When they arrived, the second uncle, as the village chief, was already inspecting each granary. Fortunately, it was very orderly at the time. The second uncle had experience and specially made shelves to place the grains. The gravel was suspended under the shelves. , sprayed with medicine to prevent moisture and insects, every link has been done carefully and thoughtfully, and you will be able to see it in a while.

There was nothing wrong with the grain in the warehouse. The villagers took the grain back before nightfall and there was no damage.

"Uncle, I have an idea in my mind. We have to send people to the neighboring villages to help collect grain and check the situation. I guess they must have suffered losses."

"No way, I've warned you to take the food back at night because it's going to rain."

The second uncle touched his forehead. Even though I have done this, there are still people who are stupid.

"Believe it or not, they must have suffered losses, it's just a question of how much."

"Zhong, I'm going to take a look now. Old and young men, pick up your tools and follow me."


They run a winery and often collect grain from the neighboring village. The weaving workshop also has poor children from several nearby villages who come to learn crafts, and they have a good relationship with them.

This is a relationship in which both prosper and suffer. No matter what, if there is a problem in the neighboring villages, it will definitely affect Lijia Village. Unity is strength. If everyone lives a peaceful life together, there will be no trouble. Only your family is rich and other families are rich. If you are poor, trouble will definitely come to your door.

The second uncle worked tirelessly and took the whole village, young and old, to two or three neighboring villages in two waves to have a look and tally the losses.

I didn't come back until noon, and my second uncle and others came back one after another.

Xiu Niang quickly gave everyone a bowl of ginger soup.

"I've left you guessing. I've made it so clear. There are still people who don't think so. It's not all damaged. There are really many people who confiscated the food and got soaked in the cold. It's estimated that the food will get damp and moldy. It really pisses me off. , what kind of brain."

Seeing the grain being rained on, as a farmer, my second uncle and the villagers were very angry. This is grain, how heartbroken it is.

"Hey! Uncle, don't feel bad. You are not the village chief of other people's villages, nor are you from our village. You just reminded me and fulfilled your obligations. If you are seriously damaged, don't worry, just wait."

Xiu Niang lit a stove for everyone to drink warmly, boiled moxa leaf water, and soaked the men's feet to keep them away from the cold, lest they get cold.

"Xiu'er, what do you mean by waiting? Are you afraid that they will look like white-eyed wolves?"

The second uncle tasted Xiu Niang's intention.

"Uncle, not everyone is as kind and upright as you. They sincerely help without asking for anything in return. A favor for a person is worth a favor for a person, and getting on a pole is not a business. Only when they come to ask for help can we help. This is not a rule, it is human nature."

Xiu Niang explained to everyone seriously.

"I understand, I listen to you. Helping too much is a mistake. People must be self-reliant and self-reliant."

Xiu Niang stretched out her thumb, her eyebrows curved, and she smiled happily.

"Yes, second uncle, you are very talented. You are the most suitable person to be the village chief."

So many complicated things were handled smoothly and obediently by the second uncle. Several elders with strong personalities in the village also praised the second uncle and recognized him very much.

This is not an easy task. The elders of the clan are very senior and they almost hand-in-hand supported the second uncle to become the village chief. The elders are a bit conservative in their thinking, and the second uncle is caught in the middle. In fact, there are many difficulties.The reason why Xiu Niang is willing to support her second uncle unconditionally and give him all the credit and never come forward is because it is difficult for her second uncle and because the village is really doing practical things and not keeping all the money in her pocket.

The Li family has a very upright family tradition. From the time she agreed to buy the land for the ancestral temple with Li Ping's money, Xiu Niang had expectations for the Li family.

The fact is that the second uncle and the Li family did not disappoint Xiu Niang at all. Brother Chun, the brother of the group, grew up under the care and guidance of his elder brothers. He still relies on his brothers and has not suffered any grievances, is not cynical, and is not full of resentment. Instead, he is sunny and cheerful. , still a little childish, knew that the elders gave the two children unlimited love and true care, so that they had love and support in their hearts, instead of becoming cold and cruel because of the loss of their father.

This is the reason why Xiu Niang is very grateful to her second uncle. He took the trouble to lead Brother Qun and Brother Chun to do many common chores. He taught them carefully and taught them what they should know. Sun Tzu is usually teaching.

As the village chief, the second uncle is responsible for half of the development of Lijia Village. He is very busy and has to teach her son when he has time, which is really hard.

"One day will be yours with a sweet mouth and just your ability to coax me."

The second uncle smiled happily.

"Uncle, I don't have bad intentions. The surrounding villages are very close to us. If we want to avoid armed fighting, we have to unite the surrounding forces. The gap between the rich and the poor cannot be too big, otherwise disaster will come sooner or later."

"The other thing is that our village doesn't have enough manpower. If we want to further develop the village, the surrounding villagers are the best labor force. They can learn crafts and work to make money. These are the connections we can use. If we use them well, they can live a good life." , We have no shortage of strength. When we meet other county magistrates in the future, Lijiacun will respond to their calls, and the county magistrates must also carefully consider our conditions."

"You're right, I can understand that. The county magistrate treated me with special respect after the road was built, so I know your opinion is right."

How could my second uncle not understand this? He had personally tested the effect.

"Xiu'er, what should we do next? What if they come to ask for help?"

"First reprimand and repeat what we reminded him. Then they know that we helped him. It was because they didn't listen to us that we are here today. We are the most benevolent and righteous. Helping now is because of our kindness and is not what we should do."


"Then they have to take the initiative to stand up and take responsibility, and we help from the side. That is not our village. If they seize class and power, they will hate us and think that we have bad intentions."

"Is this what you mean by a sense of proportion?"

Men will understand right away. Men have had a lot of adventures in recent years, and they know the basics.

"Yes, if you want your troops to return home, you must have the ability to control your subordinates. What does a general rely on to make the soldiers surrender and obey them? It depends on their ability and ability, as well as their magnanimity. We have to stand by to help, and another We take over everything and take care of everything, and people really appreciate us. It’s of no use to us to raise waste. What we want are capable and smart connections, not baby dolls that won’t grow up.”


"They have been trained to become our right-hand man, leading everyone to make a fortune together. The gap between the rich and the poor is not big. Our neighbors need us to rely on us, but they can also be independent. They will not think that we are bullying or exploiting them, but they think that we are reliable friends. , This is a virtuous circle. Just like a little brother, I go out to find jobs and sign up with a few of my brothers for a good price."


"All that's left is to wait. You can give food, but you have to pay for it. If you can't afford it, you have to use your wages to pay the bill. No one will cherish what you get for free."

"That's for sure. Our food doesn't fall from the sky, so we can't give it in vain."

The man raised his chin, "It's for free. Are you kidding? It's impossible."

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