I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 462: 7 of 1 Knight Skills! Chess prodigy! Li Shimin was shocked!

Chapter 462 One of the Seven Knight Skills! Chess prodigy! Li Shimin was shocked!
"International chess and Chinese chess are different."

"Chinese chess has cannons, but international chess has no cannons."

Su Yu explained.

It was as if everyone in the foreign country suddenly realized it!
The originally depressed momentum became strong again.

[Ashoka]: "Good guy! It turns out they are not the same chess!"

[Cyrus the Great]: "I've been working on it for a long time, but it's not the same chess? How can this be compared?"

Everyone in the foreign country looked at the player facing Zhu Jinzhen.

Although the skin used by this person is Yixing's Chaos Chess.

The robe worn by Yi Xing in this skin comes in a combination of white, blue, brown and other colors.

He also had brown-black hair, and the robe he wore outlined his figure.

There are also many distinctive small pendants on the body, which also have the characteristics of Chinese style, including some wheat ear-shaped pendants, etc., which have an embellishment effect.

The overall appearance of the skin is very good, and it also reflects the mood of having no regrets.

This person is also a player from the Eagle Kingdom!

"Of course, just like the Chinese guqin is different from the Western piano."

"There are also differences between Chinese chess and international chess."

"This competition should be about the performance of the two players."

Su Yu smiled faintly.


This chess player from the foreign team was no match for Zhu Jinzhen.

Another single kill!

[Russian Emperor Elizabeth]: "What kind of garbage did the Eagle Kingdom send to compete?"

[Napoleon]: "Too weak! It's so embarrassing!"

[Li Shimin]: (squints and smiles) "That's too bad! I can't stand it after seeing your chess players!"

People from foreign countries criticized this chess player one after another.

After all, after so many entertainment competitions, China has always lost.

This chess player has lost to the Chinese team many times!
It made everyone very unhappy!
"He's not weak, it's just that Zhu Jinzhen is stronger!"

"Paul Charles Morphy. He was self-taught and learned chess at the age of six. He defeated the then chess master Rowan Tell at the age of twelve and was known as a chess prodigy."

Su Yu explained to the chess player who was beaten by Zhu Jinzhen.

He is like Gauss in mathematics, an extremely rare prodigy in chess!
Such talent is unimaginable to ordinary people!
[Cao Cao]: "Another child prodigy! There is indeed no shortage of geniuses in this world!"

[Liu Bei]: "Self-taught at the age of six, and reaching the pinnacle of the industry at the age of twelve, such a person is no longer just a genius, but a genius among geniuses! Only a unique genius!"

Murphy's talent also left many people stunned!
Those foreigners who originally had complaints against Murphy.

He also immediately changed his tune.

Because this person can indeed represent the chess players!

It is difficult for them in the entire West to find such a genius who surpasses him!
[Napoleon]: "He is so talented that he shouldn't be beaten!"

[Alexander the Great]: "There's a problem!"

"There is indeed a problem!"

"Murphy behaved erratically and his professional chess career lasted only three years. He suddenly left chess when he was at the peak of his career."

"He did not leave any chess theoretical works to future generations, but his actual combat games were a silent reflection of his powerful strength. In terms of understanding the depth of situational chess, Murphy was half a century ahead of his time."

The sudden departure of a genius.

Let everyone in the East and West be dumbfounded!

This talented man with a bright future just disappeared?

[Confucius]: "Why did he suddenly leave when he clearly had an infinitely bright future?" [Mozi]: "The thinking of genius is really elusive."

As a genius, Gauss had a unique understanding of this person's behavior:

"Don't use ordinary people's thinking to speculate on geniuses. The glory in your eyes is worthless in the eyes of geniuses!"

Especially for geniuses like them!

Talent is just the ticket to meet them!
The incomparable lofty glory in the eyes of the world is just something that can be easily obtained in their eyes!
Li Shimin wanted to refute something.

But after thinking about it, it seemed right!

Everyone in the heavens was silent!

Many people feel as if they have experienced an extremely heavy blow!
I started to doubt my life.

There was a rare blank space in the barrage!
The atmosphere in the live broadcast room instantly solidified.

"Hahaha! Let the anchor talk about the difference between international chess and Chinese chess."

Su Yu chuckled, changed the topic and continued to warm up.

"Chinese chess is a traditional chess game in China and is a two-player chess game."

"Chess uses a square grid-shaped chessboard and round chess pieces. There are thirty-two chess pieces, sixteen each in red and black, placed and moved at the intersections of the chessboard."

"After the game starts, both sides take turns to move their pieces in order to checkmate or trap the opponent's general or commander or the opponent admits defeat. The winner is the winner. The winner is a draw."

Zhu Yuanzhang twisted the chess pieces and played chess with Liu Bowen with relish!

"When we play chess, we can have fun with the people!"

Chinese chess is a branch of chess culture and a cultural treasure of the Chinese nation. It has a long history, is full of fun, and has simple and easy-to-understand basic rules.

The mass base of chess in China far exceeds that of Go. It is the most popular chess game and also has a high influence in other surrounding countries!

Regardless of the fact that Go is China’s national chess.

But chess is the most popular game among the people!

Liu Bowen looked at Zhu Yuanzhang's shameless look and hesitated to speak.

How can you enjoy sharing with the people if you haven’t even worked at the grassroots level?

"Let's talk about chess, it's also an ancient intellectual game played between two people."

"Its history can be traced back to ancient Tianzhu. The game contains four kinds of chess pieces: rooks, horses, elephants, and soldiers, which symbolize the ancient military system of Tianzhu."

[Ashoka]: "Our Indian chess has turned into international chess? Our Indian culture is indeed the best!"

Everyone in Tianzhu suddenly became more confident and cheered non-stop!
Their culture can be regarded as reaching the world!

"How should I put it? Because Tianzhu has been invaded by other countries for a long time, many of these things have been plundered."

"For example, the game spread to Persia, where it was called 'Persian chess,' and from Persia to the Arab world, where it was called 'Arab chess.'"

"Later, chess was introduced to Europe and gradually evolved into modern chess."

Ashoka stops laughing.

It's obviously something civilized by them.

As a result, it was plundered by other countries!
How shameless to be treated as one's own by other countries!
He is very angry!
But facing these powerful enemies, there is nothing we can do!

"The chess board is a square with eight vertical and horizontal squares, a total of sixty-four squares, black and white; the chess pieces are divided into black and white, a total of thirty-two, each side has a king, a queen, two rooks, two bishops, Two horses and eight soldiers.”

"Different chess pieces move in different ways. The only way to win is to 'checkmate' the opponent's king."

International chess and Chinese chess also have a lot in common!
[Queen Victoria]: "Chess is the embodiment of wisdom and strategy. It is a very wonderful art of playing chess!"

[Napoleon]: "Chess is highly confrontational, varied, and interesting. It is not only competitive, but also scientific and artistic. It is one of the seven skills of our European knights."

Chess has a very high status in Europe.

Everyone in Europe also talks about chess.

The Chinese chess in the Six Arts of Gentleman actually refers to Go.

But this time, the Chinese team achieved a complete victory in the chess comparison!
(End of this chapter)

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