Chapter 49 Talented
"God Kunlun is above all, I have seen him second."

"Book of Han·Xiongnu Biography": "If the plant is restored and the base is like a Dan Yu standing,... He married Wang Zhaojun and gave birth to two daughters. The eldest daughter Yun is the second one, and the younger daughter is the second one. Yan Shi said in ancient times " "Xubu" and "Dangyu" are both members of her husband's family.

Shen Qinhan, a native of the Qing Dynasty, said: "'Juci' was the name of his prince's wife, just like today's princess is called 'Fujin'." See Wang Xianqian's "Hanshu Supplementary Notes" quoted.

In the Xiongnu, second place was equivalent to the princess of the Han Dynasty.

In a very remote alley, in a room, a middle-aged man saluted Ayimei. His name was Moore, and he was the secret envoy of the Huns in Chang'an.

Ayimei said calmly: "I am no longer second to the Xiongnu. I am now the wife and concubine of the Han Shuiche Marquis."

"But you will always bleed the blood of the Xiongnu, you are a subject of the Kunlun God, and you will bleed the blood of the great Chanyu..."

Moore wanted to say something else, but Ayimei waved her hand directly, "I still have Han blood flowing in my body, and my mother is still a Han princess. Don't come to me again. Forget it this time. If I do it next time, I will tell him Yes, you will die."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, I'm here with orders from the Great Chanyu this time."

"What does it have to do with me?" Ayimei looked indifferent.

"The Great Chanyu said that if you completely surrender to the Han people, you will have no choice but to kill you."

Moore said, with a cold look in his eyes, and took out the knife he carried.

"The Huns do not allow traitors." He said and stabbed Ai Mei.


Ayimei turned around, dodged nimbly, quickly pulled out the hairpin on her head, and inserted it directly into Moore's neck, and blood immediately poured out.


Then, she put her foot on Moore's stomach and kicked him to the ground.

The man fell to the ground and looked at Ayimei with disbelief in his eyes.

"You underestimate me too much. I have experienced war, been captured, and almost died. I don't want to experience such a thing again. I am no longer the person I was a year ago. There is a saying you are right about. , I have always retained the blood of the Huns, my life is very good now, and I don’t want to be disturbed.”

Ayimei gasped, her body trembling slightly, but her face was filled with a smile of victory.


Moore tilted his head and completely lost his vitality. Ayimei stepped forward, put her hands together and saluted.

"Kunlun God is on high!"

She immediately pulled out the hairpin, wiped it on Moore's clothes, then put it on her head again, turned around and left...

In the rouge shop,

"Sister Yi, what did you just do?"

"I went to buy some candies. Lord Marquis likes to eat them." Ayimei said with a normal expression, lifting up a bag.

"Oh, you cheated. We agreed to go shopping after shopping."

"Here it is, you bought it all and you are the best to the Marquis." Ayimei smiled and handed the bag to Xiao Taohong.

"No, I'll buy it myself later. How about this red one? Why don't you give it a try?"

Xiao Taohong picked up a rouge and handed it to Aimei.

"My little Tao Hong is so naturally beautiful that she looks good no matter what she wears."

"I'm not as good-looking as you, my sister is. Otherwise, why would the young master be with you every day?"

Several girls were talking, and Xiong Da, who was following them to pick up something, kept his eyes straight. He was tall and equipped with a sword, like a robot.

On the other hand, the thin Xiong Er on the side moved his nose slightly.

"Xiong Da, I seem to smell blood."

"where is it?"

"Madam's hairpin is on top."

"Are you sure, why didn't I smell it, so far away?"

"I always feel something is wrong. Madam has been out for a long time. Maybe I smelled it wrong. I'll go out for a while and you can keep an eye on it."

"it is good."

Xiong Er was quite clever. It didn't take long for him to find Moore's body. He looked through it carefully, checked it, and then immediately returned to the house to report to Liu Han.

"Do you think Ah Ruo killed him?" Ah Ruo was named by Liu Han to A Yi Mei. He thinks Liu Ah Ruo sounds much nicer than A Yi Mei. He likes to name others, mainly for He is easy to remember. He always likes to forget other people's names. This was the case in his previous life.Xiong Da, Xiong Er, Bald Qiang, Xiao Taohong, Liu Aruo, how easy to remember.

Xiong Er nodded. He was the smartest and most attentive among the three disciples. "Yes, I killed him with the hairpin on his head. He was killed in one blow."

"Who do you think he is?"


Liu Han felt a slight tremor in his heart. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, get rid of the body and pretend nothing happened."


From the day they entered Liu Han's sect, they swore to be loyal to Liu Han forever and never betray, so he rarely asked why, and just did what Liu Han said.

As dusk approaches, the entire sky is gradually dyed a warm orange-red color.The sun gradually sets in the west, casting a gorgeous afterglow, covering the earth with a golden halo.

The breeze blew by, bringing with it a hint of floral fragrance and moisture.The leaves sway gently under the caress of the breeze, making a rustling sound like a natural symphony.In the distance, a group of flying birds fluttered past, cutting through the orange sky, leaving a beautiful and mysterious arc.

As the sun set, Xiao Taohong and others returned to the house after a day of shopping. Xiong Da and Xiong Er were carrying large and small bags, and there was even a carriage behind them to pull things.

"Master, I bought you candies, pastries, honey, and fine fabrics. I want to make you a robe..."

At the dinner table, Xiao Taohong was talking in a show-off manner, like a child who got high marks and asked for praise from her parents.

An expression that says "please praise me, praise me now, I'm so great".

"Yes, yes, I know. You are the best to me, young master. My little Taohong is the best to all the big men."

Liu Han smiled and pinched his smiling face with his hands. It was soft and tender, and he felt very comfortable. However, Ayimei beside him was silent and seemed to have a bad appetite.

"Come on, Ah Ruo, eat the chicken legs." Liu Han put a chicken head into her bowl. She was now extremely proficient in using chopsticks.

"Okay, thank you, Lord Marquis."

After eating, it’s time to take a shower.

"Wash together?"

Many times, Liu Han wanted to take a bath with Ai Mei, but she always refused. This time, she did not refuse.

Her movements were very gentle, and she slowly undressed Liu Han. Liu Han was not idle either, and kept moving his hands.

"There is one thing I still want to tell you."

Liu Han paused slightly and stopped moving his hands, "What's the matter?"

"There is a Huns spy in the city. He contacted me today. I knew it even if he didn't tell me. He wanted me to get information, but I didn't agree."

"Let me see, you're not injured?"

Liu Han scraped her clean three times, checked her carefully, and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that nothing was wrong.

"You know it all?"

She blushed and quickly looked for a robe to cover herself.

"Isn't it too late to think about covering up now?"


Liu Han carried her into the bath bucket. The bucket was very big and could accommodate three or four people.

She closed her eyes and didn't dare to make any unnecessary movements.

"You don't understand what I am, and I don't understand what you are. There is no silver three hundred here."

Liu Han just stared at her face and smiled unconsciously.

At this moment, he felt that she was really cute.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked at each other, as if there was no need to say anything, and the two hearts were very close.

"You can tell me anything. Don't go alone next time. I'll feel sorry for you if you get hurt. It's so dangerous. Your talent is pretty good. You can kill people in a year. I'll find you a teacher in the future to teach you the sword." You shouldn’t need to be taught law, equestrianism and archery, I’m afraid you’re pretty good at it too.”

"I know a little."

Liu Han said with a half-smile, "Come here, I'll teach you something else and see if this talent is good enough."

"Plop flop!"


The joy in this is not enough for outsiders!
(End of this chapter)

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