Chapter 97
"Meet Your Majesty!"

"I heard that Li Gan injured you?" Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty looked at Wei Qing who was kneeling and looked him up and down, and sure enough he didn't look very good.

"This..." Wei Qing's face was extremely ugly. He wanted to hide it, but he couldn't.

"Okay, you don't have to say anything. Sister, you can tell me."

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty waved his hand and looked at Princess Pingyang. Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Princess Pingyang told the story again.

"This Li Gan is so brave. He assassinated General Sima. How many heads does he have?"

"He was just impulsive, please forgive me!"

Seeing that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was angry, Wei Qing quickly interceded for him.

"If I don't let General Li Guang divide his troops, nothing will happen next. I am also responsible."

"Your Majesty, after all, Li Gan is the only surviving son of General Li. Why don't you seize the title, be sent to the frontier, become a school captain, and gain some experience?"

Liu Han also tried to persuade him.

"Yes, Marquis Shuiche is right. I beg your majesty to understand that General Li has been fighting for many years and not to let his only living son have any problems again."

Wei Qing begged.

"Get up and let me see how you are injured?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty finally relented. He felt guilty for Li Guang's death, and Wei Qing was the one who took the blame.

Wei Qing reluctantly lifted up the clothes on his arm to expose the wound inside, and then put the medicine on it. It looked like a centipede, three or four inches long, not too small.

"We just changed the dressing, please bandage it quickly, otherwise evil spirits will enter your body, which is terrible. You, too, came here without bandaging it in order to hide it from me. Do you think I am confused and don't know anything?"

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty immediately bandaged Wei Qing again and brought some good medicine from the palace. Seeing that Wei Qing's life was indeed not in danger, he did not let Li dare to die.

"According to my decree, Li Gan will be deprived of his position as Marquis. He will be responsible for thirty years and be assigned to Dingxiang Shaowu Army as a school captain."



The wheel of history has changed again. Li Gan did not die. All this was because of Liu Han. Wei Qing also guessed that it was him who reported Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. He was a little angry, but there was nothing he could do. Liu Han's status was not much lower than that of Wei Qing.

"Come here, replace the big plaque on the Shuiche Marquis. From now on, our Marquis' Mansion will be the Lanling Marquis' Mansion."

Liu Han was very happy. He felt that everything was going well. His title was changed, Li Gan was saved again, and Huo Qubing's stain was wiped out. He no longer had to go to the border with harsh environment, and he probably wouldn't die young like in history. ?

Historically, in 118 BC, Huo Qubing, who was in his 20s, was hunting with his uncle, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Unexpectedly, he suddenly drew his bow and shot Li Gan, Li Guang's son, with an arrow. Li Gan died immediately.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty said: "He was hit to death by antlers." The shooting occurred in full view of the public, but Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty saved him.

Huo Qubing was granted a title of marquis at a young age, was invincible in battles, and was deeply favored by the emperor. Perhaps everything went too smoothly, which made him arrogant and domineering, not knowing how high the sky is.

After he learned that his uncle Wei Qing was seriously injured, his blood surged, so he ignored it and took advantage of Li Gan's hunting with Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty to shoot Li Gan openly. This crime should be punished by death.

But, fortunately, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty favored him so much that he covered it up for him.

So what if Li Gangui is a prince?As long as the emperor says a word, his death will be in vain.

However, the Li Guang family is not a small family. As a traditional general, the family's descendants and disciples are intertwined throughout the government and the public, and their influence cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, who would believe that a marquis died just like that, being hit by a deer's antlers?
But due to the prestige of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, everyone could only pretend to be invisible, but there was still anger.

If Huo Qubing can kill one Li Gan today, he can kill them all tomorrow.

Therefore, in order to calm the public anger and protect Huo Qubing from revenge by his enemies.Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty asked Huo Qubing to leave Chang'an and go to Shuofang to garrison.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty hoped that Huo Qubing could leave Chang'an for a while and use his military exploits and time to dilute the impact of shooting Li Gan.

But what no one expected was that Huo Qubing died suddenly less than two years after he arrived in Shuofang.Shu Yuzhu on the side saw Liu Han so happy and spoke more casually, "Marquis Lanling? Did you ask His Majesty to change the title?"

"Well, it sounds much better than Shui Che Hou, right?"

