The great man will live forever

Chapter 14 Accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger

Chapter 14 Accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger

In the prison, Zhang Cigong was completely panicked after hearing Zhang Tang's story. He shouted: "I'm wronged. I will never rebel against the imperial court."

"Maybe, but General Zhang, as a general whom the general relies on, your personal misconduct leads to the leakage of important military secrets of the country, which is also a serious crime. Therefore, you'd better confess honestly, General Have you ever had contact with Huainan King Liu An?"

Zhang Cigong sighed, knowing that now he had to confess and be lenient, at least there was a chance to save his life.

The conversation was skillful. Zhang Tang got the results he wanted without using any force.

"I have only met twice. Wang Shuo, the fortune teller of King Huainan, once gave me a fortune-telling."

Seemingly thinking of something, Ya quickly said: "By the way, one of the times, General Li Guang was also present."

"Is there such a thing?"

Zhang Tang seemed to have discovered something again, and his eyes lit up.

At this time, in the Changping Marquis Mansion, Wei Qing had a headache and he hadn't rested yet.

At this time, a woman came from outside the house. She was elegant and elegant, wearing purple clothes. She was probably in her 40s. She was Princess Pingyang.

The reason why Princess Pingyang is famous in history is probably because she was the wife of Wei Qing.

In the fifth year of Yuanshuo, that is, 124 BC, Wei Qing married Princess Pingyang. At this time, Princess Pingyang was already over 40 years old, and Wei Qing was only about 30 years old. They were at least ten years apart.

It is worth mentioning that this princess has been married three times. She is the biological sister of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. She has the same mother, so they have a good relationship.

She first married Cao Shou, the Marquis of Pingyang, so she was known as Princess Pingyang, and gave birth to a son, Cao Xiang.

After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty came to the throne, she was revered as the eldest princess.After Cao Shou died not long after, she remarried Xiahou Po, the Marquis of Ruyin.

What's ridiculous is that this Xiahou Po was not only not interested in the princess, but also secretly had an affair with his father's concubine.After being discovered and reported, he committed suicide because he was afraid of being held accountable by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

After Xia Houpo committed suicide in fear of crime, she remarried the Grand Sima Weiqing. After the marriage, although the two were 11 years apart in age and neither was their first marriage, they had always been in love and got along very harmoniously.

It was through her that Wei Zifu was introduced to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. It can be said that she played an indispensable role in Wei Qing's success.

As for Wei Qing, he actually had a poor background and had a miserable childhood. His father didn't care for him and his mother didn't love him. He and Wei Zifu didn't have the same father, but the same mother. Of course, they had a good relationship.

Sima Qian's "Historical Records" says: "The general Wei Qing was from Pingyang. His father Zheng Ji was an official and served in the Hou family of Pingyang. He had a concubine with the concubine Wei and gave birth to Qing. Qing's brother Wei was the eldest son of the same mother, and his sister Wei was the eldest son. Zihu was lucky enough to be the emperor from Princess Pingyang's family, so he took the surname Wei, with the courtesy name Zhongqing. The eldest son was given the nickname Changjun. Changjun's mother's name was Wei Yu. My eldest daughter Wei Ru, the second daughter Shao Er, the second daughter Wei Zifu. Later. Zihu's male brothers, Bu and Guang, both belong to the Wei family."

In other words, his surname was not Wei, but Zheng, but his father was not good to him, so he came to live with his mother, and then changed his surname to Wei in order to gain recognition.

You must not think that her surname is Wei because her mother is Wei Yu. His mother's surname is not Wei either. Her name Wei Yu does not mean that her surname is Wei. In ancient times, whoever she married would have her surname, such as Wang or Cao.

'媪' means old woman in ancient times. "Wei Yu" means the old lady of the Wei family. Wei Yu was originally a servant of the Pingyang Marquis Mansion. Her name is not recorded in history books. Because she married an unknown man named Wei, she was called Wei Yu, just like Mrs. Zhang is called today. , the same as the old lady of the Li family.

You can understand that in order to get rich, he took his stepfather's surname, so there is a saying in the historical records that he pretended to be the Wei family...

Princess Pingyang walked in, walked close to Wei Qing, and whispered: "I see, you'd better not ask about this matter."

At this time, Wei Qing covered his forehead. He was in great pain. As a general, he was inferior to ten thousand people, so he naturally knew that Zhang Cigong had been arrested.

"Hmph, one Zhang Cigong and the other Su Jian were both capable generals who fought with me through life and death. Now, one is demoted to a commoner because of his defeat, and the other is regarded as a traitor. If I don't care about this, then what? Didn’t it chill the hearts of my old subordinates?”

Wei Qing wanted to take care of it, but it was difficult.

