I played the King live broadcast, and the ancient emperor was confused!

Chapter 69 CG 3 points!Liu Xie: I am the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, the son of destiny!Cao Cao: Huh

Chapter 69 CG·Three-thirds of the land!Liu Xie: I am the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, the son of destiny!Cao Cao: Huh?
"The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty?" Liu Bang muttered these four words softly.

If he guessed correctly, the great Han Dynasty would end here!

In the sky, Su Yu's voice was a little heavy.

It seems to be telling an unprecedentedly grand story!

"At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, due to the political darkness of the central government, the ten permanent servants were rampant in government and opposition parties, and their control over local areas became increasingly weakened, causing the problem of land annexation to worsen day by day."

"The people suffered from the consequences of this phenomenon, coupled with the double blow of natural disasters and plagues, so they rebelled one after another and launched large-scale rebellions. The most famous one was the Yellow Turban Rebellion, which opened a chapter of troubled times."

Liu Bang sighed lightly.

It seems that we have seen the decline of the Han Dynasty and the uprising armies all over the world rebelling against the imperial court.

After all, he also participated in the uprising against the violent Qin!

"I think back then, when various places rebelled against the Qin Dynasty, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted in Daze Township, opening a chapter of the troubled times at the end of the Qin Dynasty."

"I never thought that my Han Dynasty would end like this?"

[Emperor Liu Che of Han Dynasty]: "So, history is a cycle?"

[Fusu]: "The Yellow Turban Rebellion sounds very interesting. The anchor will tell you in detail!"

"The Yellow Turban Uprising was a peasant war in the late Eastern Han Dynasty and one of the largest religiously organized popular uprisings in history."

"At that time, the imperial court was corrupt, eunuchs and relatives were fighting constantly, and border wars were ongoing. The country was becoming increasingly weak."

"And because of the severe drought in the country, plague is everywhere, bones are everywhere, grains are not collected, and taxes are not reduced."

Just listening to these descriptions.

It was like seeing a doomsday scene like purgatory on earth!

The court's corruption and inaction made Liu Bang and other previous emperors sigh.

[Liu Bang]: "Has my strength as a big man been exhausted?"

[Liu Che]: "What a tragedy, what a tragedy!"

"At this time, a Taoist priest named Zhang Jiao appeared."

"Zhang Jiao believed in Huang Lao Taoism and the Taiping Sutra, and used talisman water spells to treat people's illnesses. He founded Taiping Taoism and called himself a great sage and good teacher."

"Later, he and his brothers Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang preached in the Hebei area."

"The desperate poor farmers, under the command of Julu man Zhang Jiao, grew their followers to hundreds of thousands in more than ten years."

"They rose up one after another. They wore yellow scarves on their heads, spread their horns and launched an armed uprising. They called themselves General Tiangong."

"Shouting the slogan 'Heaven is dead, Huang Tian is here to stand, the age of Jiazi will be good for the world' to call on the followers, it is known as the Yellow Turban Army in history!"

Confucius said to Lao Tzu:
"This horn is from the Taoist family. In these troubled times, it is disloyal to rebel without trying to save the people! Sir, please discipline your disciples well so that future generations will not commit such cholera acts."

I shook my hand and said disapprovingly:

"Only those who are supported by the people can be called a wise king. If the court is corrupt, it is better to be disloyal than to be foolishly loyal."

"Zhang Jiao has the ability to win the support of the people, which shows that he is a capable person. The way is unpredictable and the form is unpredictable. What is wrong with Zhang Jiao?"

Confucius stopped talking.

Two different concepts, adapted to different periods.

In the troubled times of the last years, what is needed is capable people.

"The Yellow Turban Army had a huge impact on the rule of the Eastern Han Dynasty."

"In order to quell the rebellion, various localities supported their own troops. Soon Zhang Jiao died of illness, and the Yellow Turban rebel army also ended in failure under the suppression of the Eastern Han Dynasty."

