The great man will live forever

Chapter 217 Continue to kill children

Chapter 217 Continue to kill children

In the second year of Yuanshou (1 BC), Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty passed away without leaving any heirs.

Soon after, Empress Dowager Wang issued an edict, appointing Wang Mang to serve as Grand Sima again, recording ministerial affairs, and also in charge of military orders and the imperial army.

After that, Wang Mang supported Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty to ascend the throne. Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty Liu Qu, whose original name was Liu Jizi, was the grandson of Emperor Liu Xi of Han Yuan Dynasty and the son of Liu Xing, the Xiaowang of Zhongshan. His mother was Wei Ji. This guy was only 9 years old when he became emperor.

What can a 9-year-old do?They have no ability to reproduce, let alone handle government affairs.

So, of course, Wang Mang did it for him, and he began to exercise the power of the emperor.

At the beginning, apart from destroying Dong Xian, he was doing well in other aspects. He worked conscientiously and won the support and love of the government and the public.

However, as time went by, Wang Mang's political ambitions were gradually exposed, or the fake Wang Mang began to follow history.

Just like in history, he began to exclude dissidents. He first forced Wang Zhengjun to drive away his uncle Wang Li, then promoted those who relied on him and eradicated those who offended and resented him.

The fake Wang Mang knew that in order to consolidate his position, he must strengthen his power in the court.Therefore, he took the initiative to curry favor with the then respected Confucian master Situ Kongguang.

The old guy Kong Guang was a veteran of three dynasties and was deeply respected by the Queen Mother and the government and the public, but his character was timid and overly cautious.

On the one hand, the fake Wang Mang took the initiative to approach and win over Kong Guang, recommending Kong Guang's son-in-law Zhen Han to serve as a servant and serving as the captain of the carriage. On the other hand, in the name of the Queen Mother, he forced Kong Guang to promote himself and took advantage of Kong Guang's influence. Use it as a tool to exclude dissidents.

Therefore, he successfully impeached He Wu and Gongsun Lu and removed them from their official positions.After that, they successively dismissed senior officials with more than [-] shi, including Shi Li, the servant of Zhongtai, Wu Jianglong, the governor of Nanjun, Ding Xuan, the governor of Taishan, and Zhao Chang, the governor of Hanoi, on various charges, and deprived Dong Wu, the Marquis of Gaochang, and Zhang You, the Marquis of Guannei. Waiting for the title...

At the same time, the fake Wang Mang gradually cultivated his own party members, using his cousins ​​Wang Shun and Wang Yi as his cronies, using his cronies Zhen Feng and Zhen Han to supervise impeachment inspections, and Ping Yan to manage confidential affairs.

Wang Mang always behaves seriously. When he wants to obtain some kind of benefit, he only needs to give a slight signal, and his followers will follow his wishes.

Then, Wang Mang would kowtow, cry, and resolutely refuse, thereby confusing the Empress Dowager, his aunt, and concealing his ambitions from others.

"When the new emperor ascends the throne, we should change the Yuan Dynasty to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

Wang Mang's eyes were calm, he just did what history recorded.

So, a coincidence occurred. The first year of Yuanshi turned out to be the first year of AD in later generations. Such a coincidence was too weird.

In the first year of the Yuan Dynasty (AD 1), ministers made suggestions to Wang Zhengjun and the Empress Dowager. They believed that Wang Mang's contribution to "deciding to install the ancestral temple" should be rewarded as well as Huo Guang's, and should be higher, and be granted the title of Anhan. male.

"Mang's meritorious deeds have made Zhou Cheng a white pheasant, and they have been the same for thousands of years. According to the law of the sage king, if a minister has great achievements, he will be given a good name. Therefore, the Duke of Zhou is still alive and entrusts the title to Zhou. Mang has made great contributions to the stability of the country and the Han family, so it is appropriate to give him a title." He is said to be the Duke of Anhan, to benefit households, to control lords and towns, to comply with the ancient system at the top, and to act according to the will of Heaven."