Princess Pingyang advised: "Zhang Cigong was involved in the major case of Huainan King's rebellion. His Majesty personally supervised the case. You must not be unaware of the seriousness."

Wei Qing knew his subordinates quite well, "I know this Cigong well. If you say he is lustful and has no brains, it is possible. But if you say he is traitorous, it is absolutely impossible. I must go to see the emperor." Princess Pingyang Seeing that he didn't listen to the advice, he got a little angry and started to curse: "You are looking for death, you!"

Wei Qing said angrily: "Is there such a person who dares to fight a traitor without risking life or death?"

"You did not fight well in this battle. Zhao Xin surrendered and Su Jian's entire army was wiped out. You are extremely lucky that the emperor did not punish you. You know, the emperor does not recognize his relatives. What he practices is the Legalist way."

I have to say that as the emperor's sister, Princess Pingyang knew Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty very well. If they were cruel, they would kill their own sons in their later years, let alone your brother-in-law.

However, speaking of it, the relationship between Wei Qing and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a bit complicated.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty married Wei Qing's sister, and Wei Qing in turn married the sister of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

They are brother-in-law and brother-in-law. Most people would probably be shocked and unable to understand this relationship.

"He will be rewarded if he has merit, and will be punished if he is guilty. He never cares about any of the emperor's relatives. How can you disobey the emperor's will in this situation? Interfering with His Majesty's decision in order to protect your subordinates?"

After Wei Qing was silent for a moment, he looked at his wife in front of him and asked, "What, what did the emperor say to you?"

Princess Pingyang shook her head, "I never said it, but I know the emperor better than you. Since Zhang Qian returned, he has learned about the inside story of the Xiongnu. He has changed his original idea. He is not just thinking about defending against the Xiongnu attack, but also wants to defend against the Xiongnu attack. Defeat the Xiongnu, avenge the humiliation, and complete the unfinished business of our ancestors."

The greatest shame of the Western Han Dynasty was the Siege of Baideng. Liu Bang and his vanguard were besieged on Baideng Mountain in Pingcheng for 7 days and 7 nights, completely cutting off contact with the main force.

Later, Liu Bang adopted Chen Ping's strategy and bribed Maodun Shanyu's wife, Yan, to escape from danger.

The history books do not clearly state what tactics Chen Ping used, but looking at the later Han strategy towards the north, we will know that it is nothing more than sending beautiful women, giving money, professing vassalage to the Huns, and making marriages, and constantly making marriages...

But it was too unpleasant to hear, so few people were willing to talk about it in detail later.

After the "Siege of Baideng", Maodun Shanyu repeatedly violated the covenant between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu and carried out intrusions and plundering activities on the border.

Not only that, but Shan Yu also came to rob big men from time to time.

"So, anyone who blocks his way is simply seeking death."

Princess Pingyang was smarter and saw what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was thinking.

Wei Qing nodded after hearing this and said: "No wonder the emperor attaches great importance to the long-distance attack strategy to cure the disease. It turns out that the emperor wants to open up the Western Region."

Seeing that it was almost done, Princess Pingyang continued to add fuel to the fire and said: "Even if the emperor kisses you again, he can't kiss Tian Fu and the Queen Mother. Accompanying the emperor is like accompanying a tiger. You, it's better to take it easy as soon as possible, Han Xin, Zhou Yafu , Dou Ying, aren’t those all your previous lessons?”

Wei Qing was not angry at all after being scolded like this. Instead, he smiled and said, "Thank you, good wife, for your teachings."

"Su Jian also advised me to recruit more customers. Fortunately, I didn't agree to it at the beginning."

"You just understand now."

The two looked at each other, Wei Qing gently held her hand and said softly: "It's great to have you!"

 Since ancient times, famous generals are like beauties, and they are not allowed to grow old in the world. Huo Qubing died in his 20s, and Wei Qing also died in his 40s.

  Some records indicate that Princess Pingyang married Wei Qing in 115 BC, but there may be problems with this record. There are also records that Wei Qing should have married Princess Pingyang when he was in his 30s. There is no record of the specific year Wei Qing was born. , but he should be about 11 years older than Huo Qubing. In 123 BC, after Huo Qubing was named the champion, he was 18 years old, and Wei Qing was at least 29 years old at that time. If it was 115 BC, then he was Princess Pingyang. If he gets married, he will probably be close to 40.

  A large part of the novel I am currently writing is based on my own imagination. Although I am deliberately pursuing truth from facts and respecting history, if it is exactly the same as history, it is better to read historical records. If there are time travelers, it will definitely change the course of history. I tried my best to make the logic smooth and interesting for you to read, but I also included some basic knowledge in it. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me.

(End of this chapter)

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