The great man will live forever

Chapter 35 The Honest Champion

Chapter 35 The Honest Champion
inside the camp,
Wei Qing, Li Guang, and Gongsun Ao were all cutting the mutton with knives and eating it in big mouthfuls. Their eating method was no different from the Huns.

What's more, he just hugged the leg of lamb and started chewing it.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Huo Qubing, and Liu Han were all sitting around the fire.
Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Huo Qubing and asked, "Why don't you eat?"

Then he looked at Liu Han, "You don't want to eat either?"

Huo Qubing smiled and said, "I don't like this way of eating."

Liu Han also nodded and said: "I am the same, and I am not too hungry."

"Then what will you do when you fight?"

This is not easy to answer. Liu Han also wanted to bring a few cooks or some delicious food. Huo Qubing agreed, and Huo Qubing thought so, but in retrospect, he did not dare to tell Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Huo Qubing replied casually: "That's not simple yet. Wouldn't it be enough to bring a few more cooks?"

Liu Han thought so in his heart and did not dare to say it, but Huo Qubing said whatever he thought in his heart. This may be the reason why Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty liked him.

Zhang Qian and Li Guang on the side wanted to scold him, but they couldn't scold him and their expressions were not very good. In their opinion, bringing a cook with him into a battle was a bit of a joke.

However, according to the descriptions in classics such as "Hanshu" and "Historical Records", Huo Qubing went on many expeditions and had to bring special cooks and delicacies. This is true.

What's more, when he went on an expedition, the soldiers were so hungry that they couldn't finish his "special delicacies".Even when the soldiers were exhausted during the march, he was still in high spirits. He often asked the soldiers to set up the court to play football with him for fun. After a game, a group of people were exhausted...

These words are used to say that he treated the soldiers harshly and was not considerate of their sufferings, but these are just words taken out of context, purely for the sake of being black.

In the Battle of Monan in Huo Qubing's year, he led 800 men deep into the hinterland of the Xiongnu for hundreds of miles and "beheaded 28 captives."

Two years later, in the Battle of Hexi, he crossed the Yanzhi Mountains and Qilian Mountains with 22 cavalry, overcame the harsh natural environment, and defeated King Hunxie King Xiutu of the Huns. At the age of [-], in the Battle of Mobei, he even marched north. Two thousand miles away, they met the main force of King Zuoxian who was waiting for work.

Then he won a battle with more than [-] kills and achieved the glory of "sealing the wolf and living in Xu".

In such vicious battles, every battle involves running thousands of miles to defeat a large number of enemies.

The cruel test of the natural environment occurs anytime and anywhere.If Huo Qubing was really a commander who "treats his soldiers harshly", let alone pursuing death and chasing the north, sealing the wolf as a vassal, I'm afraid the troops would have mutinied long ago.

It's not that he doesn't have shortcomings. He does. He is too impulsive. For example, he later shot Li Gan in public. He was not wrong in teaching Li Gan a lesson for his uncle, but it was too intense. He shot him on the spot. If Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty hadn't protected him, he would have been in trouble. Li Gan is a marquis.

Perfect people are rare throughout the ages, and saints may have made mistakes. Confucius executed Shaozhengmao on seven days. As for the truth, I am afraid it has been lost in the dust of history.

His impulsiveness was a boyish habit, and compared with his talents and advantages, these flaws were insignificant.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled and said, "Listen, you guys, he has his own style."

At this time, Li Guang on the side finally spoke, "General Huo, you need to be equipped with a special cook when fighting. As a general, how can you not share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers?"

Li Guang was good at fighting and martial arts, but he was too kind to the soldiers and was a good man. As a result, the soldiers were not afraid of him and his military discipline was not that good.

