Chapter 47
Slowly savor the fireworks of the world, and watch the human world. The years are long, and the world is full of ups and downs. If time can't be retained in the Nagara River, then save more beauty. A lifetime of floating life, a journey of mountains and rivers, a year of happiness.

Experienced fighting, hunger, blood, fear, fear, fatigue...

Returning to Chang'an and living a peaceful life, Liu Han felt an inner joy.

Take a shower, eat, sleep... calmly, calmly, not in a hurry.

The night is over and the dawn is bright, but the joy is still lingering.
As the first rays of the sun rise over the horizon, the entire sky is dyed a bright orange-red.In the morning air, the sun shines through the gaps in the clouds or trees, casting a delicate and warm light, covering the earth with a golden cloak.

The sun was getting higher and higher, and Xiao Taohong had already washed up, prepared meals, and was waiting for Liu Han.

"Master, why don't you get up?"

She didn't know how many times she looked at Liu Han's room this morning.

"How about I go and have a look?"

She stood up excitedly, then thought of something, and sat down helplessly.

"Young Master is tired from fighting. It's okay to take a little more rest. I'd better not disturb you."

After another incense stick, she became restless and moved her buttocks from side to side on her heels.

Several maids around saw this scene and wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to. In this mansion, Liu Han was the oldest, followed by Xiao Taohong and Ai Mei. As for which one of them was bigger, it depended on Liu Han's mood and offended her. Not good.

Of course, objectively speaking, Ayimei is taller in terms of age, height, and other aspects.

"Sister Tao, you can go and see it if you want. It's almost noon."

An older beauty spoke. She was one of the beauties that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty rewarded Liu Che with. Her name was Fang Chan. She was more sensible, beautiful, older than the others, and was gentle to others. People in the mansion liked her more.

"What if, what if... what if the young master is doing bad things with Sister Yi? I will go in, and he must not be angry..."

When Xiao Taohong said this, her face turned red. She probably knew what bad things were. She was no longer such a pure little Taohong who didn't understand anything.

"What bad thing?" Fang Chan didn't react for a while. Seeing Xiao Taohong's silence and her blushing face, Fang Chan finally reacted.

"Master Hou, it's not like he's announcing in the daytime... maybe he's really tired."

She said with a blush on her face.

Fang Chan hesitated for a moment and said: "I heard from the maid in the palace that this matter should be done in a certain manner. Although it is good, doing too much is not good either."

When Xiao Taohong heard this, everyone became nervous, "Really? No, then I have to go and have a look. The young master needs to be restrained, he is still so young."

So, Xiao Taohong gritted her teeth and ran over.

"Young master, wake up."

The little girl opened the door and came in. She seemed to feel that Ayimei was taking up too much of the young master's time. She pouted, with joy and sorrow reflected on her face. Seeing that Liu Han had not done anything bad, it seemed that all the unhappiness had disappeared. .

At this time, Liu Han was resting his head on Ai Mei's thigh, smelling the fragrance coming from her body. With his eyes closed, she was picking out his ears. She moved very gently. When she saw Xiao Taohong come in, she stopped.

"Sir, the rice is ready. Do you want to eat it?"

"Is there any porridge?" Liu Han opened his eyes and asked half asleep.

"It's not cooked yet. The young master wants to eat. I'll cook it right away. What kind of porridge does the young master want to eat? Millet porridge, bean porridge, wheat porridge, or meat porridge?"

"For millet porridge, put some candies, the white kind."

"There's only one tael in the house. It's so expensive. It's more expensive than gold."

Although she said it was expensive, the little girl still went.

In fact, there was no sugar in China until the pre-Qin period, but there was a substitute for sugar. This thing is called "祴". It is said that this kind of thing was invented by an ancient man named "Gong Liu".

In "Shuowen Jiezi" it is written: "Yimi Jianye", to put it bluntly, this kind of thing is maltose.

It wasn't until the Western Han Dynasty that sucrose appeared, and this sugar-making technology was passed down from Tianzhu. China had something similar to white sugar. It was very precious, more expensive than gold, and it was not necessarily available to buy.

Liu Xin's "Miscellaneous Notes of Xijing" once mentioned that "the king of Minyue presented five husks of stone honey to Emperor Gao".

Gaodi refers to Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty. The so-called stone honey refers to solid raw sucrose made from sugar cane juice or white sugar, starch, and alum after being exposed to the sun or boiled, which is similar to today's candy.

Not long after, the little girl came in happily carrying millet porridge.

She gently scooped a spoonful of porridge, blew on it several times, tasted it slightly and felt that it was no longer hot, and then fed it to Liu Han.

With clothes on his hands and food on his hands, Liu Han's life was indeed a happy one.

Time passed slowly like running water, half a month passed, and a sudden guest interrupted their tranquility.

Zongzheng Liu Jianzhang of the Prince's Palace asked to see him. He was an old man about 53 years old, slender and thin, with a kind face.In terms of seniority, he is Liu Han's cousin, because Liu Jianzhang is the younger brother of Liu Han's father Liu Deng, and he is also a concubine. He is currently in charge of the palace affairs of his brother Liu Yi's Daiguo and also serves as Zongzheng.

In the early Han Dynasty, the princes and kings not only owned a large territory, but also had the same palace and officials as the Han Dynasty.

The main officials of the kingdom were the Taifu and the Prime Minister.

The Taifu is the king's master, and the Prime Minister is the head of the officials, both appointed by the emperor.

Other officials include: the imperial censor is in charge of supervision, the internal history is in charge of the people, the lieutenant is in charge of public security, the lieutenant is in charge of the palace guards, the guard is in charge of the palace guards and troops, the court lieutenant is in charge of justice, Zongzheng is in charge of clan affairs, the servant is in charge of chariots and horses, The private government is in charge of revenue and expenditure, and so on.