"Indeed." Regardless of whether it sounded good or not, Shu Yuzhu followed his wishes.

"By the way, I met a groom today who was pulling His Majesty's carriage. I think he is a talented person. His name is Jin Rixi, and he is the prince of the Huns. What is his future like?"

"This is a powerful figure. Together with Huo Guang, Shangguan Jie and Sang Hongyang, he was one of the four assistant ministers of Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty. He was dedicated to his life and had an outstanding reputation for maintaining social stability and being loyal to the emperor and patriotism. He was a visionary in Chinese history. A wise minority politician.

His descendants were praised for following family traditions and being loyal and filial. They inherited the title of Marquis from generation to generation for more than 130 years, and made important contributions to consolidating the Western Han Dynasty and maintaining national unity. "

"Emperor Zhao of Han? Liu Fuling, the youngest son of Emperor Wu?" Although Liu Han likes history, except for some famous figures, he is not very familiar with others.

"Yes, his mother was Mrs. Gou Yi. Emperor Wu killed his mother and gave birth to a son in his later years. He became emperor at the age of eight. He was considered an accomplished emperor. Unfortunately, he died young..."

Immediately, Shu Yuzhu talked in detail about Jin Rixi's origin, birth, experience, and some things about Emperor Zhao of the Han Dynasty.

"Wait a minute, isn't this Jin Rixi the younger brother of the Xiongnu Chanyu? I personally led the prisoners with Brother Huo, how did he become the son of King Xiutu?"

"Historical records show that he is the son of King Xiutu."

"No, no, you said he was born in 134 BC, so he would be 15 years old at most this year. He looks older than me, at least 24 years old."

Liu Han felt something was wrong again, "Did you remember it wrong?"

"I should have remembered it correctly. Could it be that there was something wrong with history and the historical records were wrong?" Shu Yuzhu also had some doubts.

She suddenly thought of something, "Have you ever heard of the grandmother's paradox, which is a paradox about time travel.

It was proposed by French science fiction writer Gene Bachezaweiler in his 1943 novel "The Careless Tourist".

The paradox is as follows: If you go back in time and kill your grandmother before your father is born, this action will create a contradictory situation: if you go back in time and kill your young grandmother, you will have no father after your grandmother dies. , there would be no you without your father, so who killed the grandmother?

Or think of it as: Your existence means that your grandmother did not die because of you, so why did you kill your grandmother?This is the paradox of the grandmother paradox…”

Liu Han understood, "So, what do you mean, the past cannot be changed? Since it can be changed, it means it is not the past? Are we coming to a parallel world, or a dream? Or maybe in a certain program, it is simply some advanced life form A game, or is it a casual toggle?"

"do not know."

Shu Yuzhu shook her head. She wished this was a dream, but unfortunately it would hurt and make her hungry. It couldn't be more real. How could it be a dream?
"There are too many unknowns, human beings are too small, and a big man is only that big, let alone the earth, the solar system, the Milky Way, the universe, and even what is outside the universe?"

"So we've been talking for a long time, but we can't afford it and don't know anything?"

"Ants can only perceive the two-dimensional world and cannot perceive the three-dimensional world. Being weak itself is sometimes a cognitive obstacle."

Thinking too much and getting a headache, Liu Han shook his head, "I don't want to think about it anymore. Whatever it is, just live the present moment. After I die, it will be flooded. I will just protect the people I care about, live a good life, and do what I can for the common people." Whatever, that’s it.”

"Doing good deeds without asking for reward?"

"Shit, have a future first, then do good things."

"Do you care about anyone, including me?" Shu Yuzhu summoned up the courage to ask.

The reason why she asked this was because if the historical deviation was too great, her existence might not be of that much value to Liu Han.

And without value, you will probably die!
"Maybe, maybe not, time will give us the answer. If you keep a dog for a long time, you will also have feelings."

Good guy, I am a dog, but she dare not resist.

"Don't look down on dogs. Some rich people's dogs eat well, sleep well, live more comfortably than people, and have no worries at all. Besides, I was a dog for many years in my previous life."

"Huh?" Shu Yuzhu was shocked. If you are a dog, you won't be the reincarnation of a dog, right?Or the dog became a sperm?
"A single guy almost became a bitch!"


(End of this chapter)

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