The great man will live forever

Chapter 30 The courage of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 30 The courage of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty
After a while, military doctor Que Tianhua came to report,

"General, 400 of the 243 seriously injured people died, and 500 of the 123 slightly injured people died. Sure enough, the boiled cloth is much more effective and the wound is less likely to be infected."

"So many deaths?"

One-third of the 900 people died, which made it difficult for him to accept that they were all living human lives.

Que Tianhua was speechless. This is not enough. Even if you want to go to heaven, Bian Que cannot cure them all even if he is still alive.

"It's much better. If before, only a few dozen people with serious injuries could survive, and half of those with minor injuries would be alive. That would be good."

At this time, the treatment of diseases by traditional Chinese medicine is very metaphysical. If you can cure it, it means that the doctor has superb medical skills. If you can't cure it well, your life will be short.

Ancient Chinese medicine focused on the holistic concept in treating diseases, believing that the human body is an organic whole, and that health and disease are caused by the interaction of internal and external factors.

Traditional Chinese medicine identifies diseases through pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, questioning and observation, and uses acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, massage and other treatment methods to adjust the body's qi, blood, yin and yang balance to promote the body's self-healing ability.

It's a bit magical, somewhere between science and metaphysics, like acute appendicitis or something like that. It doesn't work, you can't operate, and you can only wait to die. There are also tuberculosis and tetanus. In ancient times, you could only wait to die.

But there are some cancers, terminal diseases, and weird symptoms that Western medicine can’t do anything about, but it can cure them for you.

"Okay, I can recruit a few more military doctors, including women. Don't limit yourself, as long as you have good medical skills."

Liu Han originally wanted him to recruit some female nurses, but after thinking about it, he couldn't accept it. There were a lot of women mixed into the ancient military camp. If others knew about it, they would have to scold him to death, thinking that he was just for fun. .

People's inherent concepts and prejudices are like a big mountain. It is difficult to change without experience.

"No!" Que Tianhua was a little weird. Can a woman practice medicine?

"Women move softly, gently, and do things carefully. They are not like men, who are big-hearted and careless. They take care of the wounded, grab medicine, and boil medicine. They are better than men, aren't they?"

Que Tianhua nodded, which seemed to make sense.


On the other side, Xin Zhao returned to the Huns’ tent with more than 3000 cavalry.

"Please punish me."

Zhao Xin, who was covered in blood, half-knelt down when he saw Yi Zhixie.

"Get up quickly, what exactly?"

"The general's incompetence was probably discovered by Wei Qing in advance, and the effect of the night attack on Ganquan Palace was not achieved. He mobilized 3 people from the Huben Battalion to come to Bailangdi to intercept us. There are a lot of people.

I could only withdraw, but he could not pursue me, and even sent people to intercept him at Yingjian. Fortunately, the Huben camp was weak, otherwise the consequences would have been disastrous. Our army lost 800 men and killed nearly 2000 Han soldiers. We failed to live up to Shanyu's expectations. . "

Yi Zhixie sighed and said: "Oh, that's all. There is a saying among the Han people that everything depends on man and God. As long as you come back safely, it will be fine. Wei Qing, I have fought with him many times and I can't get any benefits."

He has decided to retreat and not directly engage the Han army for the time being.


Time passed and the battle could not continue. Due to Yi Zhixie's avoidance, the Han army could not find his main force and was unable to fight him. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty ordered his troops to return to the court.

Chang'an, outside the main hall, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and many ministers were sitting, with fine wine and delicacies placed in front of them. The atmosphere was pleasant, and Liu Han was among them.

In the distance, Huo Qubing, wearing a hair crown, stood in the spacious sword practice field. The sunlight shined through the thin clouds on his resolute face, highlighting his piercing eyes.

He was wearing a light white battle robe, with the breeze blowing and his clothes fluttering, exuding an aura of majesty.

He held a beautiful and strong long sword, the blade of which shone with cold light.

The hilt of the sword was held in his hand, as if it had some tacit connection with him, allowing him to feel the flow and power of the sword.

Huo Qubing's figure is strong and elegant. His movements are smooth and flowing, and his light and vigorous steps echo the intention of the sword in his hand.

He swung the sword slowly at first, with the tip of the sword slightly touching the ground. His movements were light but powerful, and his steps were extremely smooth.As the sword danced, his body seemed to blend into the rhythm of the sword, and every swing of the sword demonstrated his superb mastery of swordsmanship.

The sword turned into a brilliant electric light in his hand, and the sword tip drew elegant and sharp arcs in the air.His movements are fast and agile, and every attack carries an unstoppable momentum and power.

His swordsmanship is full of wisdom and unique style. His swordsmanship changes rapidly, sometimes it is faintly visible, and sometimes it suddenly appears with sharp thrusts.His sword intention seemed to travel through time and space, showing his courage, decisiveness and determination.

The people who watched his sword dance were all fascinated. They were attracted by the unique charm of Huo Qubing's sword skills and were infected by his sense of persistence and glory.Every swing of the sword demonstrates the majesty and excellence of a true master of swordsmanship.If we use the verses of later generations to express it, it would be:
The viewer is as depressed as a mountain, and the world has been low for a long time.

The furnace is like Yi shooting at the nine sunsets, and it is as powerful as the emperors flying in the sky.

Come like a thunderbolt to receive anger, stop like a Jianghai condensing clear light.

In the past 50 years, it seems that the royal family has been turned upside down, and the dust has overwhelmed the royal family.


After finishing the sword dance, Huo Qubing saluted and returned to the right hand side of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to drink.

