The great man will live forever

Chapter 92 The sentimentality of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 92 The sentimentality of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty
A few days later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty called Huo Qubing, Liu Han, Wei Qing, Gongsun He, and Ji An into the palace to drink.

"Come on, I just have free time today, so I want you to come and get drunk. This Liu Han's Xiongnu blood is really delicious."

Mutton, beef, chicken, etc. are placed in front of everyone.

Of course, the most important thing is the wine.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. Otherwise, if you go to the Champion Restaurant to drink this wine, it will cost you thousands of dollars per bottle. Even if I like it, I can't drink it openly. I am poor."

Nanyuan Hou Gongsun He smiled. He was a bit old and his temples were slightly gray. His ancestors were Hu people.

In the third year of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty (154 BC), the Chu Seven Kingdoms Rebellion broke out. His father Gongsun Hunxie participated in the suppression of the rebellion and made meritorious deeds, and was named Pingquhou.

When he was young, he was selected as the prince because he had served many times in the army and was the prince of Pingqu. At that time, Liu Che was still the prince, so he and Liu Che had been friends since childhood, and they felt a bit like besties.

Later, Liu Che issued an edict for Gongsun He to marry Wei Junru, Wei Zifu's sister. In this way, he would become relatives with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing, and Gongsun He would become more favored by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Favor.

"You are still poor. Your palace is quite big, and the valuable things are probably not less than those in my inner treasury, right?" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty smiled.

"Your Majesty, you don't know that this big family needs money to eat, drink, sleep, and sleep. Especially my son, who does nothing but cause trouble and have fun. If he has a hussar general or a water chariot prince, With half the skill, I would wake up laughing even in my dreams."

"You are right. Being too naughty is not good, but being too calm is not good either. My prince is quite well-behaved, but he is too well-behaved and does not have my style at all. I wish he would be more naughty."

Wei Qing said quickly: "Your Majesty, the prince is kind and gentle, and he will definitely be a sage king in the future."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, drink, drink!"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty waved his hand, picked up the wine glass, and said loudly: "Come, everyone, drink this glass. This battle was very good. Qu Bing, come and tell me what you saw along the way."


Huo Qubing was very happy talking to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty patted him on the shoulder and kept letting him drink, as if he would not stop until he got drunk.

Wei Qing on the side felt a little uncomfortable when he saw this scene. He used to be the most favored person by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but now a new generation has replaced the old one.

Sure enough, emperors are all scumbags, and they fall in love with each one they see.

Perhaps seeing that he was unhappy, his brother-in-law Nanyuan Hou Gongsun He quickly picked up his wine glass and saluted him from afar.

"General, you are generous and kind, and are loved by the whole army. On behalf of the officers and soldiers of the three armies, I would like to ask the general to drink this cup to the full."

As he spoke, he picked up a large bowl of wine and began to drink it.

Wei Qing also smiled, picked up a bowl of wine, and drank.

As soon as he finished drinking, the Lord Commander Ji An spoke. He was the oldest among these people. Most of his hair was white, and his tone was a bit old.

His ancestors were favored by the feudal kings of the Han Dynasty, and he was already the seventh generation. From generation to generation, they held the positions of ministers and officials in the court.

Relying on his father's recommendation, Ji An became the prince Xima during the reign of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty. He was respected by others because he was a serious man.

After the death of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty, Prince Liu Che succeeded to the throne and appointed him as the official of the emissary. Later, he went to the capital to serve as the prefect of Donghai. With political achievements, he was called the lord and captain, and he was treated like the Jiuqing.He strives to govern by doing nothing, and promotes the big ideas without adhering to the legal provisions.

He is a bit like the character of Wei Zheng of the later Tang Dynasty. He is studious, righteous and chivalrous. He pays great attention to ambition and integrity, and has beautiful and pure conduct.

In court, he especially liked to speak out and give advice, and he was not afraid of offending Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's face many times.

He also has many shortcomings. He is very arrogant when dealing with others, does not pay attention to etiquette, likes to contradict people in person, and cannot tolerate other people's faults.

He will be friendly to those who are congenial to him, and will be impatient to meet others who are incompatible with him.

To put it simply, he is outspoken and likes to offend people.

No, he clearly knew why Wei Qing was upset, and asked loudly, "General, you have made great achievements in battle, but why do you look melancholy now?"

