The great man will live forever

Chapter 99 Carve words on stone

Chapter 99 Carve words on stone

"Plant bamboo on a mountain outside the city. The bamboo trees will have grown up by the time I come back."

Before Liu Han set off, he gave an order to the servants in the mansion.


At the end of 120 BC, Liu Han took Xiao Taohong, Fangchan, Ayimei, Shu Yuzhu, and Gou Xiongling, no, it should be the Three Musketeers of the Hou Mansion, and 800 soldiers and set out from the capital. He almost emptied the mansion. Money, several large boxes.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty also issued an order that every time he went to a county, he must cooperate with him. After all, the food for 800 people was not a small amount, and there were 50 horses among them.

Liu Han's first stop was Jinyang, which is now Taiyuan, Shanxi. His brother Liu Yi's fiefdom was in Jinyang, and he lived there until he was five years old.

The date of Jinyang's founding is unknown. It first appeared in history books in 497 BC.

It has successively served as the capital of the State of Zhao, the prefecture of Taiyuan in the Qin Dynasty, the capital of the early Han Dynasty, the prefecture of the Han Dynasty, the prefecture of Cao Wei, the capital of Taiyuan in the Western Jin Dynasty, the capital of the former Qin, the prefecture of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the actual administrative center in the late Northern Wei Dynasty, the capital and actual administrative center of the Eastern Wei Dynasty, and the other part of the Northern Qi Dynasty. Capital and actual administrative center...

It is known as: "Control the mountains and rivers, stand on the shoulders of the world, be the fortress of the four fortresses, and control the cities of the five plains."

Chang'an is located in Shaanxi, the political center of Shaanxi, later called Xi'an. Shaanxi is located in the hinterland of China, in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, bordering Shanxi and Henan to the east, Ningxia and Gansu to the west, Sichuan, Chongqing, and Hubei to the south, and Inner Mongolia to the north.

Jinyang is in Shanxi, and the distance between the two places is about 500 kilometers. In the Western Han Dynasty, the length was thousands of miles.

They walked neither fast nor slowly, only 50 miles a day. They set off in the northeast direction and had to pass through Guiyi County, Fushi County, and Xihe County along the way before finally reaching Jinyang.

In later generations, his routes were Xi'an (Chang'an), Tongchuan (祋祤), Yan'an (Fushi), Luliang (Xihe), and Taiyuan (Jinyang).

Three days later, they arrived at Qiyi County. The landform structure here is relatively complex, with mountains, plains, beams, hills, valleys, and rivers all distributed.

The territory is criss-crossed by mountains, alternating with valleys and valleys. Taiyuan is widely spread, and Liangmao is intertwined, forming an irregular network structure.

It is located due north of Chang'an and is the only way from Chang'an to Xue (Yan'an) and Shangjun (Yulin). This area is the transition zone and dividing line between the Guanzhong plain and the loess high slope, and is very important to the safety of Chang'an. It can be said to be the gateway to the north.

There are three famous mountains here, Miao Mountain, Daxiang Mountain and Wuzhi Mountain.

It also has some rivers, which belong to two water systems: Ju River, Zhaoshi River, Zhuoyu River, Qingyu River, Zhaolaoyu River, including Qishui River, which belongs to the Ishikawa River system.Baishui River, Qinghe, Wulizhen River, Leiyuan River, etc. belong to the Beiluo River system.

Since we are traveling, we naturally want to see mountains and rivers. Apart from these, there is actually nothing else to see.

The word "mountain and river" is extremely important. It not only refers to mountains and rivers, natural scenery, but also territory and land.

"Historical Records: Biography of Sun Tzu Wu Qi": "It is as beautiful as the solid mountains and rivers. This is the treasure of the Wei State."

Liu Yiqing of the Southern Song Dynasty wrote in "Shishuo Xinyu·Yu": "People crossing the river, every beautiful day, often invite each other to a new pavilion to borrow flowers and have a banquet. The Marquis of Zhou sat down and sighed and said: 'The scenery is not special, just like the mountains and rivers. different!'"

Ming Dynasty Feng Menglong's "Awakening of the World" No. 30, Five Volumes: "The official knows something. As the saying goes, if the Tao is good, it is easy to change the country, but it is difficult to change the temperament."

"The Palace of Eternal Life·Ding Qing" written by Hongsheng of the Qing Dynasty: "The crown crowns the sky, the clothes hang down to the south, and the mountains and rivers unite the Tang Dynasty."

Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Hong Xiuquan's "Poetry on Swords": "Holding three feet to fix the mountains and rivers, we can drink together at home from all over the world."

Mountains and rivers are far and wide, and there are stars and rivers in the world. Every mountain and every river in China has its own meaning.

When he came to Wuzhishan, Liu Han looked at the history book Shu Yuzhu with some curiosity, "Is this Wuzhishan the Wuzhishan in Journey to the West?"

Shu Yuzhu on the side explained, "Probably not. The Wuzhi Mountain in Journey to the West is said to be in Hainan. The Wuzhi Mountain here should be the predecessor of Yaowang Mountain."

"Medicine King Mountain?"

"In later generations, during the Tang Dynasty, Sun Simiao lived in seclusion here for a long time. It was named because the people respected Sun Simiao as the King of Medicine. The mountainous area here has rare gems, abundant forest resources, and beautiful environment, so it is called Medicine King Mountain."

"You know all this?" Liu Han was a little surprised.

"I know a little about the great rivers and famous mountains and rivers in China and abroad. I have also read the life of Sun Simiao, so I know."

I can only say that I will never forget YYDS. Liu Han is envious, but he can only envy him.

"Did you get perfect scores in future exams? Have you always received perfect scores? Isn't it a piece of cake to take the Qingbei exam? How did you get there? By the way, what school did you go to?"

Good guy, I even forgot what school he went to. Shu Yuzhu really wanted to give him a look, but he didn't dare.

"Capital University of Political Science and Law."

"Oh, this school is average, right?"

"It ranks around 50 in the country. It's really average. Back then, Qingbei wanted me, but I didn't go."

Good guy, Vers is the one who speaks out. Liu Han wants to hit her. He has a rich family and a talented person, so he can act according to his heart.

He really envied such people, all the goals of people, study, work, struggle, progress...

It’s all about making your life better, and the ultimate goal of it all is just two words, happiness!
And what makes people happiest is being able to do what they want without being too restricted.

In his previous life, Liu Han did not reach that level. In this life, he has spent more than ten years learning martial arts, riding horses, and practicing archery. He has spent several years fighting on the battlefield, in the desert's yellow sand, and on bloody battlefields. He defeated the Huns, followed Huo Qubing and sealed the wolf as Xu, just to be able to be himself. You can do what you want to do without being restricted.

He basically did it. Now the Han Dynasty, except for Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he doesn't need to look at anyone's face. He can travel whenever he wants. The state provides money and sends people to escort him.

Free rice, free bathing, whatever the big man has now, he can eat whatever he wants. He can eat eagles, tigers, bears, and all kinds of animals that will be cherished by future generations openly...

Beautiful cars, beautiful people, green mountains and green waters, that’s enough.

"Why not go to Qingbei?" Liu Han asked. Since there are better choices, normal people would choose the better one.

"This school is close to my home, just two steps away. I'm not in politics or business, so I can choose as I like."

Liu Han understood that it was good to have money, but it was unimaginable for him not to go to Qingbei.

"Also, my mother is the vice president of this university." "..."

"The exams are indeed full marks. Except for physics and mathematics, I can remember these things in one go, but I feel like I can't understand them. I don't know how to use the formulas. When I'm lucky, I can only get 100 points out of 70 points; plus If you like history, choose liberal arts, and study history in college.”

Liu Han didn't want to talk anymore, so he changed the subject, "Have you brought all the paper with you?"

"Bring it with you. It's a full cart. Why don't you dedicate it to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?" Shu Yuzhu was a little confused. The paper had actually been made a few days ago, but Liu Han didn't dedicate it to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty immediately.

"The next time you ask him, send it to him. It's a courtesy. You can't show all your cards at once. Don't be in a hurry. We'll wait until we get back from the trip."

"Then why are you bringing it with you? Do you want to practice calligraphy?"

"Wipe your butt. Silk is a bit luxurious. You should use toilet chips, right?"

Good guy, when Liu Han said this, Shu Yuzhu's body split open and his face turned red.

When she comes to the big man, she is simply suffering. She eats beans, wears coarse cloth short clothes, and what is even more terrifying is using a toilet chip, and the little fairy wipes her butt with a stick. Just think about it...

It was so much better when we came to Liu Han's mansion. We ate rice and wore silk. The only thing we used in the toilet was toilet chips. Except for Liu Han, no one had the luxury of wiping their buttocks with silk.

Of course, she can wash up every time she solves the problem, which is quite good.

After spending two days in Xue, they set off again. It took them six days to reach Fushi (Yan'an).

