The great man will live forever

Chapter 202 The stupid son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 202 The stupid son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

In a room, surrounded by guards, two people were talking. They were King Liu Dan of Yan and King Liu Xu of Guangling.

"Third brother, I haven't seen you for many years. I miss you very much."

Guangling King Liu Xu looked at his brother Yan King Liu Dan with a happy expression on his face. They were from the same mother, and his mother was Li Ji. He even hugged him.

After the founding of the Western Han Dynasty, the harem hierarchy continued the old system of the Qin Dynasty: the emperor's mother was called the empress dowager; his grandmother was called the empress dowager; his concubine was called the queen; and his concubines were all called madams.

There are also titles such as beauty, beloved man, eighth son, seventh son, long envoy, and young envoy.During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, four titles were added: Jieyu, Yi'e, Huanhua, and Chongyi.

Li Ji is a beauty, but she is not Mrs. Li. To distinguish them, Liu Dan's mother is called Li Ji.

Li Ji was a woman who was not favored by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty loved four women the most in his life. The first was Chen Ajiao who helped him ascend to the throne, and the second was Wei Zifu who gave him the arms of a man.

The third place is Li Meiren, Li Yannian’s sister and Li Guangli’s sister. Yougeyun:
There are beautiful people in the north, peerless and independent.

Regardless of the city, consider the country.

Wouldn't you rather know the allure of the city and the allure of the country?A beautiful woman is hard to come by again.

Finally, there is Liu Fuling’s mother, Mrs. Gou Yi. She is young, beautiful, gentle and lovely, who doesn’t like her?

Although Li Ji is not favored, she has an advantage that no one can match, and that is her ability to give birth.

She gave birth to two sons in a row. Wei Zifu gave birth to three daughters in a row before giving birth to a son. However, other concubines only had one son in their lifetime, and many did not have any at all. In comparison, Li Ji is likely to be A system that makes it easier to get pregnant.

Giving birth to a child can only be said to be a talent. It is inherited in genes and cannot be learned by others.

Even in later generations, pregnancy is a matter of drought or flood.

Some people are unable to conceive no matter how hard they want, so the infertility department is busy and busy every day, and it even takes several days in advance to call a specialist!

But some people are very easy to get pregnant, and they can get pregnant at the first touch. If they don't want it, they have to have an abortion, which is also very troublesome!

Even some people who have taken contraceptive measures are not yet insured because they have a fertile body and it is really easy to get pregnant!
It wasn't that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was incompetent, it was probably because the survival rate of tadpoles was not high. There were surprisingly many women in the harem, but there were really not many children, so he was able to give birth to two in a row. Li Ji's fertile physique was quite strong.

But being able to give birth does not mean that she was born well, nor does it mean that she is smart. Fortunately, she had two sons. Unfortunately, neither of the two sons inherited the clever brains of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Simply put, they had well-developed limbs and simple minds.

In the original time and space, after the witchcraft disaster, the prince Liu Zhi committed suicide, and the second eldest son Liu Hong died young. The third eldest king of Yan, Liu Dan, believed that according to the order of elders, it should be his turn to be the emperor.

Moreover, when he looked around at his brothers, he saw that Liu Xu, his fourth brother, was as stupid as a pig and had no merit except that he was stronger than himself.

Liu Kun, the fifth child, has not been in particularly good health over the years and looks like he will die early. As for Liu Fuling, the sixth child, he is only seven or eight years old. He is the young master of the country. His father is most afraid of his relatives taking power. He is a mere fool. Boy, how can you fight with yourself?

So, feeling that he had a chance to win, he did a very stupid thing.

In the first year of Houyuan (88 BC), seeing that his father, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was old and seriously ill and dying, he felt that he was going to die. Liu Dan couldn't wait to send an envoy to Chang'an and wrote to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, asking him to stay in Chang'an to prepare for the death. unexpected.

The four words "Suwei Chang'an" are very special. It means guarding the palace and protecting Chang'an. To put it bluntly, it means asking Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty for the military power of Chang'an.

