The great man will live forever

Chapter 86 Emperor Wu bestows a sword

Chapter 86 Emperor Wu bestows a sword
At night, after the banquet was over, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty left Liu Han alone.


Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, pointing to the soft cushion in front of him. Liu Han did not hesitate and sat down on his knees upright.

Some things just take getting used to, but he still wants to popularize stools, but it will take time.

At this time, the distance between the two of them was very close, and Liu Han could even hear the breathing of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"I didn't reward you this time. Do you feel uncomfortable? Are you complaining about me?"

"Don't dare!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty turned cold and said, "I don't dare, does that mean I still have it in my heart?"

Liu Han shook his head quickly, "No! The thunder, rain, and dew are all thanks to your kindness. Now I have a prince's mansion, maids, beauties, fine wine, and a feudal kingdom...

Among the younger generation of the Han Dynasty, they are already extremely noble. They basically have everything they want, and have no extravagant demands. Sometimes people just want too much, which will only increase their troubles. If you are content with what you have, you don't have to reward it. , I have received a lot, and I am only grateful in my heart without any resentment. "

"How can you not reward me? Am I the kind of fool who doesn't reward his merits?"

"Your Majesty is the No. 1 King of the ages!"

"Huh? When did you learn to flatter him?" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled slightly, but it was not charming at all.

"I'm not flattering you. You issued favor orders, weakened the feudal states, strengthened centralization of power, established the system of China and North Korea, governors, etc., reformed the currency system, salt and iron official camp, collected books, deposed hundreds of schools, and only respected Confucianism...

Under your rule, the Han Dynasty achieved unprecedented victory, and even defeated the Xiongnu in one fell swoop, solving the northern border problem that had existed for hundreds of years. Qin Shihuang wanted to build the Great Wall, but you didn't have to.

We Han people ourselves are the Great Wall. From now on, only we big men can beat others. No one else can come and fight us. It is the surrounding foreigners who should tremble. In this land, from now on, only big Han people are supreme! "

Most of what Liu Han said is true, but there are suspicions of exaggeration. There is no other way. Who doesn't like to hear good things?
In the past, Liu Han didn't like flattering, but then he thought about it, if he could get tangible benefits by saying some nice words and spending some words and words, is there anything easier than this in the world?

This is almost a good thing that comes for free. Only a fool would not do it, right?
"Haha, you, you, have learned to be cunning. You have a good attitude and are so contented.

There are also great achievements, the waterwheel, the plow, the stirrups, and the horseshoes are all very good. Without these, my battle in Mobei would have been several years late, and the victory would not have been so easy.

You are also capable and have fought in big and small battles. You are very similar to Qu Bing, and you are also like me. Sometimes I even think about how great it would be if you were my child! "

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, stretched out his hand, took Liu Han's hand, and patted the back of his hand to express his appreciation and love.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. You can just treat your nephew as your child. After all, we are all of the blood of the Great Ancestor."

Some words are just for listening to, but they should not be taken seriously. However, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said this, so he climbed up the ladder.

"That's right. You are the Qilin'er of our Liu family. I originally wanted to make you a king, but Qubing and the general are just princes. You are so young that I am afraid that you will be proud and complacent. Afraid of others gossiping.

Everything can only be postponed. Don't worry, in a few years, you will have made great achievements and I will make you a king. After all, you are my nephew. I don't think anyone else can say anything. "

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Majesty, I understand!"

Liu Han knew in his heart that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was trying to make a big pie. He did not want to have more kings. He wished that there would be fewer and fewer kings, otherwise how could he issue a favor order.

Of course, it is also possible that this is what he was thinking. After all, he was Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, so he still had the courage he should have. He is not old yet, he is in his prime, enterprising, wise and powerful.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Liu Han has never thought about being a king. Sometimes standing too high is not necessarily a good thing. He will feel lonely and even helpless. This is what it is like to be alone.

"Well, it's good that you know, but I can't help but reward you. Tell me, what do you want?"

"I haven't thought about this yet. I really don't need anything now."

Liu Han really couldn't think of what he wanted for a while.

"Oh, it suddenly occurred to me that I want to walk around and the war is over.

I have nothing to do for now, how about I go for a walk around Dahan and experience the customs of each place?

Go to the south, to the seaside, to the middle of Shu, and return to Jinyang by the way to see Brother Wang. It has been more than ten years since I left home. Please send 800 people to escort me. "

Liu Han suddenly wanted to take a quick trip. Over the years, he had fought wars from time to time, and he didn't pay attention to the scenery along the way. This was more than 2000 years ago, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, birds singing and fragrant flowers, and many places feeling like primeval forests. You must go and see this. ?
Didn't the Han people who came more than 2000 years ago leave their own footprints everywhere?