"Clap clap clap!"

The people around kept applauding, Bowang Hou Zhang Qian was all smiles, Wei Qing was holding a bowl of wine and took a sip, feeling a little disgusted in his heart. He had fallen out of favor in front of Emperor Wu. He knew from the moment the Tiger Talisman was taken away, but You know, you know, I always feel a little uncomfortable inside.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at the majestic and elegant Huo Qubing, his eyes could not stop admiring him, and he nodded from time to time.

Liu Che looked at Zhang Qian and asked: "Bo Wanghou, have you told Qu Bing about what you have seen and heard in the Western Regions?"

Huo Qubing said, "Your Majesty, what Bowang Hou said is quite interesting."

"Just fun?"

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said this, everyone did not dare to speak. He then changed the subject,
"Marquis Bowang, if I ask you to take a delegation to the Western Regions again, will you still dare to go?"

Zhang Qian cupped his hands and said, "Last time I went to the four countries of Dayuan, Kangju, Dayuezhi, and Daxia. Further to the west, there are Anxi, Tiaozhi, Shendu and other countries in the southeast. I really want to see them. Look, the customs and customs of these countries are different from those of China, and I heard that they are all very wealthy."

Liu Che raised his hand, "I'm not just asking you if you want to go, but I also want to ask you if the road is feasible or not? What are the difficulties?"

"The biggest difficulty is still the power of the Xiongnu. Your Majesty, the western border of the Xiongnu Great Chanyu tribe extends to the east of Yanze. It borders the Great Wall of Longxi County of the Han Dynasty to the east and the Qiang tribe to the south. It just blocks the way. It serves as the gateway to the Western Regions from the Han Dynasty."

"Marquis Bowang, what if I cut off the right wing of the Xiongnu and open up the passage to the Western Region for you?"

After Liu Che finished speaking, he tilted his head and looked at him.

"Your Majesty, this is a grand plan."

Hearing this answer, Liu Che was very happy and nodded slightly.

"Yes, attack Hexi, defeat the Xiongnu right wing, and open up the Hexi Corridor."

This is what Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had to do, so he could become the emperor of the ages.

"Your Majesty will live for thousands of years, and the great Han will live for thousands of years!"

Liu Han was flattering excitedly. He was very excited. Today, he was going to witness the rise of the Han Dynasty and the emergence of the Silk Road that would influence tens of millions of years.

The Silk Road, often referred to simply as the Silk Road, usually refers to the trade routes in northern Europe and Asia, in contrast to the ancient Tea Horse Road.

In the Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian started from Xi'an and in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Chaoyue opened the Western Region from Luoyang as the starting point, passing through the Guanzhong Plain, the river corridor, and the Tarim Basin, to the Central Asian Transoxiana area between the Syr Darya River and the Wuhu River and Greater Iran. And connect the land passage to Zhongluo Kingdom.This road is also known as the "Overland Silk Road".

To distinguish it from two other transportation routes bearing the name "Silk Road" in the future.It was named this because silk products had the greatest influence among the goods transported westward along this road.

The basic direction is set in the Han Dynasty, including three routes: the South Road, the Middle Road, and the North Road.

This road is considered to be the intersection of ancient Eastern and Western civilizations connecting the Eurasian continent, and silk is the most representative cargo.For thousands of years, nomadic peoples or tribes, traders, believers, diplomats, soldiers and academic explorers traveled along the Silk Roads.

Its significance is immense and irreplaceable.

The ancient Silk Road pioneered the opening of a major channel between the East and the West, and for the first time built a large network of world transportation lines;

It greatly promoted the circulation of commodities and took the lead in realizing commercial interconnection and economic exchanges between the East and the West;
It has promoted the interactive communication of science and technology, widely and profoundly promoted production progress and even social changes in countries along the route;

It is an important link for different countries and civilizations in the East and West to interact with each other and tolerate each other.

 During the Western Han Dynasty, the area west of Yangguan and Yumenguan, which is now Xinjiang and even beyond, was called the Western Regions.In the early Western Han Dynasty, the channel connecting the East and the West was blocked by the Xiongnu.During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the Central Plains was connected with the Western Regions, and the management of the Western Regions began to be strengthened.The Western Region originally had 36 countries, but later split into more than 50 countries, all located to the west of the Xiongnu and south of the Wusun.

  Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty heard that the Dayue clan who had been invaded by the Huns and moved westward wanted to take revenge on the Xiongnu, so he sent an envoy to the Dayue clan to contact them to attack the Xiongnu from the east and west.Zhang Qianyilang, a native of Hanzhong, Shaanxi Province, applied for the recruitment.In the second year of Jianyuan (139 BC), Zhang Qian led more than 100 people to the Western Regions. They were captured by the Xiongnu on the way and were detained for 10 years. Finally, they found an opportunity to escape and traveled westward for dozens of days to reach Dawan.At this time, Dayuezhi no longer wanted to attack the Xiongnu and continued to move westward. Zhang Qian failed to achieve his goal and stayed in the Western Regions for more than a year before returning eastward. On the way, he was detained by the Xiongnu for more than a year. Later, the Xiongnu Shanyu died and the country was in chaos. In the third year of Yuanshuo (126 BC), Zhang Qian took the opportunity to return to the Han Dynasty. He was warmly received by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and was made a high official.This journey to the west lasted for more than 10 years. Although it did not achieve its goal, it obtained a large amount of information about the Western Regions. Historian Sima Qian called Zhang Qian's behavior "hollowing out the void".

(End of this chapter)

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