Chapter 117 The show is coming to an end
Under Xu Fei's careful observation, he finally discovered something was wrong.

For several days, Yu Qiu Shui acted as the chef, and Xu Fei and the others did not have to go out to look for wild fruits, fish, shrimps, etc. to make some rough meals.

There’s even rice among the things fans send in.

It really complied with what the program team said before. Xu Fei came back this time not to survive on a deserted island, but to go on vacation.

But fortunately, after the previous small episode, the audience did not express anything wrong with this. After all, Xu Fei was wronged before. Although it was an oolong in the end, it also made the audience understand Xu Fei's experience. There has been a profound change.

In addition, it has been so long since the show started filming, and the original intention has changed.

It is no longer just about simply shooting to gain the audience's attention. After all, there are so many fan groups there, and they can't bear the slightest hardship for their idols.

In line with the attitude of not causing trouble, the program team did not interfere in the lives of these people. Everything remains as usual. If they are willing to eat what fans send to them, let them eat it. If they are willing to do it, let them do it. , the program team no longer has any hope for this episode except for the camera sent to the island.

After all, the background shows that the show is still making money, and the number of views is gradually increasing, so why should they bother to interfere and do something?

If it can make the show's ratings higher, that's just the icing on the cake, but if it accidentally backfires, it's a disaster. Why bother?

Therefore, the program team left Xu Fei and the others on the island advantageous by letting things go.

For several days in a row, Xu Fei and the others had enough to eat, sleep and sleep. They didn't have to worry about life at all. Apart from the poor accommodation conditions, there were no other problems.

Xu Fei was surprised to find that the food he had been eating in the past few days seemed to be getting better and better. It was not because of his good appetite, but because of Yu Qiushui's good cooking skills.

Every time Yu Qiushui cooks, several people come to watch and praise her. Even Xu Fei feels incredible towards this girl from the bottom of his heart.

Just because the rice cooked by Yu Qiushui was so delicious, not only others ate it with gusto, but even the audience outside the screen couldn't help but salivate when they saw it.

And after Xu Fei accidentally used chopsticks to eat rice from other people's bowls several times, he was surprised to find that his own bowl seemed to be a little more delicious.

This is not Xu Fei's illusion, but what really happened.

He tasted it for several days in a row, and every time it was very different. His own rice was somehow better than others.

When Yu Qiushui brought a bowl of fried fish in front of Xu Fei again with a smile, Xu Fei's brows involuntarily jumped again.

It's strange, my eyebrows have been beating crazily these days. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?Xu Fei couldn't tell.

However, combined with the crispy golden fried fish at noon today, Xu Fei had some guesses that it was probably a good thing.

It seems that except for Xu Fei, no one else noticed that Yu Qiushui liked him.

Is it my own illusion?
Xu Fei asked himself, this girl looked at him differently from others these days.

But at the same time, Xu Fei didn't want to have anything too deeply involved with him. He was only a 17-year-old boy, and the other party was already 20 years old, a full three years older than him.

Although there is a saying that female juniors hold gold bricks, Xu Fei doesn't think so.

Yu Qiushui is a popular movie star. She has just starred in a popular TV series and has countless fans. If she rashly joins it at this time, isn't it like a moth rushing into a flame and seeking death?Combined with the various scandals and revelations about the entertainment stars in his previous life, Xu Fei also secretly had a cold war.

With his small body, when it comes to the entertainment industry, it's not like he has to spit out all the bones he chewed, so he should not mess with him as much as possible, and mess with him as little as possible.

Of course, Yu Qiushui didn't show too much to Xu Fei. Although her eyes were a little different, she was also one of the people being recorded by the camera at this time, so it was impossible for her to do anything too extreme.

Besides, there are so many fans watching the live broadcast, I believe that Yu Qiushui's brain will not suddenly short-circuit at this time and have something to do with him.

Thanks to Xu Fei pulling out a gun and saving Yu Qiu Shui's life, many of Yu Qiu Shui's fans now like Xu Fei, a great young man. Once they know that Yu Qiu Shui seems to have some thoughts about him, Xu Fei will I don’t even know how I can live.

Those fans who may be praising themselves for being a great guy one second may tear themselves alive the next second.

Therefore, Xu Fei pretended not to see Yu Qiushui's affectionate eyes and continued to go his own way and ignored it.

When others praised Yu Qiushui's cooking skills, he also praised him. When others lay down to sleep, Xu Fei also lay there to sleep.

Even when a few people were playing poker and games together, Xu Fei was relatively close to Brother Dao and the others. Xu Fei subconsciously avoided the look in Yu Qiushui's eyes.

The other people didn't take this seriously. After all, Xu Fei had some conflicts with Yu Qiushui for a long time.

In the past, when Xu Fei saw Yu Qiushui, he would run and hide like a mouse when seeing a cat. Now Xu Fei is still doing this, and no one can notice any clues.

But Yu Qiushui seemed a little dissatisfied with Xu Fei's deliberate avoidance.

The quality of the food he cooked for Xu Fei a few times was obviously worse. Compared with his attitude a few days ago, it was a complete 180-degree turn, as if he was deliberately angry that Xu Fei had no reaction to his expression.

But Xu Fei still didn't say anything about it. The show will be filmed in a few days. I can't eat anything when I go home. I just have to endure it these days.

However, Yu Qiushui went too far, and once even deliberately knocked Xu Fei's unfinished meal to the ground without any indication.

Regarding what he did, Xu Fei always had only one thing to do, endure.

Those who can achieve great things cannot tolerate anything.

Seeing this, several other people also rebuked Yu Qiu Shui.It was Xu Fei who came out to talk to Xi Ni and said it was okay, it was okay, he was already full.

Finally, when the show was about to cool down, the show came to an end.

In these 10 days, they spent the most difficult moments together and also enjoyed the moments together, and they had deep feelings between them.

Facing the camera, several people expressed their feelings one after another, each telling their reluctance to leave the program team, their fellow travelers, and their feelings about this program.

The program team also ushered in the final moment after suffering all kinds of scolding.

(End of this chapter)

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