At that time, Emperor Xuan, based on Huo Guang's "decided strategy", issued an edict to grant him 6000 households in Hebei and Dongwuyang, making him enjoy 170 households, and rewarded him with a total of [-] jins of gold. , [-] million in money, [-] pieces of variegated silk and silk, [-] slaves, [-] horses, and one house.

The food for 1 households is the highest for the Marquis of the Han Dynasty. The highest for Niu Ruhuo Qubing is more than [-] households.

After Wang Mang learned the news, he wrote to Empress Dowager Wang that he had made the plan together with Kong Guang, Wang Shun, Zhen Feng, and Zhen Han, and hoped to reward the four of them first, and then consider himself.

He ignored the Queen Mother's many edicts and resolutely refused. The ministers kept making suggestions to the Queen Mother. After repeated refusals, Wang Mang finally accepted the title of "Anhan Gong", but he always refused to accept the [-] households and a salary.

Here, there are [-] households, which is even better than Huo Guang.

The Empress Dowager then issued an edict: "Hou Mang III, the new capital of the Grand Sima, was the third Duke. He held the post of Duke of Zhou and established policies for all generations. His merits were transferred to the loyal ministers and spread throughout the sea. People from far away admired his righteousness. The Yue Shang family re-translated and offered Bai Pheasant."

He used Zhaoling, Xinxi and two counties to have [-] households, and he was granted the title of Mang. He restored his heirs, assigned them to the lords and towns, and granted them the same merit as Xiao Xiangguo.He took Mang as the Taifu and was responsible for the four assistants. He was named Anhan Gong. "

In addition, Wang Mang and his three closest associates were promoted to the position of "Four Assistants": Wang Mang was the Grand Tutor and took charge of the Four Assistants; Kong Guang was the Grand Master, Wang Shun was the Taibao, and Zhen Feng was the most important position among the Young Masters.

The four of them jointly served as auxiliary ministers and held the power of the court. Their power became more and more powerful and they gradually became an important force in the court.

Their decisions affect the destiny and development direction of the country.Their actions have also attracted increasing attention and evaluation.Their political ambitions are also becoming more and more obvious and powerful.

During this period, Wang Mang's political ambitions were gradually exposed. He began to eliminate dissidents, eradicate those who offended and resented him, vigorously promoted those who relied on him, and gradually cultivated his own party members.

He used Kong Guang's influence as a tool to exclude dissidents, and he even did not hesitate to use various means to achieve his own goals. His power became stronger and stronger, and he attracted more and more people's attention and evaluation.

Political ambitions became more and more obvious and powerful. Zhen Feng sat in a high position in the central government. As the young master, his status was superior to all the ministers.

Wang Mang, as the Duke of Anhan and the decision-maker of the Sifu Pingjue, monopolized power. In order to consolidate his status and power, Wang Mang suggested first large-scale rewards to the princes, kings and descendants of the heroes.These awards are not only their honor, but also their admiration and respect for their ancestors.

Next, Wang Mang proposed that serving officials should be commended and the rituals and music of the ancestral temple should be improved so that the common people, the elderly and the weak could benefit.These measures can not only make society more harmonious, but also make people admire and respect the imperial court more.

At the same time, Wang Mang suggested implementing preferential policies for civilian scholars in order to regain the praise of the Han Dynasty.These policies would benefit all levels of society, thereby strengthening the court's dominance.

Secondly, Wang Mang suggested that the Queen Mother Wang Zhengjun should lead by example, live a simple life, and donate millions of money and thirty hectares of land to help the people.

This will trigger hundreds of officials to follow suit and form a good social atmosphere.Whenever he encountered floods or droughts, Wang Mang would set an example by eating only vegetarian food and not drinking alcohol or eating meat...

Look at it this way, this is simply a living saint. Look, everyone, this man is shining, his whole body is shining...

In the second year of Yuanshi (AD 2), there was a severe drought across the country and a locust plague occurred. The people in Qingzhou, the worst affected area, were displaced.

Under the leadership of Wang Mang, 230 officials and citizens donated land and houses to relieve the victims.In disaster-stricken areas, they generally exempted and exempted rents and taxes, and provided adequate pensions to the victims.

