Chapter 8
At ten o'clock in the evening, night falls,
"Captain Yao is back!"

"Report, Colonel Yao is back!"

Following the shouts of the messengers, Huo Qubing and Liu Han returned to Wei Qing's camp.

Wei Qing shouted in the military tent, "Quick, let him come to see me immediately."

At this time, he looked a little excited. The entire army in front of him had been wiped out. He was really afraid that his nephew would also be wiped out. That would be terrible.

Zhang Qian, Gongsun Ao, and Li Guang also came to Wei Qing's camp immediately.

Huo Qubing and Liu Han walked in excitedly.

"Captain Yao, meet the general!"

"Liu Han meets the general!"

Wei Qing looked directly at Huo Qubing, his expression changing from surprise to anger.

He asked, "Where are you going? Didn't I just ask you to catch a few tongues? When you arrive, there is no trace of anyone. For seven days and seven nights, there is no trace at all."

Liu Han wanted to laugh but didn't. Huo Qubing was not afraid of heaven or earth. There were probably only two people who dared to scold him. One was his uncle Wei Qing, and the other was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, who was like his father.

It is said that Huo Qubing was brought up by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and he didn't have much water. Anyway, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty treated Huo Qubing better than his own son.

Huo Qubing smiled and said, "Uncle, I brought you a gift."

"Bring it up!"

Following his instructions, the sergeant pressed down three people and one head.

Seeing Wei Qing and everyone confused, Huo Qubing took the initiative to introduce him.
"This is Luo Gubi, the uncle of the Xiongnu Chanyu, this is his state minister, and this woman is Ayimei, the niece of Yizhixie Chanyu, who is the daughter of the previous generation of Xiongnu Chanyu's military minister.

There is also this one, which is the head of Ruohou, Yi Zhixie's grandfather. There are 28 pairs of Huns' ears outside the tent. Because the journey is too far, they are afraid that the Huns will chase them, so they only cut them off. ears. "

In fact, Huo Qubing wanted to cut off the head, but Liu Han said to cut off the ears. After all, there is no such thing as killing a good person and taking credit. This is a grassland, except for the Han army, which is the Huns, and almost all the Huns are soldiers, so cutting off the ears is similar.

Also, Huo Qubing originally wanted to kill that woman, Ayimei, the niece of Yi Zhixie Chanyu, but Liu Han firmly disagreed.

Of course, he would not admit that it was because of his beautiful appearance, he was a little interested in it.

The reason he gave was also very powerful, "Isn't Yi Zhixie, the niece of Chanyu, the daughter of Chanyu, the military minister of the previous Huns, equivalent to the princess of the Han Dynasty? How can she be killed at will?"

Speaking of lust, even though Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was a man of great talent and talent, he was also a lustful person who sang and sang every night.

Jinwu Cangjiao was handed down from him.

As the old saying goes: "As long as you eat whole grains and can fart and cough, you are bound to be vulgar."

There are also many "vulgar" things, such as being stingy, loving to save money, loving to eat, having an appetite, and things between men and women after a full meal.This desire is something that no ordinary person can avoid.

Especially emperors, many of them did not exercise restraint and eventually died on women's bellies.

It is said that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had a harem of 8000 people. Mingguang Palace was a palace built by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty specifically for beauties. There were two thousand beauties in it alone.

These two thousand beauties were selected from the Yan and Zhao regions. These women were all between fifteen and twenty years old. Because there were so many beauties, some women could only meet Liu Che in three to five years.

Liu Che also selected [-] outstanding beauties from these [-] beauties to go out with him. In addition, he also selected [-] extremely beautiful ones to ride in the dragon chariot with him.

In the beauty pageant standards of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he required that women must be naturally beautiful and no makeup was allowed.

Regarding this issue, Liu Han asked Huo Qubing and also inquired privately. There were not [-] women, but there were a few thousand.

Moreover, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was particularly easy to fall in love with other women. Once a woman became old and lustful, he didn't like her very much.

Wei Zifu became old and beautiful in his later years, and he immediately fell in love with her. Later, the witchcraft disaster even forced her to commit suicide.

At first, he took advantage of his status as an emperor to forcefully take them away.No one can always be 18 years old, but there are always people who are 18 years old. A man will be a boy until he dies. He likes young people. Maybe, maybe, probably, he just made the same mistake that all men make.

Even though Liu Che was lustful, he became militaristic in his later years and caused troubles caused by witchcraft.

But it is undeniable that he was one of the most outstanding monarchs in the feudal dynasty. He established the strong situation of the Han Dynasty and became the first development peak of China's feudal dynasty. He also opened up a vast territory and established the basic scope of the Han Dynasty. .

Emperor Qin and Han Wu were slightly less talented in literature; Emperor Tang and Song Zu were slightly less elegant; Genghis Khan, the genius of the generation...

He is someone who can rival these emperors.

In Wei Qing's tent, as Huo Qubing finished speaking, there was silence all around.


Li Guang laughed.

"Good job!"

Zhang Qian, Gongsun Ao and others also praised him.

"Good boy!"

Wei Qing laughed, walked up to Huo Qubing, and kept patting his shoulders.

Huo Qubing shook his teeth and said, "This time, the Huns can have a taste of the power of our Han army."

"Good boy, I really have you."

Wei Qing excitedly punched Huo Qubing's chest with his fist.

"Not bad!"

"Ha ha!"

Everyone in the military tent laughed, but the faces of the captured Huns were full of sadness. This shows that human sorrow and joy are not connected.

"Are you Liu Han?"

At this time, Wei Qing noticed Liu Han beside him.

"When I was little, I remember that you and Qu Bing came to my mansion to play a few times, right?"

"Yes, it's getting bigger in the back, so I haven't been here since, and General, you have moved in the back."

"That's right, after moving into the Changping Marquis Mansion, you can grow up in the future. I remember you are only 16 this year."


"In a flash, you are now so big. How many enemies have you killed this time?"

"Oh, I only killed seven. I was a little scared when I killed for the first time. I was stunned. I was almost attacked by the Hun soldiers. It was Brother Huo who saved me. Brother Huo is the most powerful. He killed more than 30 Hun soldiers. We are about to break through the Xiongnu camp, you are so powerful."

Wei Qing smiled, patted his shoulder, and sighed, "Seven is pretty good. The first time I went to the battlefield, I killed four. I was already in my 7s at that time. It's like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Generation after generation Even better than the previous generation, I am old!"

Immediately, everyone started chatting with each other, and Huo Qubing focused on the story.

Finally, when it was almost done, Wei Qing said to Huo Qubing: "The emperor urgently invites you and me to return to Chang'an. You should prepare immediately and take the prisoners with you. Liu Han should go back with you!"



 Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che's achievements were very rich.He strengthened the centralization of power, established systems such as China, Korea, and governors, reformed the currency system, salt and iron official camps, collected books, respected Confucianism, opened up the Silk Road, defeated the Huns to the north, opened up the Western Regions to the west, and conquered to the east. Korea, went south to conquer Fujian and Yue, opened up territory, established Taixue, etc.He also inspected the breach of the Yellow River, but due to long-term conquests, self-imposed luxury and other reasons, the disaster of witchcraft broke out in his later years.The achievements of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty mainly include strengthening centralization of power, exclusive respect for Confucianism, currency system reform, opening the Silk Road for the first time, expanding territory, establishing reign titles, etc.He also founded Taixue to cultivate talents. Taixue was the first formal institution of higher learning founded by the government in the history of China's feudal society and a shining pearl in the history of Chinese education.

(End of this chapter)

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