The great man will live forever

Chapter 329 The gears of fate turn again

Chapter 329 The gears of fate turn again

In the bustling city of Pingyuan County, there is a mansion that stands out from the rest.

It is not luxurious, nor does it have a prominent appearance, but it exudes a calm and restrained temperament. There is a simple plaque hanging on the lintel, with the word "Liu Mansion" written in ancient calligraphy. This is the owner of this place. ——Liu Bei’s home.

When you walk into the mansion, the first thing you see is an open courtyard. There are several ancient trees planted in the courtyard, with their leaves whistling, as if telling the vicissitudes of time.

The ground paved with bluestone, although not decorated with gold or silver, looks neat and quiet.

In the corner of the courtyard, several pots of seasonal flowers bloomed, adding a bit of vitality to this simple place.

After passing through the courtyard, we came to Liu Bei's study. On the left side of the study was a row of side rooms where Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others lived.

Of course, they often sleep with Liu Bei, just simply sleeping together, nothing more. "The Biography of Guan Yu in the Three Kingdoms" records: "The first master slept with the two of them in the same bed, and they were like brothers."

In front of the study is Liu Bei's bedroom, and on the right is the place where Liu Bei's wives, concubines, and children lived.

"Feng'er, father is here!"

Anyway, apart from trusting Zhuge Liang wholeheartedly, he has nothing to do with it.

Liu Bei immediately called in a doctor and diagnosed him with wind chill. The doctor prescribed medicine and asked Liu Feng to take the medicine on time and have a good rest.

This child has been innocent, lively, smart and cute since he was a child, and Liu Bei likes him very much.

Mrs. Gan later died of illness and was buried in Nanjun (now north of Jiangling County, Hubei).

Liu Bei put his hand in front of Liu Feng's nose and found that he was out of breath.

Unfortunately, this was ancient times, and without antibiotics, a cold or cold could easily kill someone.

Ten days ago, Liu Feng was playing when he suddenly felt unwell, fatigued, headache and fever.

Many people are confused as to how a cold could lead to the extinction of humankind. What is the reason?

His mother, Mrs. Gan, is still good. Because Liu Bei was widowed many times in his early years, the position of the main wife was vacant, so Mrs. Gan often took charge of the housekeeping.

At the same time, after thousands of years of evolutionary development, our mothers have many antibody genes that have been passed down from generation to generation. Not only that, we are vaccinated with various vaccines as soon as we are born to enhance our antibodies.

Europeans carried germs that polluted the pure American continent and almost led to the genocide of the Indians. This is an example.

After the fall of the Shu Han Dynasty, Liu Chan was named An Le Gong, and he and the Shu Han ministers were moved to Luoyang to live. In the seventh year of Taishi (271) of the Western Jin Dynasty, Liu Chan died in Luoyang at the age of sixty-five.

How do antibodies come from? To put it simply, it is to fight fire with fire. The body's resistance is different.

But even if you travel to ancient times, most of them are soul travel. If you travel through the body, that person may be a pathogen.

Liu Bei was so distraught that he stayed by Liu Feng's bed many times, silently praying for his son's recovery.

After brushing it, he shed tears.

Liu Feng, Liu Bei's son, was born from his concubine, Wang, who died three years ago.

Maybe time travel exists, maybe it doesn't exist, maybe it's even a parallel world.

However, a sudden wind chill made him dying in bed.

Today, if Zhao Yun had not left, Liu Bei would have guarded Liu Feng. After hearing the news, he rushed over.

The ancient virions were the lowest level, but our antibodies have been upgraded, as if we were tanks and they were small wooden swords...

Lying on the bed was a thin person, a child around five years old, pale and skinny. Now there was no air coming out, but no air coming in.

Let’s talk about his wives first. According to "Three Kingdoms·Shu Shu·Biography of the Second Concubine", Liu Bei had four wives in his life, Mrs. Gan, Mrs. Mi, Mrs. Sun, and Queen Mu.

Many people like to travel through time, and even fantasize about traveling to ancient times to show off their skills and command the world, and no one dares to disobey.

As soon as the bastard spirit is revealed, all kinds of celebrities and heroes come to join him. Then he becomes the emperor, marries Bai Fumei, reaches the pinnacle of life, gets drunk in the lap of a beautiful woman, and wakes up to take over the world. How wonderful...

