Chapter 79
Chang'an, another [-]-mile rush.

"Your Majesty, military report from the front!"

"Say it!"

Dongfang Shuo immediately opened a wooden box, took out the bamboo slips inside and read them.

"Your Majesty, our troops left Dai County and Beiping County on the right, marched north for more than 2000 miles, crossed Lihou Mountain, crossed the Gonglu River, engaged the Xiongnu Zuoxianwang's troops, and defeated the Xiongnu army.

They captured three people, including the King of Tuntou and King Han of the Xiongnu, and 98 generals, prime ministers, danghus, and captains. They killed and captured 79543 Xiongnu people, and almost all the elite troops of King Zuoxian were lost.Now our army is still chasing death and heading north, and is about to flatten Langjuxu Mountain in an effort to capture King Zuo Xian.

Huo Qubing, Liu Hanbao, Yuanshou three years, the fourth day of the fifth lunar month. "

"Okay, okay!" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stood up excitedly and shouted.

After calming down, he quickly asked: "Where is Shan Yubu now?"

"It is said that it is directly north of General Wei Qing, towards the royal court."

That night, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stayed up all night. He walked up to the star observatory and looked at the moon in the night sky, which was big and round and filled with stars. He was drinking.

Not long after, a young man walked up. He looked talented and had the air of a scholar, like a humble gentleman who stepped out of a painting. He was Sima Qian, who was only 26 years old this year.

He lived in his hometown in his early years and went to Beijing with his father at the age of ten. He studied Gongyang Studies in "Shangshu" and "Spring and Autumn" from Kong Anguo, a master of ancient Chinese literature, and Dong Zhongshu, a master of modern Chinese literature. He had extensive study of Confucianism, Taoism and other schools of thought. Now he serves as any Doctor.

"Meet Your Majesty."

"Come on, Sima Qian. I heard that you are knowledgeable and talented. I asked you to give me some advice. Where is the middle palace?"

Heroes who have great ambitions, have good plans, have the opportunity to hide the universe, and those who have the ambition to swallow the world!

At this moment, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty seemed to have carried the starry sky above his head into his chest. How high-spirited he was. The battle was basically half won. As long as Wei Qing defeated the Xiongnu Great Chanyu, from now on, this land would be conquered from south to north and from east to west. To the west, the great Han is the only one with dignity!
"Your Majesty, please see, this group of spoon-shaped stars is the Zhonggong, also called Ziwei Palace, one of the Three Walls.

Sanyuan: Zhongyuan is located in the center of the north sky and is called Zhonggong or Ziwei Palace. It is also called Ziweiyuan.

Shangyuan is located in the northeast under Ziwei Yuan and is called Taiwei Yuan.

Xia Yuan, located in the southeast direction below Ziwei Yuan, is called Tianshi Yuan.

Ziwei Yuan is the seat of the palace; Taiwei Yuan is the seat of the imperial court; Tianshi Yuan is the seat of the Mingtang. "

Sima Qian pointed to each place and introduced them in detail, even introducing the location and significance of Sanyuan.

"Well, not bad." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at it carefully and then said: "The stars seem a little different today?"

Sima Qian said quickly: "Your Majesty is really wise. You can see it at a glance. The Ziwei in the middle palace is clear, and the seven stars in the arc are directed towards the Sirius. It is a sign of good luck!"

Sirius is a star located above the North Pole. It is slightly less bright than the sun and is basically the brightest star visible in the night sky except the moon.

According to legend, Sirius was an evil and cunning demon who once destroyed all life in the world.But in the end Sirius was suppressed by the gods of justice and turned into a star.

Therefore, people believe that Sirius symbolizes evil and cunning.

In addition, Sirius also represents death, disaster and mystery.

In ancient times, it has always been a representative of the alien race. Looking northwest and shooting at the Sirius is the alien race.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said with a smile on his face, "You guys are all talking about mysteries. Back then Dong Zhongshu told me about the resonance between heaven and man, and what is the way of heaven? The way of heaven is the human heart. Whatever the human heart wants, heaven will respond. Do you understand this truth? ?”

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said this, but he still had a certain respect for the gods in his heart, otherwise he would not have been in poor health in his later years, so he would have thought that someone had used witchcraft to harm him, and then caused the witchcraft disaster.

People are always confused when they grow old. Many wise and mighty emperors or great men always make mistakes in their later years.

