The great man will live forever

Chapter 54 2 Battle in Hexi

Chapter 54 World War II Hexi (Ten Thousand Years of the Han Dynasty)
At night, both Li Guang and King Zuo Xian temporarily stopped their troops to rest, but they were always on guard.

"I didn't expect that Li Guang is such a good shot. He will definitely wipe them all out this time and show off to the Han army."

King Zuo Xian was a little angry. The Han army suffered heavy casualties, with only less than 4000 people left out of 2000. However, the Xiongnu army was still uncomfortable. There were only about 3 people left in the 6-strong army, and several generals were shot dead by Li Guang.

The Huns are far less numerous than the Han people. If they continue to die like this, they will die.


He inserted his knife into the bone of the finished lamb leg and said, "Tomorrow we will completely annihilate the Han army."


As for Li Guang, he was worried inside, but his face remained calm.

"Have the people sent to summon Bowang Hou Zhang Qian not come back yet?"

Li Gan was still covered in blood at this time, and his face looked a little worried, "Yes, father."

"Well, if nothing can be done tomorrow, you can find a way to break out on your own. You are my only child and you are still young. If there is a chance in the future, our Li family's hope of becoming a marquis will be left to you."

It was Li Guang's thought to be granted the title of Marquis. This was the highest achievement a general could achieve, at least it was like this before Huo Qubing granted the title of Langjuxu.

"Father, what about you?"

Li Guang sighed, "I have already escaped once. I don't want to escape anymore. I am old. I will live and die with the army."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and gently touched the blood on Li Gan's face. Li Gan was startled. This man who had always been like steel showed tenderness for the first time. He was a little at a loss. In his eyes, his father had never been He is proud of being brave and fearless.

In fact, Li Guang was very angry about what happened that year.

Seven or eight years ago, in 129 BC, Li Guang used his guards as generals to attack the Huns from Yanmen.

That time, he was also very unlucky. The Huns had many troops and he was surrounded. It was almost eerily similar to today. What a twist of fate.

After a great battle, almost all of their troops were wiped out. Li Guang was also injured and captured alive.

The Xiongnu Chanyu had always known Li Guang's power, so he had him placed on a net between two horses, with Li Guang lying on the net.

After walking for more than ten miles, he pretended to be dead. The Huns neglected to take precautions and transported the corpse. As he walked, Li Guang secretly saw a Huns cavalryman riding a good horse next to him.

Li Guang felt that the opportunity had come and he couldn't miss it because it would never come again. So, with lightning speed, Li Guang suddenly jumped on the Hun cavalry's horse and pushed the cavalryman down. He took the Hun cavalry's bow and arrow. He rode his horse and ran several dozen miles south to meet the Han army.

When Li Guang escaped, hundreds of Huns cavalry pursued Li Guang. He was really unequivocal and used the captured bow and arrow to kill the pursuers. The arrows were all in vain, so Li Guang was able to escape.

After he returned to the Han Dynasty, the court handed him over to the officials.Officials believed that Li Guang suffered heavy losses and was captured alive by the enemy, so he should be beheaded. Later, Li Guang paid money and was demoted to a commoner.

Of course was he really to blame for that fight?The Xiongnu army surrounded him heavily, and he resisted vigorously, so that the whole army was annihilated. Instead of surrendering, he pretended to be dead and escaped back with his own intelligence and bravery.

As a result, he was directly demoted to a commoner, and the battles in the first half of his life were all in vain.

No wonder when Zhao Xin surrendered to the enemy and Su Jian's army was wiped out, he said that Su Jian should be executed, or at least demoted to a commoner, which was what he did back then.

Li Gan was not afraid of death, "Father, there are too many Xiongnu troops this time. We only have 4000 people. My son must cover his father's retreat."

"That's all, let's see tomorrow. Real man, the corpse is wrapped in horse leather. I just hope Zhang Qian will come soon."

The next day, at dawn, the battle started again.



Screams, blood splattered everywhere, broken limbs and arms, broken swords, broken arrows, horses lying on the ground twitching...

These all indicate the cruelty of this war.As the sun set, the remaining sun shone on Li Gan's face, revealing red, not only sunlight, but also blood.

"Father, let me cover your retreat. If this continues, the entire army will be annihilated."

"If you don't retreat, fight to the death. You can find a way to withdraw. Your nephews are still counting on you. They are still young."

Li Guang's two sons, Li Danghu and Li Jiao, both died before him. They did have a son who was still young and was taken care of by Li Guang and Li Gan.

Li Danghu had a very famous son named Li Ling. Why was he so famous? Because Sima Qian was corrupted because of him.

Li Ling inherited the genes of his grandfather Li Guang. He was good at riding and shooting, and was very powerful. Emperor Wu made him the captain of riding, teaching archery to Jiuquan and Zhangye soldiers to guard against the Huns.

In the second year of the Tianhan Dynasty (99 BC), when General Li Guangli of the Second Division attacked the Xiongnu, Li Ling asked himself to lead [-] infantrymen out of Juyan to Junji Mountain, where he was surrounded by more than [-] cavalry led by Shanyu.Although he led his troops to fight vigorously, they eventually surrendered because they ran out of food and no means of rescue.

