The great man will live forever

Chapter 331 That man is here again

Chapter 331 That man is back again
Right Beiping, Yi County, in a gorgeous mansion.


A man was losing his temper and smashed many things. The servants and soldiers beside him were trembling.

"Why was Liucheng captured in just a few days? That's Liucheng. Even if I led the army to attack with all my strength, regardless of casualties, it would still take half a month to capture it. Could it be that my cousin surrendered to the Yellow Turbans? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

At this time, Gongsun Zan still looked unbelieving.

At this time, a soldier whispered, "My lord, I heard that the Yellow Turban Saint was able to communicate with the gods of the Yellow Sky, lowered the thunder method, and destroyed the walls of Liucheng. The soldiers in the city were frightened and fled in a hurry. The Yellow Turbans inside and outside were captured in one fell swoop. Liucheng.”

Gongsun Zan frowned, "Leifa, how is that possible?"

The soldier said cautiously, "This is the news we got."

Gongsun Zan's counselor Zou Dan quickly said, "My lord, could it be that the earth dragon turned around? The Yellow Turbans took advantage of this opportunity to break through the city wall. In order to deter us, the Yellow Turbans spread the news that it was a thunder method. Everyone spread the rumors and it became a success. It’s like this now.”

After listening to his analysis, Gongsun Zan calmed down. Although it was rare for the earth dragon to stand up, it was not impossible.

"I heard that the prefect Gongsun Fan saw that the city had been destroyed. He hurriedly fled on horseback, but was pursued by the Yellow Turban bandits and was eventually captured alive in a wilderness..."

Seemingly thinking of something, Gongsun Zan quickly asked, "By the way, how is my cousin?"

Gongsun Zan also resented Yuan Shao and launched the Battle of Jieqiao.

"Gong Hua, you are right, it must be like this."

In fact, Gongsun Zan was relatively kind to his relatives. At that time, Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou, sent Tian Chou and Xian Yuyin as envoys to Chang'an. Therefore, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty Liu Xie sent his servant Liu He (son of Liu Yu) to leave Chang'an and asked Liu Yu to send troops to greet him.

When Liu He arrived in Nanyang, the later general Yuan Shu took him as a hostage and asked Liu Yu to send troops to march westward with him.

Jixian County, the residence of the governor.

Xuande is the character of Liu Bei, and Tian Yu is the character of Tian Kai.

A few years ago, Gongsun Zan turned against Yuan Shao and led his main force to attack Yuan Shao. He divided his forces into Pingqing and Yan. Tian Kai was ordered to occupy Qi, and he also asked Liu Bei to garrison Gaotang and Shanjing plains to threaten Yuan Shao and respond to Yuan Shu.

Of course, it's not necessarily true that she thinks her brother is very important. Sometimes she needs an excuse.

"The yellow turban captured Liucheng in just a few days, or captured Gongsun Fan. It is said that the yellow turban demon girl used thunder magic. What do you think?"

Gongsun Zan advised Liu Yu not to send troops, but Liu Yu refused and insisted on sending thousands of cavalry to Nanyang.


At this time, Gongsun Yue became Yuan Shu's younger brother, and Yuan Shao sent people (recorded as Zhou Ang in "Three Kingdoms", Zhou Xin in "Book of the Later Han Dynasty", and Zhou Zhe in "Wu Lu") to attack Sun Jian's Yangcheng.

At this time, Liu Yu's beard has turned white. He truly loves this country and nation. Unless he is an ambitious person, no one wants the world to be in chaos.

Gonghua was Zou Dan's name. Anyway, Gongsun Zan couldn't think of any other situation that could break Liucheng in just a few days. .

"Urgently recruit Xuande and Tian Yu and ask them to rush over with their troops. This time, I must destroy this yellow turban bandit!"

Yuan Shu was smart, but he couldn't bear to part with his direct lineage, so he asked Gongsun Yue and Sun Jian to attack the enemy together. As a result, Gongsun Yue was shot and died.

Gongsun Zan was worried that he would offend Yuan Shu, so he also sent Gongsun Yue and more than a thousand cavalry to Nanyang to befriend Yuan Shu, and persuaded him to detain Liu He and seize Liu Yu's troops.

When Liu Yu heard the news, he immediately summoned his confidants to discuss the matter.

Gongsun Zan was furious, "If these yellow turban bandits dare to kill my cousin, I will kill them without leaving their bodies intact!"

Tian Chou spoke. He was wearing a hat, no feather fan in his hand, and he was wearing thicker clothes.

