The great man will live forever

Chapter 82 Do you think I still have a chance?

Chapter 82 Do you think I still have a chance?

When the boy was fifteen or twenty, he captured Hu Maqi on foot.Shoot the white-fronted tiger in the mountains, and you will be willing to count the yellow-bearded children in Ye!
He has fought for three thousand miles, and his sword has served as a division for millions.The soldiers of the Han Dynasty were as fast as thunderbolts, and the cavalry were fearful of the thorns.

The bright moon of the Qin Dynasty passed the Han Dynasty, and the people who marched thousands of miles have not yet returned.But the flying generals of Dragon City are here, and Hu Ma is not taught to cross the Yin Mountain...

These are all poems related to Li Guang, and his fate was also decided at this time.

After Wei Qing and Li Guang reunited, he sent his own soldiers to understand the situation.

The soldiers came to Li Guang's camp and asked: "General Li, the general asked me to ask you, why did you get lost this time?"

As a general, Wei Qing had to report the results and details of this battle to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, the reason why Li Guang got lost must be understood.

But Li Guang kept silent, his face was extremely ugly, and even a little pale.

"General Li, if you don't tell me, you have to think about your subordinates."

After a moment of silence, Li Guang finally spoke, with decadence in his voice, "I will explain it to the general myself. It is none of other people's business."

"Okay, then follow me to see the general and explain it yourself."

So, Li Guang followed the soldiers to Wei Qing's camp.

"General Li, why did you get lost this time? Why couldn't you arrive on time?"

Li Guang continued to remain silent.

"I don't mean to blame you. Sometimes you do get lost in the desert, but you have to report it to His Majesty."

Wei Qing saw that Li Guang was still silent, and he became a little angry, "General Li, since you don't want to answer me, go to the middle of the tent yourself and tell the chief historian. He will record it and report it to His Majesty."

Wei Qing saw that Li Guang didn't answer, so he asked him to go to the big tent to take notes and record his confession.

At this time, Li Guang was very sad and angry, his eyes were moist and tears were shining, and he spoke with a heavy heart.

"I, Li Guang, have fought more than seventy battles in my life. I am already 60 years old this year. I am afraid that I will not be able to fight in the future.

And I only have this chance, which is to directly confront the Xiongnu's Chanyu.

But the general transferred me to the right and lost my way again. Is this God's will? "

He said, looking at the sky, and his words were full of questions. He had his own pride, how could he be willing to be insulted and questioned by such a petty official?

"My soldiers are not at fault, the fault is all my own."



After saying this, Li Guang drew a knife and killed himself, with blood splattering everywhere.

"General Li, come quickly!"

Wei Qing was shocked. He wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

"Why is this happening? Why is this happening? Quick, call the doctor!"

He covered Li Guang's neck with his hands, but blood still flowed out desperately.

"General Li, you won't die if you get lost. If you can pay for your sins, you..."

Seeing Li Guang who was almost lifeless, Wei Qing was very heartbroken. He regretted and felt guilty...

In 120 BC, the third year of Yuanshou, Li Guang committed suicide in this year.

In the 14th year of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty (166 BC), he joined the army to attack the Xiongnu and was promoted to Zhonglang due to his meritorious service.

From the time he joined the army to the year he committed suicide, it was a total of 46 years.

He served in the army for 46 years, nearly half a century. In the end, he committed suicide due to an emergency transfer that caused him to lose his way.

After Li Guang died, all the soldiers in Li Guang's army shed tears.

"General! Why are you so stupid!"



Li Guang's army can be seen everywhere. The soldiers are crying and crying. He is really kind to the soldiers. He drinks all the water before all the soldiers have finished drinking, and eats only after they finish eating.

Moreover, whether the common people knew it or not, they all cried when they heard that Li Guang committed suicide.This is a very unfortunate general in the history of the Han-Hungarian war, he was Li Guang.

He fought against the Xiongnu for more than seventy years throughout his life, but he was not made a marquis until his death.

Therefore, Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty wrote in his poem that Feng Tang is easy to grow old, but Li Guang is difficult to seal.

On the way back to the court, Liu Han also got the news, and he was a little surprised.

"Is history so difficult to change?" He sighed inwardly. He had clearly reminded Wei Qing, but there were some things that couldn't be said openly. He couldn't say that Li Guang was going to get lost and commit suicide, right?
If this reaches the mouth of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and you can predict it, it will be terrible. You may be banned for life.

When human beings face the unknown, they first respond with curiosity, then fear, and finally try every means to master it. If they cannot master it, they will be destroyed. This is human nature.

"Maybe this is fate!"

He suddenly felt a sense of fear. Li Guang's fate was like this, but what about Huo Qubing's?