Look at the Western Regions, Shuzhong, Jiangnan, and the sea more than 2000 years ago...

"Oh, you really know how to enjoy yourself. I don't have as much leisure as you. Sometimes I want to see this big man's thousands of miles of mountains and rivers. What a pity!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, shaking his head, feeling a little lonely. The emperor was destined to be trapped in the palace for most of his life.

"I promise you, go ahead and remember to tell me about the customs of each place when you come back."

"No!" Liu Han saluted, "I'll take my leave."

Just as he was about to leave, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty stopped him.

"Well, by the way, I will give you this magical turtle. You can take it with you when you patrol various places. If there are corrupt officials or evil criminals, you can kill them first and then report them." Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, taking a sword that was lying there. Get up and give it to him.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had many swords, including Chixiao, Shengui, Bafu, Maoling, and Yan.

Among them, Chixiao is the one he wears most often. This sword has the most amazing origin. It is orthodox to the Han Dynasty and can only be worn by emperors.

Chixiao is an iron piece obtained by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty. The inscription is Chixiao, written in large seal script, and is three feet long.

Emperor Gaozu named this sword the snake-cutting sword he obtained from Nanshan and Gui Changfu in the 34th year of Qin Shihuang's reign.

It was the sword of the great ancestor Liu Bang. During the uprising, there was a bronze sword made by a swordsmith. The sword imitated the Qin sword and had beautiful patterns. "Slaying the white snake and lifting the three-foot sword to achieve unparalleled achievements" all refer to this sword.

The Divine Turtle Sword was cast by Emperor Liu Heng of Han Dynasty.

In 180 BC, when Empress Lu died, Taiwei Zhou Bo, Prime Minister Chen Ping and other ministers captured all the Lus and welcomed Liu Heng, the acting king, to Beijing as emperor.

In 163 BC, a diviner calculated that there would be great chaos, that is, great chaos in the world. Liu Heng made a three-pointed sword to quell the chaos, and named it "The Divine Turtle".

"Records of Ancient and Modern Swords" by Tao Hongjing of Liang Dynasty: "Emperor Wen Heng reigned for 23 years. In the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty, at the age of Gengwu, he made three swords, three feet and six inches long, with the inscription "God Turtle", and many carvings in the shape of turtles to correspond. A sign of great danger. The emperor died and was ordered to enter the Xuanwu Palace."

After the death of Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty, all three turtle swords were kept in the Xuanwu Palace. When Emperor Wu came to power, they took them out. Now one is in the hands of Wei Qing, one has just been given to Liu Han, and the other one is in Emperor Wu's treasury.

The Bafu Sword was a sword made by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty himself. It was made in the fifth year of Yuanguang.

Liang Tao Hongjing's "Records of Ancient and Modern Swords": "Emperor Wu Che reigned for 54 years. In the fifth year of Yuanguang, at the age of Yisi, he cast eight swords, three feet and six inches long, with the inscription "Eight Clothes" in small seal script. Song, Heng, Huo, Hua, Taishan and the Five Mountains are all buried there.”

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty forged these eight swords with the purpose of conquering all directions, hence the name "Eight Swords".

Among them, the Huo Zijian was awarded to Huo Qubing by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The names of the Five Mountains were confirmed in the Qin and Han Dynasties, namely Dai (Tai), Huo, Hua, Heng, and Song. Among them, Huo Mountain was also called Heng Mountain.

Liu Han took the sword and was very satisfied and ready to leave the palace. On the way, something unexpected happened.


"Stop her."

"Don't let her hit the Marquis."

A woman was running in front, and several palace guards were chasing after her. That person was Shu Yuzhu.

When she saw Liu Han, she seemed to have seen a savior.

"Zhao Zilong enters seven times and exits Changbanpo seven times."

"Wuson beats a tiger!"

"Genghis Khan!"

"October 1949, [-], the founding of the People's Republic of China!"

"How are you?"

She shouted these five sentences from a distance, using all her strength.

"Bold, how can the palace be so noisy?"

"Bah!" A guard bumped into her and pushed her to the ground.

"The King of Heaven and Earth Tiger!"


She was afraid that Liu Han wouldn't understand, so she continued to shout.


One of the guards pulled out the knife and said, "If she makes any more noise, she will be killed without mercy. Cover her mouth."

Several guards quickly stepped forward and covered Shu Yuzhu's mouth.

"Wuwu...I am..."

Liu Han remained motionless and stunned.

"Quick, take it away!"

Shu Yuzhu saw that Liu Han had no reaction, her eyes were filled with despair, and she could only watch as she was being dragged away from Liu Han little by little.

 I'm working overtime, I'm speechless, I've been working for a day, I don't have time to update more, the first order is 450, it's good, maintaining a monthly income of 6000 is not a problem, come on!
(End of this chapter)

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