Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 114 Tiga Society is dead!In front of Allen, he is his younger brother!

Chapter 114 Tiga Society is dead!In front of Allen, he is his younger brother!

Thinking of this, Diga gritted his teeth and rushed forward decisively!
to be frank!
When he saw Allen using Ultra Guillotine, he instantly cut off the horns of the golden dragon and silver dragon's head.

He felt quite comfortable!
At the same time, it was also extremely shocking!
To know!
The monster's defense is based on the opponent's energy!
The energy of Kiga Chimera is simply an astronomical figure!
I had no idea how huge it was!
Now there is no need to consume the opponent's energy through close combat!

The results of it?
Allen still cut off the horns on the two heads with one move!
This kind of attack strength can indeed kill Jiga Chimera!
I must not let anything happen to Allen!

This is your own world!
He will never allow any destruction to occur in his world!

The people you love and respect are all in this world.

You can die, but nothing can happen to them!

Thinking of this, Diga decisively used all his energy to open a huge protective shield!
I want to help Allen block such a terrifying attack!

This ultimate light skill, which combines the strongest skills of each monster, is not so easy to resist!
Diga knew very well that he would not be able to stop him!

So your body is the last line of defense!
You will never let the opponent break through!

Seeing Tiga's actions, Zero and Membius were both stunned!
Good guy!
This Ultra Warrior is a bit reckless!


Do you want to see how terrifying the skills of the guy opposite are!
That level of light skills is completely beyond our ability to block!

If you go up there now, you're going to die!
What exactly do you want to do?
Could it be that you want to use your own life to help Allen block this skill?

No need at all!

you need to know!

Allen's defense skills are more terrifying than the last!
I really don’t need you!

If you go up now, you will really only cause trouble for Allen!


Keep it tight!

Mebius is helpless!

As someone who has seen the defensive power of Ultra's grand light wall, he knows it all too well!

This kind of attack is really like playing for Allen!
Blocking it couldn't be easier!

At most, they were surprised by this monster's light skill. Its single attack power was actually stronger than the hundred-body monster Belyudora!

I have no other ideas at all!

Don't think too much!


Hayata, Shin and others on the ground were also stunned when they saw Tiga's actions!
Get all the transformers in your hands ready!
It is impossible for them to see the child they have watched grow up now giving his life for people!

Especially since these old guys are still here!

There is no need for Diga to block such a terrifying attack by himself!

Moreover, they can see it now!
As long as he can block the attack of Kiga Chimera, then Allen will definitely be able to kill the monster on the opposite side!

Especially Beidou Star Division!
Now after having the memory of transforming into Ace in the parallel world.

Of course he knows how terrifying Allen's Ultra Guillotine is!
Anyway, he can only fire one vertical guillotine at most at one time!
But Allen, it’s not an exaggeration to say that there are really vertical guillotines all over the sky!

As a forbidden technique in the Kingdom of Light, such a terrifying skill requires very high energy consumption and light control!


Of course!Allen also looked confused. He had no idea what Diga wanted to do when he came to die at this time.
He also opened a protective shield in front of himself...

Brother!Think about my strength first!
I can easily take off the horns of Giga Chimera. Do I lack defensive skills?
Forget it!

Facing a reckless man like Dagu, it’s not surprising to act like this!
But, Dagu!

It's time to let you know the difference between us!
Allen didn't say much!
All the energy in your body is concentrated in your hands!
The majestic energy rushes to the front of Diga!

In this short period of time, a huge energy shield with a width of 400 meters and a height of 200 meters was built in an instant!
The shield is still shining with golden light!

The dazzling golden light demonstrates the top defensive capabilities of this shield!
Tiga's energy shield was as outrageous as a paper toy made by a child in front of Ultra's huge wall of light!
It’s not a level of defense skill at all!
boom! ——

The disaster and explosion of Giga Chimera, the light containing golden energy and energy of various colors, hit the ultra-large light wall heavily!

Violent energy exploded in the sky instantly!

At this time, Giga Chimera was high in the sky, and below was the ocean!

The violent energy instantly evaporated the seawater below the center point of the explosion.

It didn’t cause much damage to the city!

Otherwise, just such an attack would be enough to completely destroy the city!

Diga stared blankly at the ultra-large wall of light in front of him that had not shown any fluctuations after receiving such a powerful attack.

I feel extremely embarrassed!

Now he finally realized how outrageous his actions were...

Good guy!

Based on Allen's previous attack strength alone, he seems to have no shortage of defensive skills at all!
It seems that there is really no difference between rushing forward in such a dazed manner and directly facing death!

If only I had thought more about it at that time!

Why are you so reckless!

Now Tiga just wants to find a crack to get in.

There is a kind of death called social death!
Now Diga finally feels this way!

Of course!
Still fighting now!
He decided not to cause trouble, lowered his head, and looked like he didn't want anyone to see him, and silently retreated to Membius and Zero.

Xiaomeng and Sero didn't notice Diga's mood of not wanting to see anyone at all.

Staring at Diga with burning eyes.

I want to see what this reckless man is thinking!

Tiga resisted the urge not to look at Membius and Zero, and looked solemnly at the battlefield in front of him!
Allen was not affected by this episode!

As for now!
He has already thought about it!

How to defeat Chiga Chimera!
He has now obtained the Ultimate Eren Form and the Brilliant Shining Form!
These two forms can be used superimposed to use Radiant Ultimate Eren!

The power of this skill is quite terrifying!
It couldn't be easier to kill a Chiga Chimera!

Then he summoned the Shield of Palagi and put it on him.

Sero was stunned for a moment when he saw this scene.

Palagi's Shield?
What does Allen use the Shield of Palagi for?

Because Eren has been serving as the shield of Paraji as a taxi across the universe.

So Zero didn't know at all that Palagi's Shield had many additional skills!

One is stronger than the other!
(End of this chapter)

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