Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 112 The Evil Heart King breaks out!Allen can deal with it alone! ?

Chapter 112 The Evil Heart King breaks out!He can deal with Allen alone! ?

When Zero, Membius and Tiga completely killed the golden dragon and silver dragon.

All the humans around are full of excitement!


They can finally survive!

It turns out that the tokusatsu they watched when they were kids were all real!
People who used to like Ultra Warriors are finally no longer a niche group.

But humans who believe in light!

No more worrying about accepting the disdain of those around you.

All this is really like a dream to them!
But right now!



Continuous sounds echoed in the city.

This voice is full of evil and deception.

It seems like it can dig out the deepest fears in human hearts!
"Don't get too happy too soon!"

The whispers kept ringing out...

People who were originally happy suddenly felt bad in their hearts.

There won’t be any monsters behind!
There can't be a mastermind behind all this!

What does this person want to do?
Can the Ultra Warriors still defeat them?
Even Shin Hayata and the others looked around with doubts on their faces, but did not find anyone suspicious.

"Is this voice that of the Dark Shadow Mage?"

Xiu Xiu thought for a moment and looked at Allen in front of him.

At first glance, Giga Chimera's name suggests that she is a monster without much intelligence.

The only possibility is that it belongs to the Dark Shadow Mage!

"That's right!"

Allen nodded.

Just while a few people were talking!
Countless purple energy bodies appeared in the sky.

These energy bodies contain the most extreme negative energy of human beings.

Negative energy continued to fly in the sky, accompanied by the wails of previously dead monsters.

This terrifying sound once again aroused the fear in the hearts of countless people.

The emotion of fear once again strengthens the intensity of negative energy, which can be regarded as complementary to each other.

"what's going on?"

"Membius, have you seen anything like this?"

Zero turned to look at Membius. As an Ultra Warrior who had fought on Earth, Membius always had much more combat experience than he did!
"I haven't seen it before, but this purple energy body gives me a very bad feeling!"

"It's like the kind that are naturally hostile!"

Membius shook his head, but his tone did not relax.

Instead, it became more serious.

Diga on the other side also nodded heavily, saying that he felt the same as Mebius!
Right now!

Allen also transformed into the form of an Ultra Warrior and came to Sanao's side.

"Boss, do you know what this is?"

After seeing Allen, Zero's eyes showed unnoticeable joy.In Sero's view, Allen has a certain ability to predict the future!
You must be able to figure out what this thing is!
"This thing is an energy body constructed from the energy of the Dark Shadow Mage combined with the negative energy of human beings."

"He plans to resurrect the previously dead monsters and merge them into even bigger monsters!"

"Wait, don't take action, let me do it!"

Allen said to San'ao, indicating that they didn't need to take action, he was enough!
Mebius and Zero have both fought with Allen, so they naturally know Allen's strength and his fighting style.

They all nodded to express their understanding, and indeed!

Going up by yourself will only cause trouble for Allen, it is better to let Allen go up and kill him alone!

But Diga doesn’t know!

There was a puzzled expression in his eyes.

I don’t know why Allen said this.

"Don't worry, this Ultra Warrior! My boss's strength is definitely at the pinnacle level in the universe!"

"You don't have to worry at all!"

Sero came over and hugged Diga's arm with a smile, indicating that the other party didn't have to worry at all.

However, Dagu, who was controlling Tiga at this time, thought of how he looked when he met Allen on the ground, and finally nodded to show that he understood.

At worst, when you see Allen getting hurt, you can just go up there yourself!
Right now!

Where several monsters died before, the golden souls of those monsters suddenly emerged!
The roar of the five-headed monster resounded throughout the city!

Seeing this scene, Diga's eyes suddenly shone!
He didn't expect that what happened next would be exactly what Allen said!
Why does this Ultra Warrior know what is going to happen next?
Could it be said that this Ultra Warrior can see the future?
This is impossible!
Everyone’s decision should not be fixed!
It is impossible for everything to follow the established route!

There is absolutely no way anyone can see what will happen in the future!

If everything is fixed, to put it bluntly, their efforts really have no effect!
Sensing the light in Diga's eyes, Allen smiled at the other party and said nothing more.

In the Ultra world view, destiny is not unchangeable, but the final result can only be changed by the disappearance of one piece!

But if you are quite strong, you can really go through it!

Nothing like fate can restrain you!
Just like when Gauss and Justis fought.

As the prophet of the universe, Dracion has issued a final ultimatum to mankind!

That has basically seen the future choices of mankind.

But after Reggio took action, Dracion chose not to continue because the future of mankind had changed!

Because of Reggio's powerful strength, it has changed!
It makes the original destiny of mankind impossible to see clearly.

This is also the reason why Dracion will eventually let go of the humans in the Gaussian universe.

After all, as the creator, prophet and law enforcer of the universe, Dracion's strength should be similar to Reggio.

It is even stronger and will not terminate its actions because of Reggio.

Everything happens for a reason!
Just when Siao each had his own thoughts in his mind!
King Gesla, Hippolyte, King Ponton, King Shilbagon, King Goldras!

The souls of the five-headed monsters condensed together in the air along with a huge amount of negative energy!
A huge dark cloud appeared in front of everyone.

The majestic energy fluctuations made everyone's hearts tremble!
Such terrifying energy fluctuations are really rare!

Even the original Ampera people only showed this sense of oppression and energy fluctuations!

Mebius is really glad now that Allen has come to help him.

If just relying on oneself and Tiga, can he really defeat such a terrifying opponent?
Diga's eyes were also full of horror!
Can Allen deal with such a monster alone?

No matter how you look at it, this kind of monster cannot be defeated by one person!

There is also the size of this cloud, and we don’t know how huge the final monster will be!
(End of this chapter)

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