Good guy, think about this scene. You have worked hard for most of your life and left behind a [-] billion company. Now you are old and dying on the bed. Your son runs over eagerly. Instead of caring about your health, he says: " Write your inheritance quickly, dad, I will inherit the group and hand over the company to me..."

Good guy, I just told you to die quickly and let me take over. Who would be happy about this?Especially for someone like Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty who was greedy for power and wanted to live forever, he was naturally very angry.

Emperor Wu was furious after reading the letter and immediately beheaded the envoy. Then he accused King Yan of "hiding desperadoes and violating Han law" and cut off three counties of his feudal state as punishment.

Then he lamented that "the son should be placed in the land of Qilu to influence his etiquette; if he is placed in the land of Yanzhao, he will be eager to fight for power." He hated Liu Dan and made his youngest son Liu Fuling the crown prince.

Originally, he might have a good chance. If he showed some filial piety and didn't reveal his coveting for the throne, he could pretend for a year or two. It wouldn't even take that long. The crown prince's position might be his.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was not so determined to establish Liu Fuling. After all, this child is too young. He is only about 8 years old. Can you govern the country well?

But all this was lost because of his anxiety and stupidity.

Later, he did some stupid things, which was a series of rebellions.

In 87 BC, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty passed away and Liu Fuling was appointed crown prince to inherit the throne.

After Liu Fuling succeeded to the throne, Liu Dan thought that Liu Fuling, who was only eight years old, was not a cause for concern, so he joined forces with Liu Chang and Liu Ze of the clan to rebel and usurp the throne.

Of course, he was not particularly stupid, and he raised a very powerful banner. He said that Liu Fuling was not the son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but a "false emperor" established by treacherous ministers. The people of the world should rise up and unite to crusade, and send people to Spread it to all counties and counties to shake the people's hearing and hearing.After he created public opinion, he recruited desperadoes from all over the Yan Kingdom to serve as soldiers. He also collected copper and iron from the people to make weapons. He also went out for military exercises in person from time to time. He also recruited people to set up paddocks and carried out large-scale hunting in Wen'an County. Use this to discuss military matters, waiting for the day of the uprising...

Looking at it from this point of view, he was well prepared and accomplished something special. Unfortunately, he started to get carried away before he succeeded. He felt so carried away that he regarded himself as the future emperor, arbitrarily using the emperor's honor guard when he came in and out, and influencing his ministers. They are all called Shizhong.

The doctor Han Yi and others repeatedly tried to dissuade him, but he not only refused to listen, but also became furious and killed Han Yi and 15 others in total.

Good guy, he floated up and killed his own people before he raised an army. He didn't listen to advice. How could he succeed?

Moreover, he also found two pig teammates, Liu Chang, the son of King Ai of Zhongshan, and Liu Ze, the grandson of King Xiao of Qi.

Naturally, at the beginning, the fewer people knew about the rebellion, the better. Instead, he felt that the more, the better. Thinking he was Han Xin?
Sure enough, it was leaked that in August of the first year of the First Yuan Dynasty (86 BC), Liu Ze, the grandson of King Xiao of Qi, returned to Linzi, the capital of Qi State, intending to murder Jun Buyi, the governor of Qingzhou, and raised troops to respond to Liu Dan.

Before the matter was done, Liu Cheng learned about it and reported it to Jun Bujie.Jun Busu took advantage of his unpreparedness and dispatched officials to capture Liu Ze and his gang, and reported to the court...

He died before leaving the army. The imperial court asked Yousi to investigate the matter and implicated King Yan. Originally, he should be punished according to the law. Probably to show the emperor's benevolence and out of consideration for the kindness of his flesh and blood, Liu Fuling ordered that King Yan not be punished for his crime. Just to rectify Liu Ze and others.

Thinking that if the rebellion failed once, this guy would learn a lesson, but who knew that he would still be restless and struggling desperately. He became a little smarter and contacted Huo Guang's enemies, his sister, Princess Eyi, and the left general Shangguan Jie and his son.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and he's not too stupid.