"However, the situation of warlord separatism and the existence of the Eastern Han Dynasty in name only is irreversible, which ultimately led to the formation of the Three Kingdoms, where heroes competed for power, the world was divided into three parts, and the Three Kingdoms were formed."

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty collapsed, and capable people emerged in large numbers in the world!
Whether it's the Yellow Turban Rebellion, a group of heroes competing for the throne, or a tripartite confrontation.

There are countless allusions that make people talk about it!
Su Yu himself is also a fan of the Three Kingdoms.

"On the map of the King's World, a map of three-thirds of the land was specially made for the Three Kingdoms in the late Eastern Han Dynasty."

During the Three Kingdoms period, Hulao Guanzhong.

Dong Zhuo faced the coalition of eighteen princes.

He looked up at the sky and laughed with his big belly. "The heroes are vying for the throne, and the world is divided into three parts. I hold the Xiliang army in my hand, and my adopted son Lu Bu is invincible in the world. I will definitely win a share of the world!"

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie was in the Luoyang Palace, with tears streaming down his face, looking at the sky and sighing.

"I am the Emperor of the Han Dynasty, the son of destiny! Why did the Han Dynasty die in my hands?"

In the coalition of princes.

Alliance leader Yuan Shao rolled his eyes and laughed secretly in his heart.

"One share of the world is divided into three parts. I, Yuan Shaonai, come from a famous family in the fourth generation. The strongest among the princes today will definitely get one share of the world!"

Yuan Shao's younger brother Yuan Shu looked down upon the princes present with cold eyes.

In terms of background, he is more upright than Yuan Shao. He is a direct descendant of the Yuan family in Runan, while Yuan Shao is a commoner!

The eighteen princes were basically led by his two brothers.

"I, Yuan Shu, must not exceed one point of the world!"

Among the people gathered below.

Zhang Fei smiled broadly and said: "Hey, one-third of the world, I think it is custom-made for my three brothers!"

Liu Bei's face turned dark with fear: "Third brother, don't act nonsense!"

The other princes couldn't help but laugh.

These three brothers have nothing, and they still talk about three parts of the world. It is simply ridiculous!
Yuan Shu even looked at Zhang Fei with disdain.

"Where are you from the countryside? Get out of here!"

Su Yu said a little tired.

Then click on the CG video of the king.

“I’ll show you the CG of Three-Point Land, and you’ll understand.”

The scene in the sky suddenly changed.

Then a piece of black clouds appeared on the river!

On the river, the tiger-headed ships were connected together, their flags fluttering, and they were more powerful than the billowing black clouds!
It seems that wherever the warship arrives, any enemy will be capsized!

In front of Hulao Pass, the eighteen princes all had their hearts condensed.

"Water battle?"

When it comes to water battles, one person's name comes to everyone's mind.

"Jiangdong Tiger, Sun Jian!"

Sun Jian fought bravely, always putting his life and death at risk. He always took the lead in every battle, relying on this courage and invincibility.

Sun Jian grew from a low-born official to a prince in the late Han Dynasty, and was known as the "Jiangdong Tiger".

Even Dong Zhuo and his Xiliang soldiers were afraid of Sun Menghu.

"Could it be that Sun Jian occupies a share of the world?"

The faces of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu turned dark instantly.

Sun Jian's bravery is obvious to everyone!

The scene in the sky changed.

On the awe-inspiring battleship, stood a general wearing blood-colored armor.

The general held one hand behind his back, with a sharp sword stuck at his side.

His eyes were majestic, staring at the river.

"Who is this person? Is it Sun Jian?"

"So many warships, so terrifying!"

The eighteen princes began to discuss in whispers.

Sun Jian was even guessing whether this person could be him!
Suddenly a raging fire ignited, and several figures jumped onto the warship!
These people were both male and female, and no one could tell who they were.

We can only guess which general it is!
Everyone felt even more outrageous about that woman!
After all, the number of times women appear on the battlefield is very rare!
(End of this chapter)

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