The great man will live forever

Chapter 12 The Correct Operation of Holding the Thigh

Chapter 12 The Correct Operation of Holding the Thigh
Wei Qing went down, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty left Huo Qubing behind.

"Qu Bing, please tell me in detail what happened during this war."

"It's Your Majesty!"

So Huo Qubing told everything about the attack on the Xiongnu camp by 800 people.

"You killed more than 30 Huns soldiers this time?"

"Your Majesty, the Hun soldiers also have two shoulders and one head. They fell off with a light chop. They are not scary at all."

If Liu Han were here, he would probably yell, "Good guy, my good brother, you are really the first King of Versailles, do you think you are chopping a watermelon?"
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked with a smile, "Okay, okay, you are worthy of being my champion. Your little brother Liu Han, how many Huns have my nephew killed?"

"He said he killed seven people."

Liu Che took a drink of water and felt that there were fewer people than expected, "There are only seven people."

"It's not that small. He is younger than Chen. He is only 16 this year. Moreover, it is his first time to kill the enemy in battle. It is the first time for a soldier to kill the enemy. He is not afraid and cannot hold weapons. It is good."

"That's true, but it's also your first time on the battlefield."

"I have been studying with His Majesty since I was a child. It is naturally better to hunt frequently."

"Are you being humble enough to think so highly of him?"

"His martial arts skills are not inferior to those of my subordinates, and he is also good at riding and shooting..."

Huo Qubing immediately told the story of his acquaintance with Liu Han.


It was 133 AD, the second year of Yuanguang, the eighth year after Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ascended the throne. At that time, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was 24 years old, Liu Han was 5 years old, and Huo Qubing was 7 years old.

Chang'an, in a medium-sized mansion,

A seven-year-old child is practicing archery. He is Huo Qubing. His bow and arrows are small and specially made.

In front of him was a target with small arrows stuck on it. The sun was a little big, and the sunlight was blazing and baking the earth, but he didn't care at all.

It is worth mentioning that Huo Qubing's background was not good. He was born into a slave family. He was born from an affair between Wei Shao'er, a female slave in Princess Pingyang's mansion, Wei Qing's second sister, and Huo Zhongru, a minor official in Pingyang County.

At that time, Huo Zhongru naturally did not dare to admit that he had an affair with a female slave in the princess mansion, so Huo Qubing could only live as an illegitimate child.

Huo Zhongru did not fulfill any of his father's responsibilities and obligations when Huo Qubing was growing up. However, later, after Huo Qubing became famous, he still recognized his ancestors and returned to the clan, and his biological father Huo Zhongru bought a lot of land and houses.

He also trained his half-brother Huo Guang, who later became a famous powerful official in the history of the Western Han Dynasty.

Of course, being born does not mean that life will be miserable. On the contrary, as Wei Zifu entered the palace and was named wife by the emperor, the Wei family got rid of their status as slaves and entered the upper class.

At that time, Huo Qubing was only a few years old, barely sensible, and his family had entered the upper class. It could be said that he grew up in sugar water. There were many servants in the family, and he was well-dressed and well-fed.

But he is not like other dandy boys who indulge in pleasure and spend money wantonly.

He is a man with great ambitions and achievements. He lives in the era of opening up new territories. He is always concerned about the fate of the country and the war. He longs to be like his uncle one day, galloping on the battlefield, sharing the country's worries, and immediately becoming a marquis.

For this reason, he practiced hard on horseback, archery, and the skills of killing enemies and making meritorious deeds.

"Awesome, are you Huo Qubing?"

In the yard and under the corridor, there are children over 5 years old standing. They are red-faced, chubby, and very cute. That is Liu Han.

At this time, he had only traveled through time for a year, and after spending half a year trying hard to get some money from his brother Liu Yi, he came to Chang'an.

He had only one goal, to hold his thighs. Who had the biggest legs in this period? There was no doubt that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Unfortunately, even though he had the title of a clan member of the Han Dynasty, he had no way to see Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Moreover, the emperor was crazy. Are you going to listen to a 5-year-old child?

Therefore, he could only target Huo Qubing, who was about the same age as him, the future Hussar General and Champion.

"I am Huo Qubing, who are you?"

"My name is Liu Han, and the Acting King Liu Yi is my brother. I want to recognize you as my eldest brother. I'm the eldest brother, please accept me as my younger brother!"

Liu Han said, half-kneeling down.

Huo Qubing, who was still 7 years old, was stunned. He was a little at a loss. What kind of routine was this? He would worship his eldest brother when they met.


"Because I also like archery."

"it is good!"

So, Liu Han went to Huo Qubing's house to eat and drink for free, which made Huo Qubing think that this kid just came to the house to eat and drink for free, and he didn't move out until he was older. It was hard to drive him away, because he was the younger brother of King Dai.

