and overthrew the rule of the Tsar."

"The Soviets of Red Power were established. That was the strongest moment of the Soviets. The country had no emperor or landlords, and the people guided the future of the country."

"Under the leadership of the red regime, the Soviet Union overwhelmed Blue Star, and all powerful countries bowed to it and were afraid of it! Countless countries learned from its great advanced culture!"

"Countless people have remembered that great name, Lenin!"

The emperors of Tsarist Russia were still proud.

I was stunned for a moment.

"There is no emperor anymore?"

"Is this still Tsarist Russia?"

They are passed down from generation to generation as royalty.

Tsarist Russia has always been in the hands of his own family.

As a result, the period when Tsarist Russia was at its strongest was actually the period when there was no emperor!
The emperor was overthrown and the citizens came to lead the country?
It is not the strongest country controlled by their royal family.

They were a little unhappy!
And everyone in the world is attracted by the Soviet red regime!

[Plato]: “Without the dictatorship of the emperor and the superpower led by the people, is this a Utopia?”

He didn't even dare to think how happy the people of this country were!
[Socrates]: "Perhaps our pursuit is right! Only with the guidance of the people can a country become a superpower! Later generations have verified all this!"

People who were originally a little wary of Tsarist Russia.

At this moment, there is only admiration for the Soviets!
"If we can enter an ideal country like the Soviet Union! It doesn't matter even if our country is destroyed!"

"What is destroying the country? Our monarch obviously enslaved us! The Soviets are here to liberate us!"

"Welcome Soviet!"

Not waiting for those monarchs to react.

People in many countries have already begun to invest in their own utopia!

(End of this chapter)

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