Huchiyuan in Anding County was also abolished and changed to Anmin County to resettle the victims.Even in Chang'an City, Wang Mang built a thousand houses for the victims.

In order to publicize Wang Mang's merits and virtues, the great Situ Sizhi Chen Chong praised his great achievements and said that he could be compared with the ancient saints.

Chen Chong's praise made Wang Mang's influence in society wider, and his kindness and wisdom won people's admiration and respect...

It has to be said that the fake Wang Mang followed the footsteps of history and did a very good job, walking towards the highest position step by step. He concealed his ambitions, leading many people to think that he was just the next Huo Guang.

Wang Mang was worried that the Wei family, the relatives of Emperor Han Ping, would divide his power, so he sealed Emperor Han Ping's mother Wei and her family to the Zhongshan Kingdom and banned them from returning to the capital.

At night, in Chang'an City, Wang Mang's eldest son Wang Yu lives in his mansion. At this time, Wang Yu is already 23 years old and Wang Mang is 47 years old. After calculation, he should have been born when he was 14 years old.

Can a man have a baby at the age of 14?Under normal circumstances, a boy's physical development is around 13-14 years old. In theory, it is OK, but it may not be possible. It depends on the person, but this is not his biological child at all.

Maybe Wang Yu knows, maybe he doesn't, it doesn't matter anymore. The son is no longer the son, and the father is no longer the father.

Wang Yu is only 23 years old, but he is very fertile. He already has six sons, Wang Qian, Wang Shou, Wang Ji, Wang Zong, Wang Shi, and Wang Li.

He had a son and a wife, so he naturally moved out to live in his own mansion instead of living with Wang Mang.

"Teacher, Aweng won't let His Majesty and Queen Zhongshan Xiao see each other. What if His Majesty grows up and settles accounts with his wife? The Huo family back then was a role model."

Wang Yu spoke worriedly to his Confucian teacher Wu Zhang.

He couldn't help but worry. Now Wang Mang is almost 50 years old. No one knows how many years he can live. Although Emperor Ping of the Han Dynasty is young, he will grow up sooner or later.

Think about it, is it cruel for you to bring a 9-year-old child to the capital and not let him meet his mother? When he grows up, will he take revenge? When Wang Mang burps, he will just I can take revenge on Wang Mang's son, but I am Wang Mang's eldest son, so I can't possibly confiscate my family and exterminate my clan.

At that time, not two years after Huo Guang's death, almost all the nine clans of the Huo family were wiped out. In Wang Yu's heart, his father was the next Huo Guang, or in other words, he was already the living Huo Guang. His family might be exactly the same as the Huo family, but he Na Na knew that his cheap father did not want to be Huo Guang, but directly became the emperor.

Wu Zhang was wearing Confucian clothes. He was about 50 years old and had a beard. He was a doctor when he became emperor. He was a Confucian scholar in the world and taught more than a thousand disciples. He was very famous. He sighed, "Yes, you were She secretly taught Queen Xiao to write a letter of thanks, and also mentioned the old crimes of Chen Ding and Fu, hoping to come to the capital, but she was not allowed.

Queen Xiao cried day and night, hoping to see His Majesty, but the general only increased the number of fiefs. The general was probably afraid of the lessons of the Fu and Ding families during the late emperor's time, but the lessons of Huo Guang's time were also before his eyes. "

"Then what should we do now?"

Wu Zhang pondered for a while and then said: "Well, if you scare the general with strange things, it may be effective. If the general returns to the Wei family, they will not kill them all. At most, they will make the general beg for his bones..."

Therefore, Wang Yu agreed with his teacher Wu Zhang's idea and asked his brother-in-law Lu Kuan to sprinkle dog blood on the door of Wang Mang's mansion in the middle of the night.

Wang Mang was preparing to go to Weiyang Palace in the morning. When he saw it, he saw that the door was stained with blood and painted in strange shapes, which seemed to have a specific meaning. The servants were too frightened to move, thinking it was something weird.

"Hahaha, go check and see who did it. It must be man-made. Check carefully."

Wang Mang laughed loudly. He had lived for hundreds of years, and he had traveled through time in later generations. He had never seen any scenes. He had even pretended to be a ghost before. This was simply childish, and he was doing everything in front of him.

