Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 102 Allen gets the Shield of Palagi!Noah, you want to hit me?

Chapter 102 Allen gets the Shield of Palagi!Noah, you want to hit me?

Hearing Allen's words, Zero was stunned for a moment. The King of Ultra was the most powerful Ultra warrior that Zero had ever seen.

And the owner of this stone statue is actually at the level of King of Ultra?

So Palagi's Shield is also Ultraman Noah's weapon, right?
No wonder it can become the last hope of this universe.

Looking at the stone statue of Noah, Allen had a different feeling.

This stone statue seems to be staring at me all the time!
So Noah is peeking at the screen?
Worthy of being a magic stick!
Just don't come out and look at people...

But it doesn't matter!

He accepted the Shield of Palagi with a smile!

Xiao Zhi and Emerana also walked to the front of the Palagi Shield.

A shield-shaped groove just at the end of the road.

"Then this is the Shield of Palagi!"

Looking at the huge shield in front of her, Emerana let out a long sigh of relief.

After so many things, I finally found this thing.

This time, they were finally able to defeat Beria!
"That's right! The middle part should be where the fragment is embedded!"

Xiao Zhi took off the fragment of Palagi's Shield he wore on his chest and pressed it on top of Palagi's Shield.

The fragment flashed orange light again.

"Okay! This way you can be resurrected!"

As Xiao Zhi's voice fell, nothing... happened around him...

Still the same as when they came in.


Xiaozhi: "..."

Aimee Lana: "..."

Allen: "#####"

Allen is so angry!

What else does Noah, an old bastard, want to do?
Does it have to be like the original?
impossible!Absolutely impossible!
With Allen's current strength, he can completely defeat Beria in seconds!
No need to bother!

So Noah, you old bastard, wants me to defeat like Zero in the original novel.

Totally impossible!
Just go ahead and dream!
If it’s not just a Shield of Palagi, it doesn’t matter!
No more!
After all, many of the skills Allen now possesses are at the level of the Mysterious Four.

The power is much more powerful than some of the ultimate Ultimate Zero skills granted by Palagi's Shield!
The only function of Palagi's Shield is to travel through time and space!
But this is not a necessity.

Allen, who has infinite energy, can even use his energy to push the boundaries of the universe!
Just like when the Kingdom of Light sent them here!
At worst, I will use this method to travel across time in the future!

At this time, Palagi's Shield seemed to feel what Allen was thinking.

The dazzling light made several people unable to open their eyes.


When Allen opened his eyes again, an extremely huge Ultra Warrior appeared in front of Allen.


Milky white light filled the entire space.

Then Noah opened his hands, and countless golden particles fell from the sky, wrapping Allen's body.

The golden light formed an armor and covered Allen's body.

Noah pointed at Allen with one hand, seemingly asking Allen to do what he wanted to do.


do not know why……

Allen always felt that Noah's eyes were full of dissatisfaction with him...

Maybe I saw it wrong...

Is this guy Noah really unhappy with me?

Good guy!
Too much!

Didn’t I just say a few words to you? It’s not that serious!


At this time, in the underground temple, the faces of Emerana, Xiao Zhi and Zero were full of shock!
Allen didn't know when he returned to his Ultra Warrior appearance.

Golden light enveloped Allen.

It's impossible to see clearly what Allen looks like.


At this time, the King of the Universe of the Kingdom of Light...

The King of Ultra looked at Allen's universe. "Did Noah take action..."

"It looks like little guy Alan is growing up at a rate that even Noah is surprised by."

"I guess soon, the Kingdom of Light won't need me anymore."

"I can also enjoy my retirement life."

The Ultra King smiled.

After all, he is an old man who is hundreds of thousands of years old.

It’s quite normal to enjoy your retirement life.


Gudoo! ——

Zero swallowed his saliva in the underground temple.

Good guy!
This movement is really big!
So, the Shield of Palagi is not this stone statue!
It is condensed by Te Miao’s light energy...

I thought it was a stone statue...

No wonder there was no movement for a long time.

Forget it, just get the Shield of Palagi!

Now we can finally go and cause trouble for Beria!


As the golden light dissipated, the full view of Palaji's Shield appeared in front of everyone.

"Alan, is this the Shield of Palagi?"

Looking at the pretty handsome armor, Zero is so envious!
It would be great if I could have such an armor sometime...


With his strength, he probably wouldn't be able to get it.

Only people like Allen, who can become gods, can steadily obtain the Shield of Palagi.

From now on, let’s hold on to our thighs honestly!

"This is the Shield of Palagi..."

Allen had black lines all over his face.

Just now in Noah's little dark room, Allen wanted to have a fight with Noah!

This is the first of the four mysterious mysteries!
The first light in the universe!

If you can torture Noah, you don’t know what skills you can get!
I guess the skills of the mysterious four are like children's tricks in front of such skills!

Of course!
Allen is still self-aware, and he can bully Noah's projection.

If Noah really came over, the two of them would be at least [-]-[-] apart.

It’s not as good as acquiring skills yet!
It was as if he felt what Allen was thinking.

Noah waved his hand and drove Allen out...

Say it!
How stingy this person is!

Even if you throw some of your skills at me, that's fine!

In the end, I don’t even have any skills...

Now we can only count on Beria!

But the most important thing is to defeat the Belial Empire Army!

Although the Mirror Star was not destroyed in the original work, it was still seriously damaged.

This time the other party still helped a lot, so he reluctantly helped Mirror Star destroy all the Beria Empire fleet outside!
Thinking of this, Allen decisively flew out of the temple.

Blessed by the Shield of Palagi.

Allen has no worries about how he can break through two-dimensional space.

As a mobility tool, Palagi's Shield is top notch!

The Mirror Knight was also stunned when he saw Allen!
Especially seeing the armor on Allen.

The expression on his face is quite exciting!

So Allen and the others have succeeded!
Now we can completely settle the score with Beria!
This time there was no leader of the Belial Empire Army.

It takes no effort to kill these fleets!
Allen condensed energy in his hands, and hundreds of Ultra Guillotines appeared next to Allen.

Then rushed towards the fleet in the distance.

Facing Ultra Guillotine, Beria's fleet was no different from paper.

Huge losses in an instant...

(End of this chapter)

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