Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 117 Xiaomeng, are you opening champagne at halftime?Tiga is turning on the hot spot!

Chapter 117 Xiaomeng, are you opening champagne at halftime?Tiga is turning on the hot spot!
At this time, Sanao came to Allen with his own ideas, and everything was solved anyway.

Why are you talking so much?

Come here to catch up on old times and get ready to leave!
"Boss! What are we going to do next?"

"Are you still playing in this world?"

"It's better to go back directly!"

Sero came to Allen and asked what should be done next.

After all, the monsters in this world have been dealt with now!

There is no need for them at all!
If you continue to stay here, you will just see what will happen next in this world.

"I plan to go back!"

"After all, there are still a lot of things going on in the Kingdom of Light!"

"I guess there are still missions later!"

"Eren, you should relax!"

Mebius looked at Allen with a smile. He had just completed such a task during this time!
Or through Allen's help!
But Allen...

Wow, this is the third mission!


It's four!
There are three about Beria!
It is simply not comparable to myself!
I'm jealous!
When will I have the strength to handle these things easily?

No need for help from others!
look for yourself!

Let’s not talk about the Chiga Chimera in the back, just the Hippolyte star in the front.

Just give yourself a sneak attack and turn into a stone statue!

"Actually, it's not over yet!"

"Don't think so much, okay!"

Looking at Sanao in front of him, Allen was quite speechless!
You don’t even think about it!

A world without monsters at all.

Why do monsters suddenly appear?
Didn’t you guess everything about Mebius?

There is a mastermind behind the scenes in this world, but now you are ready to open the champagne?
"Where is that enemy!"

Diga asked quickly!

After all, this is our own world, so we must eliminate all those behind the scenes!

Otherwise, who knows what kind of things will happen later!
If Giga Chimera appears again, or a more powerful opponent than Giga Chimera, it will be over!

He is no match on his own!
Although they really don't want this, their world can be safe only with Allen here at this time!

With Allen's strength, he can easily take down the mastermind behind the scenes!
"There's no need for us to look for it, that guy will show up soon!"

Allen shrugged, not worried about it at all.

Compared with other more stubborn people, the best thing about the Dark Shadow Mage is that this guy is also a reckless man!
Seeing that his plan failed, he immediately became angry and planned to come over and deal with Zhongao himself.

When he saw this, Allen couldn't help but complain!
Mage mage!

One of your special mage used to engage in melee combat with Ultra Warriors?
Being able to summon so many monsters, why can't you just keep trying?
This way you can take pictures longer!

The Dark Shadow Mage was so awesome from the beginning!
As a result, he was immediately beaten when he appeared!

Allen is too lazy to complain!

"Will the mastermind show up on his own initiative?"

"This guy isn't so cerebral!"

"After all, it can create so many monsters. If it lies dormant for a while, it will easily continue to create so many monsters!"

Mebius’s face was full of disbelief!

When I was protecting the earth, the Yabo people were all old Yinbi!
It wasn't until the end that all the monsters were summoned before they ran out to cause trouble on their own!
Is the mastermind behind this so simple?


It turns out that sometimes you really can’t look at monsters in an ordinary way!Right now!

In the city, countless purple figures soar into the sky!
The purple light balls all over the sky made everyone's eyes suddenly freeze!
This situation...

Is there a black hand behind the scenes?

Show up now!

Allen used such powerful skills!
It must have consumed a lot of energy!
Is it enough energy now that the monster appears again?
But the timer on Allen's chest didn't flash!

Once the timer on Allen's chest starts flashing, I must help recover as soon as possible!

The safety of the earth lies with Allen!

Thinking of this, Diga put all his attention on Allen.

As for Zero and Mombius, don’t worry too much!
Allen's energy?
Ha ha!

They have fought side by side with Allen for so long!

No matter how powerful Eren is with his skills, his energy will never reach the bottom!

Hardly anyone sees Allen's timer flashing now!
Worry about a hammer!

Don't worry at all!

Gradually, countless purple souls built a huge humanoid creature that was a thousand meters high in front of the four people!
The body was covered by a black cloak, and his original appearance could not be seen clearly!
"We will not disappear!"

"We can summon powerful monsters countless times!"

"Create the darkness of despair in people's hearts!"

"Let all Ultramans in parallel worlds disappear!"


The Dark Shadow Mage began to announce his plan as soon as he came up.

He didn't take Allen and the others seriously at all!
It seems that the earth is already in his possession!
Seeing the extremely huge Dark Shadow Mage, people on the earth were extremely frightened!

After all, in human eyes, body shape means almost everything!
The monster just now was only over 300 meters away!
But now this guy is more than 1000 meters tall!

The most powerful Ultra Warrior has already used his strongest skills.

Can they beat this guy now?
Could it be that the world is about to be destroyed like this?


on the battlefield!
Both Tiga and Sero and others are in fighting postures!
A guy like this who can only do trouble, and whose body doesn't seem to have much strength, can only use illusions to make his body extremely huge.

More than 90.00% of them are pretty rubbish guys!
You can only use illusions to create fear in their hearts!

Who are they?

Hello Ultra Warrior!

How could you be intimidated by such a guy!
You can't scare them at all!

Just a garbage monster!

Just wait until death!

"You guy! In any despair! The light in people's hearts will never disappear!"

Diga looked at the mastermind in front of him, and his anger instantly surged up!
But if there is no such guy!

Their world will be quite comfortable!

All because of this hateful guy!
Really unable to bear the anger in his heart, Diga decisively used his light skills!
Zai Pelio light!

Following Diga's movements, dazzling golden light completely enveloped Diga's body!

Then turn on the hotspot directly!
at the same time!

Zero and Membius' bodies were also shrouded in such golden light.

Their bodies suddenly contained dozens of times more energy than usual!

Moreover, there is ultimate sacred energy attached to it!
(End of this chapter)

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