This place is located in the hilly and ravine area of ​​the Loess Plateau, and there are naturally many mountains. The more famous ones are Baota Mountain, Jialing Mountain, Fenghuang Mountain, Qingliang Mountain and Wanhua Mountain.

The famous river is Mishui, also known as Yanhe in later generations, with a total length of 286.9 kilometers, a drainage area of ​​7725 square kilometers, an average annual runoff of 2.93 million cubic meters, an average drop of 3.26‰, and a total drop of 860 meters.

"This is a completely high loess slope. Is this a cave dwelling?"

When he came to Fushi, Liu Han saw at a glance the hills and ravines, the loess everywhere, and even saw people digging various caves in the mountains, and people lived in them, which were similar to the cave dwellings of later generations, but more crude.

"It is indeed a cave dwelling. If my guess is correct, this is the northern Shaanxi area, which should be Yan'an in later generations. Now these are called cave dwellings. These cave dwellings have a long history. As far back as the Zhou ancestors' time, these places were full of earthen cave dwellings.

The Book of Songs calls it Tao Fu Tao Point.

Taoxue, a sunken pit village, can prevent wild beasts from attacking.

In the Western Han Dynasty, the interior settings of cave dwellings were more humane.During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the types of cave dwellings increased and their functions were clearly divided into guest house kilns, kitchen kilns, livestock kilns, etc.

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, small castles appeared. In order to defend against soldiers and thieves, cave dwellings or earthen kangs were usually surrounded by tall earth walls.

Cave dwellings are widely distributed in the Loess Plateau and are unique Han dwellings. They are a product of the Loess Plateau and have deposited profound Loess culture.Cave dwellings in northern Shaanxi are the most typical, mainly in Yan'an and Yulin.

Because the Loess Plateau has less rainfall and fewer trees, it lacks materials for building houses. Moreover, the rainfall is concentrated, and soil erosion is serious. The surface is broken, and there is a lack of flat land for building houses.Coupled with the wind and sand, it is very difficult to build houses.

The groundwater level here is low, loess is widely distributed, the soil layer is deep, the soil is compact, and vertical joints are developed, making it suitable for digging holes for construction.Especially on the cliffside, it is a natural terrain for digging caves..."

Good guy, Shu Yuzhu introduced him again, and Liu Han suspected that there was nothing she didn't know.

"I suddenly want to compose a poem. This is a revolutionary holy place for future generations, but I am not capable. Do you have any poems to suit the occasion?"

"Small world, a few flies hit the wall.

Buzzing, screaming, and sobbing.

It is easier said than done for ants to exaggerate the country by the locust trees, but it is easier said than done for the mayflies to shake the trees.

The westerly wind leaves Chang'an, flying with dysprosium.

How many things, never anxious;
The world is turning, time is pressing.

1 years is too long, seize the day and night.

The four seas are churning, the clouds and water are furious, and the five continents are shaken by wind and thunder.

To wipe out all pests, all invincible. "

"I've heard this before, but all I remember is 'There are so many things that are never in a hurry; the world is changing, and time is running out. Ten thousand years is too long, so you only have to seize the day.'"

Immediately, Liu Han asked someone to find a stone and carve the poem on it in simplified Chinese characters.

Even in later generations, the most effective way for humans to preserve information for the longest time is to carve words on stones.

“Hopefully the faculty will see it.”

If the person he admires most in his life is a teacher, if there is a saint in his heart, it is the Prime Minister.

After the carving was completed, he suddenly felt the urge to cry.

Carving words on stone is the oldest way but the longest way to preserve information.

As Liu Cixin wrote in The Three-Body Problem, civilization is like a 5000-year run. Continuous progress drives faster progress. Countless miracles give birth to even greater miracles. Human beings seem to have god-like power...

But in the end, they discovered that the real power lies in the hands of time, and leaving footprints is more difficult than creating the world. At the end of this civilization, they can only do what they did in ancient times as babies.

Carve words in stone!
 I particularly like the Three-Body Problem. I loved it when it first appeared more than ten years ago. I recommend everyone to watch it. There are also things about the Ming Dynasty...

  Also, I checked out many ancient and modern place names, as well as cultural scenery. I have never been there. If there are any mistakes, please correct me. I really want to be like the protagonist Liu Han and travel around the country. Unfortunately, life is born free. , but everywhere I go, I am in shackles. I want to go, but I have no time and no money. I hope I have a chance in the future. If there is no chance, the protagonist will go through it for me.


(End of this chapter)

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