Emotions need to be cultivated from an early age...

After hearing this, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty laughed, and Huo Qubing said something else.

"You put it that way, I am becoming more and more interested in Liu Han."

At this time, the eunuch Su Wen came to report, "Your Majesty, Liu Han has brought you here."

"Let him in."

This was the second time Liu Han met Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The first time was when he was ten years old. He thought about making a name for himself, but later thought about it. If he was ten years old and acted like an adult, giving advice to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, it would be a bit too weird. Well, one day the emperor felt uneasy and killed him, and he would have died.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Liu Han knelt down and bowed down very smoothly, as if he were worshiping his ancestors. After all, the people of the Han Dynasty were considered his ancestors, and he was still the emperor.

"Stay flat, raise your head, I'll take a good look at you."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Liu Han carefully and praised him, "Yes, he is tall and mighty, talented, and suave. He is worthy of the blood of my Liu family!"

It has to be said that appearance associations have been indispensable from ancient times to the present. How could Wei Zifu be the queen if he was not beautiful.

The Wei family has good genes, and both Wei Qing and Huo Qubing are tall and handsome.

"Just now, I was discussing you with Qu Bing. Yes, you are a good boy. You are just 16 this year, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"What do you call your majesty? From now on I will call you uncle. You are my nephew. It is rare for our Liu family to have you who can go to the battlefield."

"Yes, uncle!" Liu Han also climbed up the pole.

"Liu Han accepts the seal."

"I am here, I will now make you the general of the auxiliary country."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Liu Han did not expect that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was very generous. He was only a general to assist the country, but he was already able to lead an army alone. He was a senior general, which was quite good. He was originally just a military prince and a low-level general. This was a consecutive promotion. There are more than three levels, it’s like riding a rocket.

Of course, this is much worse than Huo Qubing's title of Marquis and General of Cavalry, whose status is only lower than that of the Three Dukes.

It is worth noting that the nine ranks of officials only appeared in the Cao Wei Dynasty in the late Three Kingdoms period. The first ones are basically the three gongs and nine ministers. The size of a person's official position is measured by the number of stones in salary.

There are sixteen levels in total, from top to bottom, including: ten thousand stones, medium two thousand stones, true two thousand stones, two thousand stones, compared to two thousand stones, thousand stones, compared to a thousand stones, six hundred stones, four hundred stones, compared to four One hundred stones, three hundred stones, compared to three hundred stones, two hundred stones, one hundred stones, Dou Shi, Zuoshi.

"Work hard, follow me to fight against the Huns, and be granted the title of...hou as soon as possible."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty wanted to make him the king, but he changed his mind. Liu Han was his nephew, and his surname was Liu. If he had great merit, he could be made the king.

At that time, after Liu Bang became emperor, he used various excuses to get rid of the kings with different surnames. At the same time, he made the Liu family's nephews kings with the same surname. He killed the white horse and took blood to form the White Horse Alliance with the ministers, and established the "King of the non-Liu family, the world will share the same." The oath to "attack it."

Unfortunately, not long after his death, Empress Lu gained power and made all Lu kings. The kings of the Lu family were not eliminated one by one until Empress Lu died.

Except for Empress Lu, before Wang Mang usurped the throne, there was indeed no one who was not named king without Liu Xing.

In fact, Liu Han also knew that even if he made great contributions, he would probably not be crowned king. Liu Che did not want another kingdom. He wished that there would be fewer and fewer kings and smaller kingdoms.

"I heard that you have a crush on that Hun princess?"


Liu Che nodded, "At 16, it's time to start a family. However, she is still a Huns. You have to keep this in mind. It's okay to be a slave."


"She is very pretty?"

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked this, Liu Han felt cold and pretended not to care, saying, "Is it okay? If the emperor likes it, the nephew will not want it."

"Would I like a barbarian woman?"

Liu Han felt contempt in his heart. If you saw it, you might really like it.

"Uncle Emperor, calm down."

Liu Han quickly knelt down and apologized.

"Okay, I don't know how to eat people, so I gave her to you. Men can be lustful, but don't indulge in it. Remember, you are the general of the Han Dynasty, my nephew, and the unicorn of my Liu family."

Most people would probably have tears in their eyes if they were like this. Liu Han kowtowed and said, "Yes, I must be the emperor's uncle, and I will serve my great man and my Liu family until I die!"

He wanted to cry, but couldn't, so he could only lower his head and show respect.

"It's just a matter of dedication and exhaustion, let's go down!"

"Yes, that nephew resigned."

After walking out of the palace, Liu Han breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was not Wei Qing or Huo Qubing. He was under great pressure in front of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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