In ancient times, when medical technology was underdeveloped, a cold could be an incurable disease. What's more, modern people's whole bodies are full of upgraded versions of pathogens, so if that person sneezed, the ancients would probably have died.

In 1928, antibiotics were discovered for the first time and applied to the human body for the first time, increasing the average human life span by at least ten years.

Days passed, and Liu Feng's condition still did not improve.

Therefore, most of the time travel is through soul travel, like Liu Han, like Shu Yuzhu, like Zhao Lan...

Liu Bei experienced many ups and downs in his life, and his emotional life was also very bumpy.

A cold may cause a plague! Not to mention changing history, unifying the world may lead to the extinction of mankind.

Inhibit microbial cell wall synthesis; enhance microbial cell membrane permeability; interfere with microbial protein synthesis and inhibit microbial nucleic acid replication and transcription.

Antibiotics used against bacteria and fungi basically achieve their functions through these mechanisms.

Different antibiotics have different mechanisms of action, which can be divided into four major ways:

Mrs. Gan was a native of Peiguo (now Huaibei, Anhui), Liu Bei's concubine, and the biological mother of Liu Chan, the queen of the Shu Han Dynasty.

Everyone knows Liu Chan, whose nickname is Adou. Adou, who could not afford to support himself, was born in Xinye during the chaos. He encountered many disasters and was fortunately saved by General Zhao Yun. After Liu Bei captured Yizhou and established the Shu Han Dynasty, he was appointed crown prince.

It can be said that antibiotics are one of the greatest inventions of mankind. They generally refer to a class of drugs that can inhibit the growth of bacteria or kill them. They are produced by microorganisms (including bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes) and have the ability to inhibit the growth of other microorganisms. , a metabolite of survival.

Due to the complex living environment of modern people, many viruses that did not exist in ancient times have appeared. For example, when we spit, there are tens of millions of bacteria, but they are not harmful to modern people.

Liu Bei's son Liu Feng was a child and had poor immunity. In just a few days, his condition became increasingly serious. His face was pale, his breath was weak, and his limbs were cold.

In the third year of Zhangwu (223 years), he succeeded to the throne and was named Jianxing. In the sixth year of Jingyao (263 years), Wei general Sima Zhao sent Zhong Hui and Deng Ai to attack Shu, and Liu Chan surrendered to Deng Ai.

He couldn't help but dislike it, because this was his only son.

After Liu Bei became emperor, he posthumously named his late concubine Gan as "Mrs. Huangsi". After Liu Chan ascended the throne, he posthumously named his biological mother Mrs. Gan as "Empress Zhaolie".

Mrs. Gan was the first concubine Liu Bei brought into his harem, and she was also the woman he stayed with for the longest time.

Although she was born into a poor family, she has a noble temperament and beautiful appearance.

According to "Records of Supplements", when Mrs. Gan was a child, a fortune teller in the village said after seeing her face: "This girl will definitely have a noble status when she grows up, and her status will be so high that she can live in the palace."

Mrs. Gan's physical characteristics became more and more special as she grew older. At the age of eighteen, her skin was as white as jade, her posture was charming, and her appearance was beautiful.

Mrs. Gan is not only beautiful, but also loyal and virtuous.

She followed Liu Bei in his expeditions east and west, going through hardships and hardships without complaining. She was loyal to Liu Bei and never had an affair with other men.

She was loving and caring towards her children, never being partial to others. She managed her family well and never indulged in sexual immorality. She does her best to the country and never interferes in political affairs. She is a typical example of ancient women.

Liu Bei also loved and respected Mrs. Gan very much. Although he later took in other wives and concubines, he never forgot Mrs. Gan's kindness.

He gave Mrs. Gan the highest title, built the most gorgeous mausoleum for Mrs. Gan, and left the best memories for Mrs. Gan.

It can be said that Mrs. Gan is Liu Bei's most sincere lover and Liu Bei's favorite woman.

Of course, no woman can compare to his brother.

Let's talk about Mrs. Mi (date of birth and death unknown), a native of Langya County (now Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province), and she is Mi Zhu's sister.

Mi Zhu was extraordinary. He was considered the richest man during the Three Kingdoms period. His ancestors had been doing business for generations. By Mi Zhu's generation, his family's wealth exceeded one trillion, and his family had more than 10,000 servants. This shows that he was really rich.

Since Mi Zhu was a local rich man in Xuzhou and probably knew a lot of people, he was recruited by Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, as a special agent in his early years.

