Just because I can eat, let me go to the transfiguration meter

Chapter 98 Xu Fei?Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know at all

Chapter 98 Xu Fei?Don’t know, don’t know, don’t know at all

"Wait, what is this?"

Brother Dao rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then grabbed the instant noodles in Xu Fei's hand.

He is very familiar with this thing. He has never sold this kind of noodles anywhere from the ends of the earth to small country shops.

And it is the most classic Orleans taste.

At this moment, Brother Dao only felt that his three views had been destroyed.

He gritted his teeth and pointed at this side and said, "No, what is this? This is survival on a desert island, why are you sending instant noodles?"

"It's fine if you give me instant noodles, but why don't you give me crispy noodles? Is there any mistake?"

Yes, Xu Fei's first package contained something that everyone expected, a box of instant noodles, or rather a box of crisp noodles.

It cannot be used for soaking or cooking, but can be eaten immediately after opening the bag. It is fast and convenient, but the portion is smaller.

Xu Fei tore the whole box apart, took out the noodles one by one, and counted the various flavors on them.

"Salted duck egg flavor, turkey flavor, miscellaneous sauce flavor, barbecue flavor, spicy flavor, almost all the flavors that can be thought of on the market are here."

Xu Fei frowned and held the face in his hand, far away from him. He looked at this face in disbelief. Is this really a blind box that people can think of?

Forget it, I’ll give you instant noodles, but I’ll give you crispy noodles!

The cameraman who was standing there taking pictures couldn't hold back his smile anymore and burst into laughter, mocking Xu Fei mercilessly.

The viewers who were watching the live broadcast in front of the camera were also numb at this moment.

"No! Who with a dirty conscience would give this to someone? Even if Xu Fei has a bad reputation online, you can't just give him a box of crispy noodles. Isn't this sincere and disgusting?"

"Hahaha, am I reading that right? Simple noodles? It's the most classic Xiaodangjia. It was sent by a black fan, right? Tell Xu Fei quickly to see if the food inside is edible. You might have been poisoned by accident."

"I'm so happy. Even if you give me a box of mineral water, it's more straightforward and honest. This is definitely a black fan."

But Xu Fei was fortunate that these noodles were at least edible and tasted pretty good.

Xu Fei endured the black face and the ridicule of others, stacked the noodles neatly in the corner, and began to unpack the second package.

After the first lesson, Xu Fei was quite stable this time.

Xu Fei finally figured it out. He didn't have any true fans. He was just a fun-loving person. He just needed to avoid making any kind of cow dung or sheep dung to make him stink forever.

Xu Fei swore that whenever he smelled something wrong, he would immediately throw the thing into the sea, even if he beat him to death, he would not let the audience in front of the screen know.

When the second package was opened, there was no smell, and Xu Fei felt relieved.

He opened the express box squarely, revealing the contents.

In front of Xu Fei, there were more than a dozen cloves of garlic.
So Xu Fei collapsed for the second time.Now Xu Fei couldn't help but throw all the express delivery boxes into the sea. Oh, he just wanted to ask these fans who delivered express delivery if they had bags in their heads. Why did they bring this stuff up?
The photographer cautiously approached Xu Fei, pointed the camera at the dozen garlics, and laughed mercilessly again.

For the audience in front of the screen, they were already laughing from ear to ear after the baptism just now, but when they saw Garlic again, they were even more shocked and were stunned for two or three seconds.

"Wait, am I right? It's garlic. What does this mean? Can anyone tell me?"

"Hahaha, haven't you heard a saying? If you eat noodles without garlic, the flavor will be half as bad. I can guarantee that the person who sent these two boxes is the same person. He also thoughtfully arranged the two boxes top and bottom!"

"What kind of magical brain circuit is this? If you eat noodles without garlic, the flavor will be reduced by half? That noodles are hand-rolled noodles, not dry noodles. This is something sent by someone with a brain, lol It’s killing me, hahahaha!”

"Okay, from now on I declare that I am not a fan of Xu Fei. I don't know this person at all. Whoever is his fan should admit it himself."

"I'm sorry, we don't know each other, not familiar, not familiar at all."

Xu Fei frowned and placed a dozen garlics on the temporary chopping board. His head was already covered with black lines. Looking at the smiling people beside him, Xu Fei became numb again.

No, what are fans doing when they have nothing to do?You spent all the postage to send me all this junk, do you want to see if I really eat crispy noodles with garlic according to your wishes?
I'm Yarema!

And this is far from over, Xu Fei still has many packages in front of him.

Then Xu Fei opened the third package. There was no other way. These things were just left there, so they had to be opened.

Compared with the first two boxes, the third box was much heavier. Xu Fei spent a lot of effort to move it down, and used the knife he had just taken apart to cut open the tape to reveal the contents.

"Self-hungry pot."

Three big characters caught Xu Fei's eyes.

His heart, which had finally calmed down, started beating suddenly again.

What the hell, what the hell is this?Who can tell me what it means when you give me two selfies on a desert island survival show?
The name of the hot pot also says braised beef flavor, Orleans barbecue flavor, and spicy chicken wings!

It’s not over, right?It’s not over, right?
Sure enough, just as Xu Fei expected, he suddenly took out these self-pleasure pots, the camera focused on them, and everyone started laughing for the third time.

"So I want to know if the people who sent these three express packages are the same person. Is this person's brain circuit so strange? Or does becoming a fan of Xu Fei automatically lead to intelligence? If that is the case, then I will never If you’re not a fan of Xu Fei, this is too funny!”

"Other people receive all kinds of daily necessities, emergency needs, beef and other things. Not only do they have noodles, but they can also solve urgent needs. Xu Fei's fans are different. It seems like they want Xu Fei to be like this." I’ve been living comfortably for a few days.”

"Don't laugh, you guys. Let me tell you something. Apart from the big words "self-heating pot", this thing is indeed a good thing. But the more I read these three words, the more I want to laugh! Hahahaha."

"This is really in line with the saying, there are fans for just what kind of people there are. From the gifts sent by Xu Fei's fans, we can see that Xu Fei, like his fans, seems to be mentally abnormal!"

"My eyes are open, my eyes are open. In the past, watching variety shows was all about the director's routines and the screenwriter's credit. Now this extreme life and death scene has allowed me to see what it means to play with reality. Would a normal person give such a thing as a gift?"

"By the way, what if Xu Fei's next package contains a piece of shit? I feel like he will be nailed to the pillar of shame on the show!"

(End of this chapter)

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