The great man will live forever

Chapter 33 Preparations before departure

Chapter 33 Preparations before departure
champion building,
In the most prosperous area of ​​​​Chang'anchen, the menu is complete, including fine wines from the Western Regions, barbecues, roasted lamb legs, dog meat, and various vegetables, eggplants, cucumbers, etc.

The most important thing is that it introduced hot pot, a new way of eating, which became popular among noble disciples.

It has been open for a month and almost every venue is full.

"How is it? How is business today?"

Liu Han also often comes to eat, and he doesn't pay for it. After all, he is the one who opened it.

It was the time for little Taohong to grow. In just half a year, she had grown a lot taller, and her chest was beginning to take shape.

She was wearing a red dress, no makeup, and her hair was tied up.

It’s hard to give up on your natural beauty. She is like a pearl that shines brightly wherever you place it.

Of course, Ai Mei behind Liu Han is even more beautiful. Just wearing a long white dress makes her look like a fairy.

"Young Master is here. It's pretty good. I've made 66647 yuan today."

In the Western Han Dynasty, one stone was worth 30 kilograms in later generations, and one stone of rice was worth about 300 yuan.
The money used here is four and a half taels, which is similar to the one penny used in the Northern Song Dynasty, but there are differences.

Liu Han made a rough calculation and found that one penny in the Western Han Dynasty was roughly equal to 6 cents in later generations. He received 66647 yuan, which he probably expected to be around 4 in later generations.

Money in the Western Han Dynasty is very confusing. In just over seventy years, due to various reasons, "half a tael of money", "pod money", "eight plants and a half taels", "four plants" have been used successively. "Half two coins", "three baht coins", "platinum coins", "leather coins", "five baht coins", "Zhongguan Chibi coins", "three official five baht coins" and other standard coins can be described as " "Changing orders in the morning and evening" is dazzling.

Even Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty carried out several reforms. The changes were repeated, which was a headache, but it was still very useful. It was much better than when the country was founded. It is expected that it will have to be changed later.

"Yeah, my little Taohong is really capable. You haven't eaten yet. Serve the food and let's eat together."

Liu Han said, gently pinching her nose with his hand.

"Shua!" After a moment, her face turned red visibly, which was very cute.

"Master, someone is watching." Her voice was very soft, she lowered her head and looked at her toes, not daring to say anything else.

She can see her toes when she lowers her head. Ayimei is well developed and can no longer see her toes when she lowers her head.

In a daze, she was pulled by Liu Han into the best private room, which was specially prepared for him.

"Sit down, I'll let them serve the food."

Liu Han held her in his arms and put her on his lap. He felt that her body was getting hot. She had no strength and was very soft, as if she had no bones.

Ai Mei, who followed her, smiled, "Xiao Taohong has been with her husband for so long, and she's still so shy?"

"No, no, I just...just..." She shook her head like a rattle.

"Just what?"

Liu Han looked at her with a half-smile, which made her completely silent.

"You don't have to look after the store yourself. After a while, you can find someone else to look after it. You can take care of the accounts and count the money."

"Yeah!" The little girl lowered her head and responded softly.

"Is there anyone without eyes who wants to make trouble?"

As if thinking of something, the little girl said happily: "A few days ago, someone came to make trouble, saying that my father was the prefect and his name was Du Wenxuan. He was beaten to the ground by Xiong Da two or three times. As soon as he heard that the young master He immediately apologized and even compensated [-] yuan.

His father is a prefect, and my son is a marquis, a general, your majesty's nephew, and the younger brother of the king. In the next few days, no one dared to make trouble. "

"That is, from now on, whenever someone comes to make trouble, they will be beaten to death. It won't matter if they are beaten to death. The most they can do is pay for you. I have a lot of money, your young master. My little Taohong is so beautiful. I'm afraid many young men will lose their eyes after seeing it." ?”


"Really not?"

The little girl stopped talking.

"In a few days, I may go on an expedition."

"Going to fight the Huns?"

The little girl's eyes were red, "How about you take me with you? I can also shoot arrows."

"That's fighting, and people are going to die."

The little girl's eyes flashed with determination, "I'm not afraid."

"But I'm afraid. Okay, just stay at home and be fine. Just wait until I come back."

Liu Han gently patted her shoulder and touched her head. He and her were inseparable.

"Can you not go? The young master is already a Marquis and your Majesty's nephew. If so, if..."

The little girl's eyes were filled with anticipation.

"I'm not doing it for military glory or anything, I'm doing it for this country, this nation, for the future, for China.

I know that people will die in war, but some blood must be saved.Qin Shihuang unified the world, even though many people died, but in the hundreds of years of the Warring States Period, more people died. What I did, perhaps, is a sin in the present day, but a merit in the future. There is never too little land, and I can fight as much as I can... …”

Liu Han didn't say this to Xiao Taohong, she might not understand. He said it to Ayimei.

Ayimei, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke, "Can't there be no war? The Xiongnu and the Han coexist peacefully."