Liu Han on the side is a little speechless. You can clearly see it and still ask, what does it mean?
Ji An laughed while talking. People who didn't know his personality thought he was laughing at Wei Qing.

"Come on, come on, I'll give you a toast too."

"Thank you!" Wei Qing had no choice but to drink another bowl of wine.

Ji An's words were not surprising. He finished his drink and continued: "I can only wish the general that he will have nothing to accomplish from now on." As soon as he said this, the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Huo Qubing's face turned green. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also began to frown. Although he was deliberately suppressing Wei Qing and promoting Huo Qubing and Liu Han to fight against each other, Wei Qing was still the great Sima of the Han Dynasty and his brother-in-law.

Liu Han felt that this guy was making trouble. Just when he was about to ask what you meant, Gongsun He on the side had already begun to defend his brother-in-law.
"Doctor Ji, what do you mean?"

Ji An said unhurriedly: "The day when the general's horse is released to Nanshan means peace in the world. The greater the achievements made by the general..."

As he spoke, he began to frown and looked depressed, "The more casualties the soldiers will suffer, the greater the expenditure on the national treasury, and the deeper the suffering of the people will be."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

As he spoke, perhaps a little too sadly, he actually started to cough.

"Exchanging the suffering of the common people in the world for the glory of the general's achievements, I will steal what the general does not want. So, I..."

As he spoke, several people in the hall had different expressions. Before they could finish speaking, they were interrupted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"Ji An, are you mocking me like this?"

Ji An hurriedly saluted, "I don't dare. Mobei is a great victory. The emperor has appointed two chief commanders at once. I am really happy for the emperor."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked, "Aren't you jealous because you haven't been promoted in your official position?"

"No, no, I've long been used to it. Your Majesty's servants, hey, are just like stacking firewood. They always come from behind."

"Come on!"

As he spoke, he waved to a chamberlain, picked up the wine glass on his plate, then came to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, knelt down and toasted to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, I have asked you to bid farewell to your hometown several times. I would like to lend you this glass of wine to bid farewell to Your Majesty."

As he spoke, there were tears in his eyes, and then he drank the wine in a big gulp.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at him with gray hair and still sad expression. He couldn't bear to look at him for a while and turned his head.

"Ji An, how many years has it been since you came to me and stayed with me when I was ten years old?"

"Your Majesty, I have been serving the emperor for 26 years as a great fool and awaiting punishment."

"It's rare for a monarch and his ministers to get along well with each other from beginning to end. You, Ji'an, have no extraordinary talents, but what I value is your ability to stick to morality and speak frankly. People praise me for being a great person and flatter me. In a few days, even Liu Han started to flatter me, saying that I am the emperor of the ages..."

When Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said this, he glanced at Liu Han specifically. Liu Han just lowered his head, drinking and eating. His presence in this banquet was very low.

In fact, this has always been what Liu Han pursues. Not too dazzling, but powerful enough and obscene.

In the words of later generations, it is to shoot guns secretly without entering the village, or to build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and slowly become king!
"But you often do not avoid committing crimes, and you can speak out and give advice without hesitation. This is not something that anyone can do. The ancients said that when a wise king governs a country, he must have ministers who dare to speak out and give advice. This will make the monarch less likely to make mistakes, and I think you, Ji An, still have the demeanor of an ancient sage."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, and stepped forward to help Ji An up personally.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Now that you are old, I am no longer young. If you want to leave, just leave. I will miss you from time to time."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said, turned and left, feeling a little sad and even lonely.

"I thank you, Your Majesty!" Ji An knelt down with tears streaming down his face.

At this time, Liu Han was a little unhappy. He wanted to catch up, but he felt that Liu Che was unhappy, so he had to give up.

He actually wanted to take advantage of the fact that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was happy and requested for two people. The first one was the title of Marquis of Shuiche. He felt that it didn't sound good. He was thinking that if Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was happy, could he change it to Marquis of Lanling, which would be good. If he could go further, , King Lanling, is even better.

In later generations, Gao Changgong, King of Lanling, the God of War of the Northern Qi Dynasty, was a historical figure he liked very much.

He is gentle and honest, has a soft appearance and a strong heart, and has a beautiful voice and appearance. He is one of the four most beautiful men in ancient China.

Gao Changgong was an anomaly in that era. If it had been 100 years earlier, he would have been a celebrity in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.

If it were 100 years later, he would have been a warrior of the Tang Dynasty during the prosperous Tang Dynasty...

(End of this chapter)

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