Li Ling had a good relationship with Sima Qian, and he knew what Li Ling was like, so he defended him.

Even if the ministers added insult to injury one after another and accused Li Ling, Sima Qian was the only one who understood right from wrong.

Sima Qian said righteously: "The mausoleum is filial to relatives and trustworthy to scholars. He often sacrifices himself for the country's urgent needs, regardless of his own life. He has the custom of a national scholar. Now that he has failed to do anything, the minister who spared no effort to protect his wife followed. The match tiller is short and painful!

Moreover, there were less than five thousand infantrymen in Lingti, deep in the land of soldiers and horses, and tens of thousands of troops were suppressed. They had no time to save the dead and heal the wounded, and all the people with bows and bows were mobilized to attack and besiege.After fighting for thousands of miles, the arrows are exhausted and the road is exhausted. The soldiers cut their swords in the air and risked their swords. They fought against the deadly enemy in the north and won the death power of the people. Even the famous generals in ancient times could not do it.Although the body was defeated, the destruction it suffered was enough to be violent to the world.If he does not die, he should repay the Han Dynasty properly. "

Li Ling thought the same way at the time. The blood of Li Guang of the Li family flows in his body.

However, Gongsun Ao, who went to meet Li Ling shortly after, returned without success. He even lied that Li Ling was training troops for the Huns in order to counterattack the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu was furious and ordered the death of Li Ling's family.

And Sima Qian was also convicted of false accusation for "wanting to suppress the two masters and lobbying for the mausoleum".The crime of false accusation is a crime of great disrespect and should be punished according to the law.

At that time, the death penalty could be replaced by corruption. In order to fulfill his last wish, Sima Qian endured the humiliation and accepted the punishment.

The greatness of Sima Qian lies not only in the fact that he wrote the "Historical Records", which is the swan song of historians and has no rhyme, but also in his spiritual quality.

He has a kind of persistence that is unwilling to give up; a kind of persistence that grits his teeth; and a kind of spirit that is persevering.

Sima Qian's greatness lies in the fact that he never judged heroes based on success or failure, and never judged historical figures based on simple moral concepts.

He actually made heroes or quasi-heroes out of previous generations of killers and contemporary lawbreakers.

Before him, history had always been written by the victors, so it became a tendency in history books to "winners are kings and losers are bandits."

Once upon a time, looking through history books, winners became heroes and losers became bandits, with few exceptions.

However, Sima Qian is an alternative among historians. Although he also sang praises to the winners, he never discriminated against the losers.In his eyes, sometimes losers are also heroes, even more heroic than winners.

Because in Tai Shigong's view, success or failure has a cause and is determined by various factors.

Of course, the arrival of Liu Han will inevitably have a profound impact on the Han Dynasty. Will Li Ling still become a tragic and suffering hero struggling in his destiny? Can Tai Shigong still write "Historical Records"?
None of this is known, but he knows that Tai Shigong will definitely not be corrupted.

At that time, Liu Han should have been able to persuade Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. If he could not persuade him, he could still give money to atone for his sins. In the Han Dynasty, giving money could atone for the death penalty. This was the case with Li Guang, Su Jian, and later Gongsun Ao and Zhang Qian. in this way.

Back then, Tai Shigong's family didn't have enough money, otherwise he could have given money to avoid death. He had no money, so he could only use corruption as an alternative. He didn't have money, but Liu Han did.

"Fight to the death!"

"Thousands of years of the great man!"

On this day, Li Guang fought bloody battles. He didn't want to escape, even if he died on the battlefield.

In the eyes of later generations, Li Guang was not as successful as Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, but it is undeniable that he and Tai Shigong were the glory of the Han Dynasty, and they illuminated the Han Dynasty.

 Sima Qian, who shouldered the moral responsibility with his iron shoulders and wrote articles with skillful hands, became the swan song of a generation of historians.I observed what he said, like drinking from a sweet spring, free and easy, quite romantic.Tai Shigong's knowledge is both deep and far-reaching.With the perspective of history, we can gain insight into the world and encompass the past and present.Not based on personal likes and dislikes, but based on facts, write straightly, and witness history.His writing is both a history book and a literary and artistic one. It is meaningful and thought-provoking.Tai Shigong's ability to endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens was truly a feat.Although he suffered from corruption, he remained loyal to history books, endured humiliation and heavy burdens, and continued to write history.Sima Qian can be said to have endured humiliation and endured heavy burdens for a long time.With his high status and wide influence, he is worthy of being regarded as a giant historian, setting an example for the ages.Later generations of literati admired his high moral integrity and respected his outstanding historical knowledge.Unfortunately, the world is like a dream, life is like a play, and Sima Qian's greatness is beyond our reach.I praised Tai Shigong and felt ashamed.The charm of his words, the profoundness of his knowledge, and the nobleness of his personality are all things that our generation should learn from.I hope that future generations of scholars can understand Tai Shigong's state of mind, learn from his character, learn from history, and understand the principles of rise and fall.Sima Qian can be called a master of history, and his teachings are admired by all generations.

(End of this chapter)

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