The reason why Zhuge Liang used the feather fan was because he was located in the south and the weather was hot, while in the north, even in August, it might be slightly cold sometimes.

"Sir, I don't want to talk about my strange power and chaos. This thunder method is completely nonsense. Don't worry too much. It's just a rumor. I think it's a trick of the Yellow Turban Army. If they can really use thunder method, then they wouldn't have done it in the first place. I will go to Liaodong." Hearing them say this, Liu Yu felt a little relieved.

"What you said makes sense, but this Liucheng is the largest city in Liaoxi County, with a population of over 100,000. How could it fall so quickly?

Moreover, according to the information that came back, it was indeed heard that the sky and the earth shook that night, fire broke out, and the walls of the city collapsed. Why was this? "

"This..." Tian Chou didn't know how to answer for a while.

Qi Zhou on the side said, "Sir, it's probably because the Earth Dragon turned over, and then the Yellow Turban Army set fire to it, that's why it happened like this."

"Yes, it should be the earth dragon turning over. The heaven and earth are shaking. There is no other way but the earth dragon turning over." Tian Chou nodded quickly and agreed.

"You see, this is it. Keep an eye on the Yellow Turbans. If raising tigers becomes a problem, it will be terrible. We must gather an army and be ready to rush to western Liaoning at any time."

"Sir, this time, the Yellow Turbans just got lucky. Gongsun Zan's rear was captured. He must be the most anxious. I'm afraid he is gathering troops. Let's wait and see first.

If the Yellow Turbans really become powerful, you can also summon everyone in the world to destroy the Yellow Turbans. This is a rebel traitor, and Tao Qian, Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shu will all take action. "

"Yeah!" Liu Yu nodded. Compared with the Yellow Turbans, he was just a remnant of the defeated army. He had been hiding in Liaodong for several years. Do you think he can do it again?


Jizhou, Yuan Shao's residence.

"It is said that the Yellow Turban Army came out from the Liaodong Army, with an army of 100,000. Now it has captured the Liaodong vassal state, gained the support of Wuhuan, and not long ago captured Liucheng in western Liaoning.

Captured Gongsun Fan alive, or was it Ning Hui Lei who conquered Liucheng in just a few days? What do you think? "

Yuan Shao spoke with joy in his eyes. Gongsun Zan was unlucky, so he was quite happy.

Although Yuan Shao's territory at this time was not as large as Gongsun Zan's, he had many talents under his command. He had eight great counselors, namely Tian Feng, Shen Pei, Ju Sue, Feng Ji, Xin Pi, Guo Tu, Xu You, and Xun Chen.

Speaking of generals, there are four pillars, Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Zhang He, and Gao Lan. These four are all quite good in martial arts.

Of course, compared to Guan Erye, he can only be regarded as an experience copy.

In addition, he also has four generals, Chunyu Qiong, Qu Yi, Lu Kuang, and Lu Xiang.

Especially Qu Yi, he was the main hero in the Battle of Jieqiao. Without him, Yuan Shao might have been defeated. Eight hundred people first climbed to the north, and three thousand white horses had their hoofs broken.

Without these counselors and generals, Yuan Shao would not be Gongsun Zan's opponent. Gongsun Zan's defeats frightened even Xianbei, and he was so powerful that it was no joke.

If Gongsun Zan hadn't lost his mind later and killed Liu Yu, the result would still be unknown.

Tian Feng laughed and said: "My lord, God helps my lord, now is our opportunity. Gongsun Zan's rear is unstable, so he will inevitably dispatch troops to deal with the Yellow Turbans. We should immediately attack Hejian County and Bohai County in Jizhou and capture all of Jizhou." border, and then attack Qi State and Pingyuan County in Qingzhou, and occupy Qingzhou..."

"Well, that makes sense. Send an order, with Qu Yi as the vanguard, leading 8 troops, to send troops to Hejian County!"


When Yuan Shao was gearing up, in Pingyuan County, a five-year-old child was lying on the bed, looking at the eaves above in a daze. He was Liu Feng.

"My reincarnation is fast enough. Liu Bei's son, will you betray me?"

He was no longer so excited. He and Huo Qubing traveled across Mobei and the Hexi Corridor, and even almost overthrew Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

I met Liu Xiu again. He had been the prince for many years, and he, Liu Han, was already different.

"Master, the young master is awake."

A maid saw him waking up and ran excitedly to inform Liu Bei. At this time, Liu Bei was gathering troops to support Gongsun Zan.

(End of this chapter)

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