In the sixth year of the First Yuan Dynasty (81 BC), Shangguan Jie and others listed Huo Guang's faults and conspired with Liu Dan to write to Emperor Zhao to report Huo Guang.

Liu Dan was very happy after getting the letter. Without thinking about it, he immediately went to Emperor Shuzhao and lied that "Huo Guang mobilized his troops without authorization and intended to rebel", and proposed to join the imperial guard to prevent the treacherous ministers from causing rebellion.

Good guy, do you think Liu Fulin is a fool?You wanted to rebel a few years ago, but now you say that others are plotting rebellion, and you even propose to join the imperial guard to prevent the traitorous ministers from causing trouble.

If he hadn't had the previous incident, Liu Fuling would have really believed you. You said that I was not the son of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and that you wanted to rebel against me. Now look at what you are saying now. You seem to be very loyal and even joined the Imperial Guard. , who believes it?

By doing this, Liu Fuling became closer to Huo Guang and alienated the Shangguan group. Even a fool could see that you and the Shangguan group were in the same group.

Looking increasingly helpless, Shangguan Jie and others prepared to launch an armed coup, directly destroying Huo Guang, deposing Liu Fuling, and installing Liu Dan. Good guy, the thing failed again, so it was aborted and was reported again. .

Many people were uprooted by Huo Guang, and the left general Shangguan Jie was killed. After his death, Liu Dan was smart and did not raise an army because he knew he would definitely lose.

Later, Liu Fulin sent a special envoy to deliver a seal letter, reprimanding him: "He is a foreigner with his surname who is plotting against the country. He has a rebellious heart and has no loyalty and love. If the ancients knew it, how should they return to serve Qi?" See the temple of Emperor Gaozu!"

Then, he cleverly committed suicide.

Looking at it this way, he is not particularly stupid, but he is a little naive, and his political level is too low, and he can't even compare to Huo Guang in terms of flattery.

In contrast, his fourth brother was too obviously stupid, with naked limbs and simple minds, so Liu Dan did not take him with him when he rebelled.Because he knew that if he took this younger brother with him, he would lead with his pig teammates, and he would definitely lose.

This guy actually has ambitions, but it's not that he doesn't act, it's that I draw a circle and curse you.

After the disaster caused by witchcraft, Liu Xu believed that witchcraft was very magical and could leave no trace of its work, so he found Li Nuxu, a famous witch from the Chu region, to use witchcraft to curse the emperor and allow himself to succeed to the throne.

Something magical happened, and soon after, Liu Fuling died. He thought it was the witch who had a miraculous effect. He was so happy that he forgot about it. He asked the witch to do it many times and kept drawing circles...

Later, Changyi King Liu He was conscripted into the capital and established as emperor. He was not convinced and continued to ask wizards to pray for curses. As a result, Changyi King Liu He was deposed after 27 days on the throne.

Good guy, Liu Xu was so happy that he trusted the witches more and more and gave them money and things many times.

Perhaps he was shouting in his heart: "I am really a master of curses. Whoever becomes the emperor will be cursed by me. Look, they are all dead. The emperor should belong to me, right?"

Facts have proved that this is unreliable. His curse was all Huo Guang's blessing. It was a struggle for power, but he didn't see it through.

After Liu Bing ascended the throne, Liu Xu cursed: "Why can the prince's grandson be made emperor instead? I am the son of Emperor Wu. I am the only one who has achieved great results. Is it my turn?"

He was impotent and furious, and continued to make the witch pray and curse as before.

Later, when his curse was discovered and relevant officials investigated the matter, he was very frightened. In order to silence him, he poisoned more than 20 wizards and palace residents...

In the end, he also committed suicide, the same ending as his brother Liu Dan.

It can only be said that God is fair. He gave them strong and tall bodies, but deprived them of part of their IQ. These two brothers can indeed live. If they were not stupid to death, they would probably live longer than Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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