Chapter 35 Cry, cry for me!

Xu Fei did not enjoy this meal.

Although most of the food on the table went into Xu Fei's mouth, the people's comments greatly disturbed Xu Fei's enthusiasm for eating.

At the end of the meal, many people passed by and wanted to see what the big star Xu Fei looked like. Some people clamored to take photos with Xu Fei, which really made him lose his temper.

The two photographers were also very miserable at the moment. They had been frightened out of their wits by dozens of pairs of eyes staring blankly at them.

I thought I would be able to escape with luck and find time to fish, but unfortunately their scene was posted directly on the Internet. The audience said that these two people must be fishing. The angry chief director was furious, and the two of them I was just informed that my salary will be deducted.

This made the two of them anxious and frowning. They really hated it. They didn't fish early and didn't fish late. They fished when the director was angry. Isn't this the old man hanging himself - looking for death?

But they had no choice but to shoot even harder. After finally finishing the banquet, the two of them hurriedly approached Xu Fei, their eyes fixed on Xu Fei, not giving him any chance to get out of the camera.

Xu Fei said he didn't care about this. Apart from the discomfort of being treated like a monkey by everyone, in general, he was satisfied with having enough to eat and drink.

According to the funeral process, the third day is also the last day. On this day, all the people who come to attend the funeral will gather together for lunch. Those who eat for three days in a row like Xu Fei are relatively close, and those who are far away are only This day will come back today.

At around five o'clock in the morning, Xu Fei and Wang Xiaoman were hurriedly called out. They were confused when they saw the strong black man urging them: "Hurry up, get dressed and go out and follow them." .”

Monk Xu Fei and Zhang Er were confused, so they had to put on their clothes in a hurry. Judging from the situation, it was probably the last step of the funeral - the funeral.

Dozens of people, including men, women, old and young, had gathered in the courtyard. Everyone gathered together and talked in twos and threes.

A man came out from the middle of the main room, holding a bundle of wooden sticks in his arms, with white paper wrapped around the wooden sticks. He shouted to everyone: "Come on, come on, everyone gets a stick. The funeral will be held later." Got it!"

Seeing that everyone stepped forward to receive sticks, Xu Fei and Wang Xiaoman also stepped forward and each took one. Xu Fei picked the straightest stick and held it in his hand.

While these people were talking, cries suddenly came from the room. Four or five people knelt down in front of the dead old man's soul. Their cries were loud. There was a brazier in front of them, with paper money burning in it.

Those cries were real and tragic, and everyone present who was talking about them stopped talking.

Then someone came out of the house, holding a bundle of freshly lit incense and distributing it to everyone.

Finally, everyone in the room stopped crying. A huge coffin was loaded on the hearse. One person drove the car at the front, and the rest of the people lined up slowly to follow.

The women stayed in the courtyard waiting for everyone to return.The men walked out together, sorted by seniority. Xu Fei and Wang Xiaoman stood closely next to each other, following the people in front of them with confusion and curiosity.

Every time they reached an intersection, everyone would kneel down and wave the burning incense in their hands three times in the air.

Then the leader took out a few firecrackers and lit them in the open space. After the cannons were fired, everyone knelt down and kowtowed three times to the hearse before getting up and heading to the next intersection.

In this way, I walked through five or six intersections. During this period, I could barely pass through the intersections with the highest traffic volume in the village.

The group of people finally walked around the main road towards the entrance of the village.

Everyone still followed the above process. After finishing the process, the hearse started to drive away, and everyone stopped following. At this time, the leader raised the ceramic basin he had been holding in his hand.The paper money and ashes inside were also fluttered in the air by the wind, and then he threw it hard on the ground, and the basin suddenly fell into pieces. The ceremony was over, and then everyone gave three more bangs.

The leader shouted to the crowd: "Filial sons, cry!"

Then Xu Fei was surprised to find that everyone started crying starting from the leaders and spreading to the end of the team.

But except for a few people who were really sad and cried decently, everyone else basically just pretended to cry, only the sound was heard but the tears were not seen.

Recalling that he had eaten so much in the past few days, it was all thanks to the blessing of this dead old man. Seeing these people fooling around like this, Xu Fei suddenly felt sad in his heart, raised his voice, and burst out crying, Even Wang Xiaoman next to him was shocked.

Oh, why are my tears so obedient? I just shed them whenever I want to cry. Forget it, don’t care!
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu——Second Master, wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Everyone was pretending to cry, and when they suddenly heard Xu Fei's sorrowful and choking voice, they couldn't help but be startled.

But Xu Fei's face was covered with tears at this moment, and he was wailing and wailing, as if the dead person was his close relative.

In the past few days, everyone had almost figured out Xu Fei's identity. They knew that he was a young man from the city, and that he was just an outsider. It was only by chance that he was able to attend the funeral.

Seeing him crying loudly like this, several people's faces turned red, and then they were also infected. Their eyes gradually turned red, and then they burst into tears.

Not only are smiles contagious, others' crying can also be contagious. As more and more people cried at the scene, everyone also shed tears.

Although this funeral is a joyous funeral, which is the best kind of funeral, in the end the person is still gone. No matter how happy the funeral is, it is still a living person, and they are still their relatives and elders.

At this moment, it seemed that everyone could no longer suppress the sadness in their hearts, especially those headed by them, who were close relatives of the deceased uncle, including sons and grandsons. They were also moved to tears at this moment, no less than Xu Fei.

The two photographers, who did not dare to neglect, hurriedly moved the camera from Xu Fei alone to the entire audience, with their eyes moist.

A few people watching the excitement at the entrance of the village were also affected by these cries. An old man had his hands behind his back.He seemed to be talking to the people next to him, but also seemed to be murmuring to himself: "What a filial family. Look and listen, the cries are so real. Old man Wang's life has been worth it!"

"That's right. If the next generation of us can cry like this after a few of us die, it won't be in vain."

The tall grandson from before had been trying not to think about sad things since he was planning the funeral.

As the current pillar of the family, he cannot show his timidity in front of other relatives. He has always tried to make himself look strong.

Listening to the cries of everyone at this moment, it also hurts my heart. In front of grandpa, he will always be just a little grandson. At this moment, he also took off his disguise, lay on the coffin, and cried loudly: "Grandpa, please don't Let’s go, Grandpa.”

The crying lasted for half an hour before gradually stopping.

Everyone watched the hearse go away with deep emotions, and then returned home, waiting for the last banquet to begin at noon. At the same time, they also told everyone the strange things they saw today.

(End of this chapter)

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