I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 42 Confucianism chapter, Fang Xiaoru was killed!Zhu Yuanzhang: Grant a gold medal to avoid d

Chapter 42: Confucianism is in full swing, Fang Xiaoru is punished by the Ten Clan!Zhu Yuanzhang: Grant a gold medal to avoid death
Zhu Yuanzhang sat weakly on the dragon chair.

He felt like his brain was going to burst!
His favorite grandson, Zhu Yunwen, is so stupid?

In fact, as long as Zhu Yunwen doesn't destroy the structure he originally designed, doesn't take the lead, but just keeps a close eye on his uncles, he can rest easy.

However, Zhu Yunwen felt that there was something wrong with his grandfather's design. Under the instigation of several masters, he insisted on forcibly cutting down the vassal, which led to the Jingnan incident.

"The fault is not ours, but that of our grandson Zhu Yunwen!"

Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that his head was buzzing!
"But what does this have to do with Confucianism?"

Confucian people in the past dynasties also looked confused.

No matter how you listen to it, it seems that there is something wrong with Fang Xiaoru and Zhu Yunwen's brains.

What does it have to do with Confucianism?
"Yes, Fang Xiaoru and Zhu Yunwen are stupid. What does it have to do with our Confucianism?"

"Just because Fang Xiaoru is a Confucian, we can't implicate the whole of Confucianism!"

Su Yu smiled and said:

"Even if Zhu Di rebels, he doesn't have much chance of winning."

"Throughout history, there are many rebel kings, but Zhu Di is the only one who can push back against the imperial court."

"In fact, compared to the large number of troops and resources controlled by the imperial court, the power of the vassal king is simply weak."

"Otherwise, why would Zhu Di still be wandering around Beiping after more than three years of fighting?"

Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly had a bad premonition and asked:
"Then why did Zhu Di win in the end?"

"This is all thanks to Zhu Yunwen's various tricks."

"As a result, no matter who comes to the court or how many troops he brings, Zhu Yunwen always demands: Do not harm my fourth uncle, so how can we fight?"

"With the personal help of his eldest nephew, Zhu Di was lucky enough to invade Nanjing."

"The biggest factor in Zhu Di's ability to defeat Zhu Yunwen is that Zhu Yunwen was deeply influenced by Confucianism!"

"We are all at war with each other, yet we are still kind to our enemies!"

"Compassion does not command troops. Zhu Yunwen was influenced by Confucianism and committed a taboo among military strategists!"

Zhu Yuan was so angry that everyone was stunned!

A pair of eyes stared like copper bells.

"Is this really Zhu Yunwen's operation?"

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Yuanzhang slapped the dragon case and cursed:
"Damn it! A bunch of rotten scholars! They've taught us bad things!"

Fang Xiaoru and other Confucian scholars were so frightened that they lost their souls and kowtowed frantically.

At this time, they don’t even dare to defend themselves!
Otherwise, the Nine Clans may really be gone!
Literary integrity is of course important.

But it is indeed their stubborn ideas that are wrong!

Zhu Yuanzhang sighed and said:

"We should let Zhu Yunwen go to the military camp or the border to practice."

"It's okay if you don't learn this Confucianism!"

If Zhu Yunwen hadn't been influenced by Confucianism, he wouldn't know how to adapt.

He won’t lose his throne!

Many emperors in the heavens were also stunned.

What did you say before that you should depose all schools of thought and only respect Confucianism?

Why is Confucianism now misleading the country again?
"Since Confucianism has harmed the country, I should still promote the art of war!"

"While deposing hundreds of schools of thought, is Confucianism harming the country?"

"So what is the use of Confucianism?"

Looking at the many questions flashing across the sky.

Even Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, was speechless at this time.

The human heart is filled with greed and desire.

This is also the reason for the constant strife in the world.

Confucianism can only help people restrain themselves, but it cannot seize power and strengthen the country!

He is just a imparter of knowledge and knows nothing about politics!
Ying Zheng exhaled slowly.

"Didn't I already send Fusu to the Great Wall to practice?"