"My silly wife, peace must be fought. Either the Han will surrender to the Huns, or the Huns will destroy the Han. There is no other choice. If he could have done it back then, would Qin Shihuang have attacked them one by one and destroyed the six kingdoms?
Our Han Dynasty is more advanced than the Xiongnu in terms of culture, system, and etiquette. Conquering them is inevitable and a historical choice. If we fall behind, we will be beaten, and if we fall behind, we will be conquered.

I do not advocate violence, but this is the most effective and only way at present. Opening up the Hexi Corridor is the choice for the development of civilization. "

Liu Han said, kissing and touching her face with his hands. He and her were already very close and inseparable.

"I can shoot arrows, ride horses, and kill people. Can I accompany you?"

Liu Han raised his head and looked directly into her eyes, which were both clear and firm.

"I know, but I don't want to. The feeling of killing is not pleasant. They are still members of your tribe. On the battlefield, it is life and death. The swords are shining. How can I bear it? You are good and wait for me in Chang'an. If someone bullies you, just kill him. If you chop him to death, I will be responsible..."

Liu Han said a lot this day. He thought he would not die, but that was Huo Qubing.

But only those who have been on the battlefield know that no one is absolutely safe, and the battlefield is constantly changing.

When his arrangements were almost complete, he came to a yard where wine and spirits were being brewed.

You know, before the Yuan Dynasty, there was no strong liquor.

So it seems that people in ancient times had a very good drinking capacity, but in fact their alcohol content was low.

When there was no distillation and brewing technology, wine was all fermented wine, and the alcohol content would not be higher than [-] degrees at most.

Most of them are rice wines with a temperature below ten degrees, which are filtered after fermentation. Some of them are not even as good as the rice wines sold in supermarkets now.

Therefore, the ancients could drink several bottles at a time. Although it is a bit exaggerated, it can indeed be drunk like modern people drink beer.

Winemaking is the process of converting starch in grains into wine, which is divided into two stages: saccharification and winemaking.

The saccharification stage is the conversion of grains into fermentable sugars, usually glucose, under the action of pretreatment and various biological enzymes.

In the alcoholization stage, the hydrolyzed sugars are metabolized by microorganisms to produce alcohol. This microorganism is usually yeast.

In ancient times, the alcohol content was low because they brewed wine naturally.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae existing in the natural environment can tolerate a maximum alcohol concentration of 11% to 20%. Above this limit, Saccharomyces cerevisiae will be severely inhibited and fermentation will be terminated.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, the alcohol content of ancient wine will not exceed 20%.

After the Yuan Dynasty, Genghis Khan's attacks went too far and almost reached Europe. The whip of God was no joke. He brought Western wine brewing methods, and distilled wine became available.

In fact, it is very simple. First, pour the sorghum raw materials into a wooden barrel, add water and soak it for about half a day. The soaked sorghum is then put into a pot for high-temperature cooking.

The next step is to make the distiller's yeast, and turn the big koji chunks into powder for later use.

The cooked sorghum is then scooped onto a bamboo strip dustpan and spread to cool so that it fully contacts the air and absorbs oxygen. After it cools, the koji can be added to promote saccharification and fermentation of the sorghum.

This is a very important process in brewing. After mixing them evenly, put them into the large vat, add an appropriate amount of cold boiled water to it, stir it evenly again, cover the mouth of the vat with a piece of cloth, and cover it with hemp. The rope seals it, and then it can be placed in a corner of the room to ferment quietly.

About a month later, the sorghum will emit a fragrant aroma of wine. Now you can put the fermented sorghum into the wooden barrel, install the wine receiving trough, and then wrap a circle of cloth around the mouth. Set up the sky pot, add cold water into it, and then light the fire to start the distillation process. The wine steam will rise.

When it encounters an iron pot filled with cold water, it will liquefy, drip into the wine tank, and flow out along the pipe.

During the process of extracting wine, the hot water in the sky pot needs to be continuously replaced with cold water in order to better extract the wine.

It is worth noting that you must not drink the first wine during the brewing process, because it contains a lot of harmful substances such as methanol and fusel oil, which will cause great harm to the human body once consumed.

After Liu Han's repeated trials, he finally asked the craftsmen to make distilled wine.

Seeing him entering the house, several craftsmen quickly saluted.
"Master Hou!"

"Well, how many have you made?"

"Only about twenty liters."

"Okay, take them all with you. You can continue to make wine and keep it a secret. If it is leaked, everyone will be killed. Do you understand?"


Liu Han did a very strict job of keeping confidentiality. As for selling it, he was reluctant to sell it. He was also reluctant to drink it. He used it to make alcohol for disinfection.

This thing has a very good disinfection effect. If you are injured on the battlefield, it can save your life. Otherwise, if you accidentally get infected, you will only die. There is no penicillin here.

He still attached great importance to his own life, and he also included Huo Qubing's.

As for ordinary soldiers, I can only apologize. Food is very valuable, and this wine is even more valuable.

Although it is very realistic and cruel, this is the fact!

(End of this chapter)

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