But this position has no real power, and it is somewhat of a reputation, but it is also the confidant of the state governor. In 194, the first year of Xingping, Tao Qian died of illness. His last words were for Mi Zhu to welcome Liu Bei, who was stationed in Xiaopei, to settle in Xuzhou. During this period, Cao Cao also wanted to win over the Mi brothers, but was rejected.

Since then, he has been Liu Bei's die-hard follower, willing to die for Liu Bei.

In the first year of Jian'an (196), Lu Bu took advantage of the stalemate between Liu Bei and Yuan Shu to sneak attack Xiapi and captured Liu Bei's wife.

Liu Bei had no choice but to station in Haixi County, Guangling County. Mi Zhu specially married his sister to Liu Bei. It is also said that Mrs. Mi also provided 2,000 servants and gold and silver goods to support Liu Bei's army, allowing Liu Bei to regain his strength in the face of danger. Cheer up.

Anyway, no matter how desperate Liu Bei was, even if he had nothing, he would never have second thoughts.

In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an (219), Sun Quan's general Lu Meng attacked Jingzhou. Mi Fang, then the governor of Nanjun, surrendered the city. As a result, former general Guan Yu was defeated and died.

Mi Zhu tied himself up and went to apologize to Liu Bei. Liu Bei in turn comforted him, thinking that his brother's sin had nothing to do with his elder brother, and treated him with the same courtesy as before.

It was a pity that he felt so sorry that he fell ill due to shame and hatred because of Mi Fang's rebellion, and died soon after.

Let's talk about his sister, Mrs. Mi. She was Liu Bei's wife from 196 to 200 AD. After the incident of the Clothing Order, she was captured by Cao Cao together with Guan Yu. Her deeds thereafter are unknown.

Mrs. Mi was Liu Bei's first wife when he was in Xuzhou, and she was also his most beautiful wife.

She was born into a wealthy family, with outstanding appearance and high temperament. After marrying Liu Bei, she gave birth to two daughters.

She got along well with Liu Bei and treated each other with respect. She and Liu Bei shared hardships and depended on each other for life.

Mrs. Mi's life is full of tragedy. She followed Liu Bei in the troubled times and was captured by the enemy many times.

In "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", during the Battle of Changbanpo, she resolutely threw herself into a well and died in order to allow Zhao Yun to rescue Liu Chan safely.

She exchanged her life for the safety of Liu Bei and Liu Chan. She used her sacrifice to explain what tragic and perseverance is.

Liu Bei was also very sympathetic and grateful to Mrs. Mi. After he learned of Mrs. Mi's death, he was so distraught that he fainted from crying.

After the Battle of Chibi, he erected a monument to commemorate Mrs. Mi and sighed: "My wife's integrity is so great!"

After he proclaimed himself emperor, he gave Lady Mi the posthumous title of "Queen Lie".

Then there is Mrs. Sun, a native of Fuchun, Wu County (now Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang), and the sister of Sun Quan, the general who defeated the captives in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

"Three Kingdoms" calls her Mrs. Sun, and folk dramas call her Sun Shangxiang.

In order to consolidate the alliance between Sun and Liu, Mrs. Sun married Liu Bei for three years, and later returned to Wu. Her subsequent deeds are unknown. There are no birth records in historical materials.

Mrs. Sun was the wife Liu Bei married after the Battle of Chibi, and she was also his most unruly wife.

She comes from a family of overlords, has a bold personality, likes martial arts, and is good at riding and shooting.

After she married Liu Bei, she did not want to be inferior to others and often argued with Liu Bei.

She and Liu Bei didn't get along well, and they respected each other as ice. She and Liu Bei were separated but rarely reunited, and they forgot each other in the world.

Mrs. Sun's life is full of legends. Before she married Liu Bei, she once saved Zhou Yu's life. After she married Liu Bei, she once helped Zhao Yun.

After she returned to Soochow, she once fought against Cao Wei Yifeng's enemies.

She left many stories and allusions in history, such as "losing her wife and losing her troops", "crossing the river in white clothes", "breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat", etc.

Liu Bei also had great respect for Mrs. Sun. After he married Mrs. Sun, he knew that this was a political marriage without much emotion.

When he got along with Mrs. Sun, he felt that she was an uncontrollable woman with little harmony. When he parted with Mrs. Sun, he understood that this was an inevitable result and didn't hold back much.