Each has a rank of two thousand stones and is set by the kingdom. At the same time, the kingdom can also have an army, led by a general.

It is worth mentioning that there were many kings with different surnames in the early Han Dynasty, such as King Xin of Han, King Han Xin of Chu, King Wu Rui of Changsha, Wang Yingbu of Huainan, King Zhang Er of Zhao, King Zang Tu of Yan, King Pengyue of Liang...

But later, they were all captured by Liu Bang. For this reason, Liu Bang killed the white horse and made a white horse alliance with his ministers. "If you don't have the Liu family, you won't be king, and if you don't have merit, you won't get the title. If we don't do it, the whole world will fight together."

After that, he granted great titles to the kings surnamed Liu, including King Liu Jiao of Chu, King Liu Xi of Dai, King Liu Fei of Qi, King Liu Jia of Jing, King Liu Chang of Huainan, King Liu Ruyi of Zhao, King Liu Heng of Dai, King Liu Jian of Yan, etc. These princes and kings occupied the Most of the country.

He granted political, economic, and military privileges to the princes and kings, with the purpose of jointly defending the Han Dynasty through the natural political alliance of "one family with the same surname".

In later generations, Lao Zhu also enfeoffed various kings, and the nine frontier kings guarded the frontier fortresses. This feels a bit like a reference, but history has proved that the enfeoffment of real power by princes was reversed.

Therefore, the Han Dynasty had the chaos of the Seven Kingdoms, the Jin Dynasty had the chaos of the Eight Kings, and the Ming Dynasty had the Battle of Jingnan.

After the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, in order to ensure that the Han court could firmly control the local area, starting from Emperor Wen, emperors of all dynasties continued to take measures to limit the power of princes and kings and did not allow princes and kings to manage state affairs.

In terms of the official system, starting from Emperor Jing, through the favor of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the reform in the first year of Emperor Suihe of the Han Dynasty, the kings could only pay the taxes of their own country and were not allowed to intervene in the national affairs.

The same official titles as those set up in the Han Dynasty, such as internal history, censor doctor, Lang Zhongling, Tingwei, Zongzheng, and Taipu, were abolished. The prime minister was changed to the prime minister, and he governed like a county magistrate, and ordered lieutenants to govern like a county captain.From then on, the kingdom was no different from the counties.

The status of the king's ministers also continued to decline. Before Emperor Yuan, the princes and princes were above the county guards. Since Emperor Yuan, the princes and kings were below the county guards.

Of course, these are all for later.

"I wonder what Uncle Wang is here for?"

After all, he was his elder, so Liu Han came to greet him personally.

Liu Jianzhang kept his profile very low. He didn't catch up with the order of grace, and he didn't have a title. He said he was Dai Guozongzheng, but in fact he was just a steward, and Dai Guo was getting smaller and smaller.

"You should not be greeted by the Marquis himself."

"You are an elder, so you deserve it. When I was in the palace, you took great care of me."

"At that time, how old were you? You still remember that you were indeed smart. You were my Qilin son of the Liu family. In a blink of an eye, you were already so old. You had made great contributions to the court and served as the king for your eldest brother. I miss you a little. I have no time for you. Go back to Taiyuan and see, it’s been 12 years.”

The two chatted for a while and then got down to business.

Liu Jianzhang said earnestly: "Don't blame your brother for not giving you the fiefdom. After all, the favor order had not yet been issued, and I didn't have a fiefdom either? Princess Zhang's temper is like that. Who doesn't want to give everything to their son? Don't blame him. Your brother has always had more food than you in these years, right? He is also a little henpecked. In the past few years, the princess has had the final say in the palace..."

"I don't mean to blame Brother Wang. Without him, I would have starved to death. How could I come to Chang'an? I am grateful to him. I am not the kind of person with a small belly. I will go back to see him when I am free."

The two talked about some quarrels between their parents. Seeing Liu Han's sincere tone, Liu Jianzhang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, although the favor order has been passed, Liu Yi really wants to grant Liu Han some land, but it can only be separated from his fief. He is not unwilling, but his princess Zhang is not willing. , he is still a wealthy Taiyuan family, and his background is not small.

Liu Yi was not mean to Liu Han, but he was not very nice either. He had food and drink, but the food was not very good. It was always uncomfortable to live under someone else's roof, so Liu Han, who was only five years old, came to Chang'an.

Of course, no matter whether he was living well or not, he would come to Chang'an and hold Huo Qubing's lap. Even if he couldn't, if he met him, he would have no regrets in his life.

Now that he is prosperous, he is a powerful prince, capable of commanding thousands of armies, and is a new generation of generals. Apart from Huo Qubing, he is the most popular, so red that he turns purple.

Regarding the vassal kings, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was sharpening his sword and fighting against the pigs and sheep. If you don't see Liu Ci, the king of Hengshan, the grass on the grave of Liu An, the king of Huainan, has begun to grow.

So what if you act as king?If you want an army without an army, if Liu Han is petty and speaks ill of you in front of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the one-character king might become a two-character king, and the feudal kingdom will become smaller and smaller.

If things go wrong, it is not impossible for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to be deposed and let Liu Han be the acting king.

That's what they thought, but Liu Che wouldn't do it.

This is the reason why Liu Jianzhang came. Not long after he left, Xiao Taohong came over happily.
"Sir, he gave me a lot of things, including gold, candies, and many rare treasures."

Sometimes, she seems like a little money addict.

Doesn't it mean that Dai Wang suffered a lot this time? When a person is at a low point, there are enemies on all sides, but once he reaches a high position, they are all good people.

Liu Han didn't even look at the money or the rare treasures. They were all fake. Only the power in his hands was real. Once you experienced this, no one could let it go easily.

(End of this chapter)

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