New things will surely replace old things, and history will not stop for anyone. This is why later generations advocate younger cadres.

Sima Qian said respectfully: "Since your Majesty ascended the throne, in the past few decades, although the celestial wolves have been rampant in the northwest and the celestial phenomena have often been abnormal, the palace has always been clear, the crape myrtle has shone in the sky, the heaven and the earth have prospered, and everything has been renewed. It really created the Xia and Shang Dynasties." This is the grandest event since the Zhou and Qin Dynasties. As a historian, Yuchen is determined to rewrite the history books and record the prosperous history of this generation!" "Okay, you are ambitious. As the son of Taishi Ling, you will inherit your father's legacy and govern the way of heaven. , talk about human affairs and astronomy, observe the changes of time, adapt to the changes of heaven and man, and understand the changes of ancient and modern times. This is your duty."

"Hehe!" Hearing Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's praise, Sima Qian smiled honestly, and then said: "I have some good news that I want to report to His Majesty."

"Oh, what's the good news?"

"Look this way."

Sima Qian pointed in one direction in the sky and asked Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to observe carefully.

"Hey, the position of these five stars seems a little different from usual."

"Exactly, the five stars of metal, wood, water, fire and earth, as well as the sun and the moon, will be linked together at midnight tonight. Your Majesty, this five-star combination is an auspicious image that only appears once in 500 years."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was extremely surprised and said, "Before the war, five stars appeared in a row. May God bless China, and God bless me, China."

He shouted, with expectations for Wei Qing, the only thing left behind was the Xiongnu Chanyu.

"The heavenly signs are auspicious, Your Majesty!"

"This event is worth commemorating. I ordered the painters to record this auspicious event on the big wall of Chengming Hall. ☆☆☆☆☆☆ The five stars came out of the east, benefiting China, killing the Southern Qiang, conquering the barbarians, and surrendering the Chan Yu. Like the sky, I will weave ten thousand more pieces of brocade, and I will use this to reward the returning soldiers!"


In October 1995, members of the Sino-Japanese Niya ruins academic expedition team discovered the tapestry in an ancient tomb at the Niya ruins in Minfeng County, Hotan Prefecture, Xinjiang, and it was collected in the Xinjiang Museum.

The brocade is rectangular with rounded corners, 18.5 cm long and 12.5 cm wide. It uses the "Five Stars from the East to Benefit China" brocade as the fabric. The edges are edged with white silk. Each of the two long edges is sewn with three strips of about 3 cm in length. , a white silk ribbon 21 cm wide, three of which were broken.

There are eight Chinese characters in seal script: "five stars come out of the east and benefit China".

On June 2023, 6, a rare spectacle of seven stars appeared on this day. Shu Yuzhu, a senior student of history at a certain university, mysteriously disappeared when he was checking the Han Dynasty brocade armband with five stars out of the east and benefiting China in the Xinjiang Museum for writing a thesis. , disappeared without a trace...

In the second year of Yuanshou, 120 BC, on the seventh day of May, in Changle Palace, a side hall of Yongshou Palace, a palace maid slowly woke up. She opened her clear and stupid eyes and looked around. She discovered the fact that she had traveled through time. , here is the big man.

"How could this be?"

"My breasts have become smaller and I have become thinner?" She fetched a basin of water and looked at her appearance carefully.

"My appearance has not changed, but who am I? Shu Yuzhu, a later history college student? Or Dong Cuihua, the laundry maid of Yongshou Palace?"

She was a little confused until the memory in her mind became clearer and clearer.

"Cuihua? Why do you have such a rustic name?"

"No, I am Shu Yuzhu!"

At this time, a palace maid broke in, "Xiao Cui, are you awake? That's great, I almost thought you were dead."

The palace maid took her hand and inspected her carefully. This was her sister Dong Cuiyun. The two of them entered the palace together and are now working as maids in the laundry department, the lowest level.

"Is there any discomfort there?"

"No no!"

She dealt with it carefully.


At this moment, the gears of fate began to turn again. Liu Han thought he was special, or the only one. Unfortunately, no one was special!

 I wrote about a time traveler again. This collection is only 5000. I guess not many people will read it. I’ll work full time and write whatever I want. I just want to be happy. I used to think that I was the only one and special, but later I found out that I was not. Why should the time traveler be the only one? It’s not necessary, so I wrote a female time traveler and made them fall in love and kill each other. I felt pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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