He granted Madam Sun the lowest honorary title, arranged the simplest way home for Madam Sun, and retained the most basic etiquette for Madam Sun.

Finally, there was Empress Mu of the Wu family, a native of Chenliu (now Kaifeng, Henan), and the sister of the chariot general Wu Yi.

In the 214th year of Jian'an (), Liu Bei pacified Yizhou and took Wu as his wife.

In the twenty-fourth year of Jian'an (219), Liu Bei claimed to be the King of Hanzhong and made Wu the Queen of Hanzhong.

In the first year of Zhangwu (221), Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, established the Shu Han Dynasty, and made Wu his queen.

In the third year of Zhangwu (223), Liu Bei passed away, and Prince Liu Chan ascended the throne, respecting his aunt Wu as the empress dowager.

In the eighth year of Yanxi's reign (245), Wu passed away. She was given the posthumous title of Queen Mu and was buried in Liu Bei's Huiling Mausoleum.

Queen Mu was the first wife Liu Bei married after entering Shu, and she was also his most virtuous and virtuous wife.

She comes from a famous family, has noble moral character and outstanding talents. After she married Liu Bei, she abided by women's ethics and respected her husband.

The two get along harmoniously, respect each other as guests, share honors and disgrace, and support each other.

It is worth mentioning that before she married Liu Bei, she was Liu Mao's wife.

After Liu Mao's death, she became a widow.

Most of the people who left their names in history were men, not many women, but those who left their names were extremely stunning.

They have their own unique characters, they are either loyal, wise and virtuous, or fierce and decisive, and some can even become emperors.

Speaking of Liu Bei's sons, there are three recorded in history, not to mention Liu Chan.

There is also Liu Yong, the concubine of Liu Bei, whose biological mother is unknown. He was first the King of Lu and later the King of Ganling. He was at odds with Liu Chan's favorite Huang Hao and was alienated by Liu Chan. He later moved east to Luoyang, where he worshiped Captain Che and was granted the title of Marquis of the Countryside.

Finally, there is Liu Li, Liu Bei's concubine, and Liu Yong's half-brother. His biological mother is unknown. He was first the King of Liang and later the King of Anping. He died early and was given the posthumous title of King Mourning.

Therefore, Liu Bei actually chose Liu Chan to be the crown prince because he had few sons and did not have much choice.

History books generally only record these people, but what is recorded in history books is not necessarily true, and what is not recorded does not necessarily exist.

Liu Bei had concubines in his early years, whose status was low, and most of them died. He also had sons who died young.

Later, Liu Bei had an adopted son named Liu Feng. Liu Feng was originally the son of the Kou family of Luohou and a member of the Liu family in Changsha County. After Liu Bei took refuge with Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou, he temporarily settled in Jingzhou. Because Liu Bei had no heirs at the time, he adopted Liu Feng as his son. Adopted son.

This man was extremely powerful and made great contributions to Liu Bei. Later, Liu Feng refused to support Guan Yu.

When Guan Yu was defeated, Liu Feng was resented by Liu Bei. And because he violated and bullied Mengda, Mengda surrendered to Wei.

In the twenty-fifth year of Jian'an (220), Wei's southern general Xiahou Shang and others came to attack. Shen Dan surrendered to Wei and Liu Feng fled back to Chengdu.

Zhuge Liang believed that he was too brave to be controlled and advised Liu Bei to take the opportunity to get rid of him, so he was ordered to commit suicide.

Chen Shou commented on him: "Liu Feng was in a place of suspicion, and thinking about defense was not enough to defend himself.

Peng Yi and Liao Li advanced because of their talents, Li Yan excelled in cadres, Wei Yan took over the post because of his bravery, Yang Yi became famous as an official, Liu Yan was an old official, and Xian Guizhi was appointed.

Looking at his actions, following his rules, and taking the blame for disasters are all his own faults. "

The reason why Liu Bei named his adopted son Liu Feng was because his favorite eldest son died early and was not recorded in the history books. He was also named Liu Feng.

Now, lying on the bed, he is only five years old and has no breath.

Seeing Liu Bei burst into tears, Zhang Fei and Guan Yugang wanted to comfort him.

"Brother, it's moving, it's moving, my nephew is moving!"

Suddenly, Zhang Fei seemed to have discovered something and yelled.

At this moment, the gears of fate turned again.

(End of this chapter)

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