Sure enough, after an investigation, it was found that his son Wang Yu had someone do it.

"It's good to be a white-eyed wolf who is not well-fed."

Wang Mang's eyes turned cold, "Come here, arrest this traitor and put him in jail."


Immediately, he arrested his son Wang Yu and imprisoned him and poisoned him. Then he took this opportunity to frame and kill his relatives, the Wei family, and forced Princess Jingwu, Liang Wang Liu Li, Hongyang Hou Wang Li, Ping Ahou Wang Ren and others to go to the imperial court. Hundreds of people committed suicide.

He implicated and punished local powerful people who opposed him. Lu Kuan was arrested and executed shortly after absconding. He also exterminated three tribes. Wu Zhang was cut in half and the three Yi tribes were killed.

Hundreds of people were killed in the incident. For a time, the country was shocked and the court was panicked. In order to eliminate the negative impact, Wang Mang had people publicize the incident as a feat of "killing relatives for justice and forgetting selfishness for the sake of public service".

Even articles of praise were written and distributed throughout the country, so that officials and common people could recite these articles, and then register them in the official archives, and use these articles to teach the world like the "Book of Filial Piety".

Shameless, extremely shameless.

Likewise, Fatty Liu, who was on the run among the people, had firm eyes but also a hint of doubt after hearing the news.

"First he killed his servant Dong Mu, and then Xia Xia. Both of them went to the restaurant with him, and then forced his second son Wang Huo to death. Now he went on a killing spree and killed his own eldest son. What a Wang Mang. What a good person. What was he trying to cover up? What happened in that restaurant back then?

His personality has changed so much in the past few years?Or is he acting all the time? I must have missed something. What does he have to do with the Taoist priest who killed his eldest brother and second brother?And what does it have to do with the murdered Song Mutou? "

He was convinced that Wang Mang was covering up something, otherwise he would not have killed Dong Mu and his servant Xia Tian, ​​and even forced to kill his second son Wang Huo.

Immediately, he sighed, "Brother, second brother, I have been looking for six or seven years, but I still haven't found the Taoist priest. He seems to have disappeared. Now Wang Mang probably has clues, but he is the Great Sima General. It is difficult for me to get close to him now." , How should I avenge you?"

"It's time to go back to Xinye and take a look at Xiaocui."

Then, he returned to Xinye and returned to Wangnulu.

"What, Xiaocui is dead? When did he die?"

When he heard the news, his heart suddenly stopped beating. The first time was when his eldest and second brothers were shot to death by a Taoist priest with a crossbow.

"He died around July of the second year of Jianping. I heard that he offended someone in the Xindu Marquis' mansion."

Fatty Liu is now 25 years old and has a beard. His body is not as fat as it used to be. Anyway, he is strong and clenched his fists tightly.

"Wang Mang, it must be him, it must be, I will kill him. If I can't kill him, I will destroy his entire clan." He roared in his heart. Years of training had made his heart torn into pieces, but there was nothing on the surface. Too many changes are probably the price of growth.

"Where is her grave?"

"No one collected her body. It was dumped in a mass grave outside the city. It must have been eaten by wild dogs. Why, are you her lover?"

Fatty Liu almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but he held it back and turned around immediately. His back looked so determined, ruthless, vicissitudes of life, and painful...

Death may not be scary to him, but life is on the contrary. Those memories are like knives piercing his heart all the time. The tragic death of his eldest brother, the blocking of arrows by his second brother. The three of them relied on each other for life, went to the grave together, and followed the dog together. Grab the memory of eating...

All of this is so clear!

Xiaocui's smile, her hair, her lips, her brows... seemed to be still in front of him, but whenever he tried to catch her, there was nothing. When he came back from his dreams at midnight, he always found that the pillow was wet. He tried desperately to grab hold of it, but there was nothing he could grab.

He has no worries, but he is burdened with too many worries...

From now on, he is the only one left. Carrying all this, he lives like a walking corpse. Killing Wang Mang and that Taoist priest are the reasons for his living...

(End of this chapter)

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