Chapter 81 Excited Zefa
"This kid can bring a student here?"

Ron raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that he would meet his apprentice not long after he entered the Grand Line.

As a senior instructor of the Navy Headquarters, it is not very reasonable for Zefa to appear in this sea area.

When he recognized Zefa, Ron's domineering aura had already overtaken him.

On the entire warship, apart from the navigator who controlled the warship, only Zefa and the two young men beside him, a man and a woman, were capable enough.

"Since we met, it's fate. I just happened to go and see how this little guy, the chief instructor of the Navy Headquarters, is doing." Ron thought in his mind and nodded slightly.


On the warship, Zefa, who had short purple hair, stood at the front of the warship deck with his hands behind his back. His sharp eyes under black sunglasses stared at the sea ahead, with a solemn look on his face.

The specially-made warship under his feet, which only admirals were qualified to mobilize, was cutting through the waves at the fastest speed.

The sea breeze blew in front of him, making Zeffa's cloak of justice draped over his shoulders make a hunting sound.

Although his hair has not yet turned white, this legendary sailor's skin has long since become dry and yellow due to long-term exposure to the sun and sea breeze.

At this time, no one could see clearly what kind of gaze was emanating from his eyes hidden behind his sunglasses.

"Teacher Zefa."

Suddenly, a gentle female voice sounded from behind.

Hearing this voice, Zefa knew that it was his most proud female disciple Ain in recent years.

A smile appeared on his battle-hardened face, and Zefa said without looking back: "It's Ain, how long do we have to sail until we reach that island?"

While speaking, Zefa moved the huge iron-arm crusher mounted on his right arm.

The three huge steel mechanical fingers kept making clicking sounds as they pinched and unclenched.

In this state, Zefa did not try to hide the chilling feeling emanating from his body.

This makes this old man look as terrifying as a humanoid killing machine.

Looking at this scene, Ain looked normal.

Although Teacher Zefa today is much more terrifying than the gentle and respectable person he used to be.

However, as one of the only two students who survived Teacher Zefa's inhumane killing, Ain understands Teacher Zefa's change very well.

With her talent, if she had chosen to go to the Navy Headquarters for development, she would now have the lowest rank of Colonel in the Navy Headquarters.

However, after experiencing that incident, Ain was unwilling to leave Teacher Zefa.

What she wants to do most now is to stay with Mr. Zefa and help him cultivate new naval forces one after another.

Now, the new class of navy freshmen on their ship are about to finish their training.

This time, taking them so far away from the headquarters was to carry out the special graduation training of this training.

Fight to the death with a pirate group that is not weak in strength.

The captain of the Demon Pirates has a bounty of 300 million Baileys and is nicknamed the Demon Executioner.

With nearly 300 people under his command, they are a very powerful pirate group that is entrenched in the first half of the Grand Line.

Today, Ain, like Zefa, completely despises pirates from the bottom of his heart.

Their goal this time is to kill all of this medium-sized pirate group with nearly 300 people!

Never leave anyone behind!
This kind of behavior is completely different from Zefa's previous reputation of not killing generals.

However, since experiencing that incident, Zefa is no longer the general who does not kill.Now, in addition to training new recruits at the Navy Headquarters, he has also established a guerrilla team to eliminate pirates.

This guerrilla group is led by himself and specializes in hunting pirates wandering on the sea.

Taking a deep breath, Ain opened his red lips and said in a gentle voice: "Teacher Zefa, we will reach Kuster Island in another hour's flight."

Custer Island.

This is Zefa's target this time, the base camp where the Demon Pirates have recently occupied.

After getting the news from his guerrilla intelligence officer, Zefa rushed over at full speed with this batch of recruits.

"Is there only one hour left?" Zefa raised the corners of his mouth and grinned.

However, this smile looks a bit scary to outsiders.

"But, I can't wait any longer..."

With his mouth muttering, Zefa moved his somewhat stiff body, and his whole body suddenly made a crackling sound like fried beans.

He said to Ain beside him: "Ain, tell the recruits to get ready. The mission this time is to kill all these pirates, leaving no one behind! 300 people are not a small number. .”

Although I know that with the combat effectiveness of these new recruits, there will definitely be casualties when facing this more ferocious pirate group.

However, since you have chosen to be a navy, you must make the decision to risk your life when facing pirates!
After all, the Navy Headquarters Recruit Training Camp is not a greenhouse for cultivating flowers.

"Yes! Teacher Zefa!"

Ain gave a respectful military salute and left Zefa's side.

However, Ain did not leave long before a strangely dressed figure fell from the mast.

I don’t know what move he used, but when he fell, he didn’t make any sound.

This young man who did not wear the navy uniform but wore a ninja costume and wore weird makeup was Zefa's other disciple who survived that big incident besides Ain, Bin. Hereby.

In that incident, the hundreds of freshmen led by Zefa, except Binz and Ain, all fell to the butcher's knife of that pirate.

Not only that, even Zefa himself lost an arm in that incident.

"Teacher Zefa, we have information. A small capsized ship was found in the nine o'clock direction of the warship." Binzi stood behind Zefa with a respectful expression.

"Small sailing ship? There is such a ship in this sea area?"

Zefa was a little surprised.

This sea area can be regarded as the starting point of the great sea route. Those who can drive a small sailing ship here are either blown by the storm and lost, or they are strong men with special abilities.

With some doubts, Zefa continued to ask: "Who are on the ship, pirates or civilians?"

Binz shook his head and replied seriously: "The identity is unknown for the time being. No pirate flags were found on the ship, nor were there any flags of other World Government member countries. There were only three people on the ship, an old man and two young people. , the old man and one of the young men didn't look like they had any fighting ability, but the other young man was holding three long knives in his arms and looked like a swordsman."

"An old man and two young people? Could it be that they are civilians who lost their route?" Zefa guessed in his heart.

However, how could civilians drive a small sailboat to this place?
"let me see."

Zefa took the monocular telescope handed over by Binz and looked in the direction Binz said.

However, when he saw the whole picture of the small boat clearly, the expression on his face froze, and then a surge of excitement quickly surged into his heart.

"That's...Teacher Ron?!"

(End of this chapter)

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