Huo Qubing retorted: "Being a general does not necessarily mean that you have the same treatment as soldiers. As long as you are rewarded and punished, you can inspire the soldiers' desire for victory. You only need to let them know what they want if the battle is won." We have them all, why bother to stick to the situation?" Liu Han agreed: "Yes, yes, I agree with this point of view. Soldiers are impermanent, and water is impermanent. I think no matter what method is used, just win. This is like It doesn’t matter if it’s a cat’s paw or a mouse, it doesn’t matter if it’s a black cat, a white cat, or another cat, as long as it can catch the mouse, we only want one result, and that is victory!”

Li Guang shook his head, "I don't understand, I don't understand, I'm behind the times." In fact, he was not convinced.

Wei Qing interjected: "Victory is necessary, but I think sharing the joys and sorrows is still necessary."

Huo Qubing said firmly: "Leading troops to fight is definitely not benevolent and righteous. Brother Liu is right. A general has only one goal, which is victory. If he cannot win the battle, he will be an incompetent general even if he shares the joys and sorrows with the soldiers every day."

His voice was loud, a bit like scolding.

With this temper, no matter who he was, he would always quarrel with him. His uncle also didn't save any face. Liu Han tried to hold him back several times, but he knew that Huo Qubing had this kind of personality.

Liu Han immediately came out of the Grand Circus, "Everyone has different ideas and methods. Just like the road to the south, you can take water or land. As long as you can reach the destination, don't be limited by the situation."

Liu Che smiled and nodded, "Well, what Shui Chehou said is right. No wonder you and Qu Bing are inseparable. They have similar ideas. Don't you just want to eat something good? Qu Bing, I will satisfy you. I will look back and come from the palace." Here are some good cooks for you.

We have made a deal with you, I guarantee you delicious food, and you guarantee to me that we will defeat King Hunxie, King Xiutu, and open up the Hexi Corridor.Li Guang and Zhang Qian are both participating in the battle. You two will go out to Beiping on the right to attack King Xian of You in order to contain the east. "

Huo Qubing smiled, "Your Majesty, there is no need to send this cook to the uterus. Brother Liu's house is very good. Even he himself cooks very well."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Liu Han who was standing aside, "Hey, Shui Chehou, you can also cook and like to eat. It seems that you not only have the same ideas, but also have the same hobbies."

"Your Majesty doesn't know that the hot pot that is popular in Chang'an was invented by Brother Liu. He also opened a restaurant called Champion Restaurant."

Liu Che laughed loudly, "You invented hot pot, but you know how to make some weird things. First there was a plow, then a waterwheel, and now you can also make food. I only ate this hot pot a few days ago." Yes, yes, it tastes really good.

There is also that restaurant. I heard it is very profitable. Many Maoling disciples go there every day. I thought it was for medical treatment, but it turned out to be you.

From now on, you can make these weird things as you like. If you are missing something, tell me and I will support you. If you come up with any more twist-shaped plows or waterwheels, I will definitely reward you well. "

"Yes, my nephew will definitely get more good things for His Majesty."

Liu Han thought that after some time, when he came back from the expedition, he could take out the distilled wine. As for the cavalry's three-piece set of horseshoes and stirrups, he didn't want to take them out until the Han had disabled the Huns, fearing that the Huns would learn from this. , I can’t figure out what changes will be caused.

Now, he just wants to follow Huo Qubing, seal the wolf as Xu, and cripple the Xiongnu.

Liu Che nodded, and then changed the topic, "I see, this time, the general does not have to go out to fight. He sits in the center and monitors the Shanyu Wangting headquarters. How can he kill a chicken with a bull's knife? What do you think, Wei Qing?"

Wei Qing's expression changed slightly, but he felt better as soon as he raised his head, "I will obey all your Majesty's orders."

The other people on the side, Li Guang, Zhang Qian, and Gongsun Ao, had different thoughts, lowered their heads and drank without speaking.

"Qu Bing, I will give you another [-] cavalry. You can also choose from the whole army. I can allocate them to you if you value them. In a word, the preparation must be meticulous. Before going out, I will personally check it."

"Yes, I will definitely live up to His Majesty's expectations."

(End of this chapter)

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