"Could it be that after learning both Confucianism and the art of war, the Qin Dynasty still perished?"

"Is it Confucianism or Fusu that's not good?" Ying Zheng was already extremely disappointed with Fusu!
Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, suddenly fell from the top to the bottom of his heart!
He looked at the sky with some anxiety.

"So, is my decision right or wrong?"

He didn't want future generations or himself to miss the country because of Confucianism!

When facing a powerful enemy, iron-blooded methods are the most important!
Liu Che suddenly thought of the "whispering language" explained by the anchor earlier!
Wei Wei sighed:
"How wonderful it would be if Confucianism were a violent doctrine like 'Speechless Language'!"

Huo Qubing: "I second the proposal!"

Some military generals of the previous dynasty shook their heads and scorned Confucianism.

The art of war and Confucianism are destined to be in opposition!

"It's just a bunch of scholars wearing long gowns!"

"Confucianism is so impressive, why has it been usurped?"

"If you learn Confucianism, you will stop fighting?"

Su Yu said slowly:
"Confucianism has always been the most advanced school since Confucius founded it."

"In order to adapt to the needs of political, ideological and social changes, the Han Dynasty began to promote the elimination of hundreds of schools of thought and respect only Confucianism."

"After that, the Mohists and the famous masters became unique schools, the farmers became independent as a technical discipline, and the Yin Yang School evolved into a mysterious alchemy."

"In the process of promoting Confucianism, Confucianism focused on consolidating the political power of the entire feudal country and absorbed Taoism, Legalism and other doctrines for transformation and improvement."

"Therefore, only Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism, especially Confucianism, had an impact on the later unified dynasty politics."

"Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, gradually became an orthodox representative of Central Plains culture and stood out among hundreds of scholars."

"As a result, Confucianism not only has a prominent position among hundreds of scholars, but has also become the mainstream and core content of traditional culture, exerting an unparalleled influence on the spiritual formation of later generations."

"Although Fang Xiaoru made many mistakes, he also maintained his integrity."

"It's also Confucian integrity!"

"Refuse to draft a recruitment letter for the new emperor!"

"He even insulted the new emperor Zhu Di in public."

"Even if it caused a catastrophe that destroyed ten clans! He still never gave in!"

"This is the integrity of scholars! It is also the integrity of Confucianism!"

Su Yu's words.

Immediately everyone in the previous court was in awe of Fang Xiaoru!
"The Zhu Shi clan won't give in! Is this the integrity of a Confucian scholar?"

"I admire you! Sir, you are so righteous!"

"It turns out that Confucianism is also such a solid knowledge!"

"Never underestimate Confucianism anymore!"

Zhu Yuanzhang originally wanted to punish Fang Xiaoru.

At this time, the attitude also changed 180 degrees!
An appreciative smile appeared on his face!

"Fang Xiaoru, I didn't expect you to be so honest!"

"We just like people with backbone like you!"

"We will give you a gold medal to avoid death! If the Fang family commits a capital crime in the future, you can use the gold medal to avoid death!"

Fang Xiaoru was immediately overjoyed and thanked him!
"Thank you, Your Majesty Ron!"

Happiness comes so quickly, Fang Xiaoru has not yet come out of the previous panic!

Between great sorrow and great joy, I just feel like I am drunk and dreaming of death!
Be ecstatic!

Su Yu continued:
"Nothing in the world is perfect, not even Confucianism."

"The teachings of Confucius and Mencius are of little use in chaotic times!"

"But in a unified country, it plays a great role in governing the country!"

"The most correct way to govern a country is to use Confucianism at home and law at the outside! Complement each other and restrain each other!"

Under Su Yu's explanation.

Everyone in the heavens also re-examined Confucianism!
Confucianism is important, but it is not the only standard!
As if the clouds had been cleared and mist appeared, everyone's eyes suddenly became bright and cheerful!
I was extremely grateful and looked at the sky with great piety.

"Anchor! I understand!"

"Yes, Confucianism has indeed had a profound influence and played a great role in the governance of the dynasty!"

"After all, Confucianism is just a science. You can't rely on Confucianism for everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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