He looked sideways at Huo Qubing, who was riding high on the horse. He was afraid of losing his thigh, and even more afraid of losing his brother. They had been friends for more than ten years.

During the Battle of Dingxiangbei, their newborn calves were not afraid of tigers, how high-spirited they were!

In the Battle of Hexi, they crossed the desert, detoured thousands of miles, swept across the Xiongnu, and defeated the five kingdoms in six days. Hu Chen was shocked thousands of miles away. How invincible they were!

In the Battle of Mobei, we traveled more than 2000 miles through the vast Gobi Desert, defeated the main force of the Xiongnu, sealed the wolf as a coward, meditated in Guyan, climbed to the Hanhai Sea, and achieved the supreme glory of a military commander. What a glorious thing it is!

They have gone through so many hardships and wars together, and they can trust each other without hesitation. How could Liu Han be willing to let him die? How could he want him to die?
Perhaps noticing the look in Liu Han's eyes, Huo Qubing asked: "What's wrong? Brother Liu, are you still sad about General Li? It is the fate of my soldiers to be shrouded in horse leather."

"Why did he commit suicide? Isn't it possible to buy one's life with money? There are many people who are lost and lost, such as Gongsun Ao and Zhang Qian. They are all living well, so why can't he? It's normal to get lost in the desert, isn't it?"

Facing Liu Han's doubts, Huo Qubing was silent for a moment and said: "He has lost hope. People are most afraid of losing hope."

Liu Han suddenly understood why Li Guang no longer paid for his life during the decisive battle in Mobei in the third year of Yuanshou, but chose to commit suicide.

Because Li Guang attached great importance to the last decisive battle in Mobei in his life, because when this battle was fought, Li Guang was already 60 years old.

Li Guang knew that his chances of joining the army were running out, and he valued this war very much.

In this battle, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty did not send him. He took the initiative to ask for help. He cried in the hall and complained about his grievances. He just imitated a child and crawled and rolled on the ground before a former general came over.

Therefore, he placed one goal and one wish in his life, that is, the expectation of becoming a prince, on this war against Hungary.

And it just so happened that the information obtained this time revealed the specific location of the Xiongnu Chanyu.

Therefore, Li Guang takes this battle very seriously. He feels that this is his only chance and the last chance to achieve his life goals.

However, Wei Qing transferred him.

As a general, Wei Qing's status, Wei Qing's prestige, Wei Qing's identity, Wei Qing's military exploits, Wei Qing's age...

All of this is incomparable to Li Guang. If he did not choose to commit suicide, but bought his life with money, would he still have a chance to go on an expedition with the general in the future?
As for Huo Qubing, will he choose him?He has chosen young and familiar generals, and he is a 60-year-old man who has been in the military for half his life. Can he be embarrassed when he follows a young boy in his twenties?
Therefore, in Li Guang's view, if Wei Qing can get rid of his cronies this time because of his personal grudges, he will do so again in the future.

Li Guang himself felt that even if I paid for my life, it would be worthless. Precisely because he felt that he had no value and no hope, he was completely desperate and chose to commit suicide.

Regarding Li Guang's death, most people in the army were sad, but the saddest one belonged to Li Gan.

"General, I want to return to Chang'an early to attend to my father's funeral."

Li Gan, with red eyes, came over on horseback. He was no longer as high-spirited as when he went out to fight.

When his parents are here, there is still a place to come in life. When his parents go, there is only a way back in life. From now on, he has to face death alone. He has no father.

Tears welled up in his eyes unconsciously, but he endured them with difficulty.



Liu Han looked at his retreating back and suddenly felt a little sad. At the same time, he looked at Huo Qubing again.

If Huo Qubing had done anything bad in his life, it would have been to shoot Li Gan in public. He just wanted to complain about his father, so he wounded Wei Qing in anger.

Since Li Guang's death could not be prevented, he must stop Huo Qubing from shooting Li Gan. He would not let this invincible general and brother leave any stain.

"Speed ​​up your pace and rush to Chang'an as soon as possible!"


Liu Han and Huo Qubing gave the order, and they were eager to return home. But what Liu Han didn't know was that there would be another time traveler waiting for him in Chang'an, and he was always looking forward to him.

 I originally wanted to update four or five chapters at once, but I worked overtime until very late yesterday. I was speechless. I had to put it on the shelves. He asked me to work overtime. I stayed up until 2 o'clock to finish one chapter. I have been busy again today. , when I am capable enough, I will quit my job and write full-time. If it is not a job for life, who would want to do it?But it is estimated that there is still a long way to go.

  I'll try my best and write a few more chapters tonight. I'm really sorry that it was so disappointing when it was released. Do you think I still have a chance?
(End of this chapter)

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