Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 123 The halo of wisdom!Queen Amaterasu gave away her head purely!

Chapter 123 The halo of wisdom!Queen Amaterasu gave away her head purely!
At this time, in the underground palace of Ganon's palace on Wangli Planet...

Lai Ying and Queen Amaterasu walked in the deserted underground palace, neither of them said a word!

In the end, Lai Ying couldn't stand it any longer and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

After all, only members of the royal family can come to the underground palace!
"Once the time is right, the Tree of Life will sow tree seeds into the universe and spread life."

At this time, the murals in the underground palace were full of information about the Tree of Life.

Lai Ying heard a trace of doubt on his face.

After all, what Queen Amaterasu said is something that everyone on this planet knows very well.

There is no need to say it at all!
"Why do you suddenly say such a well-known thing?"

Lai Ying's tone was not particularly good. After all, Queen Amaterasu had just escaped from the palace.

Talking about this kind of thing now is a complete waste of time!
"The reason why I brought you here is to tell you that only the royal family is qualified to inherit the myth!"

Queen Amaterasu's words made Lai Ying's eyes freeze.

I don't know what the other party means.

Could it be said that this thing that has been passed down all the time is not real?
Has the royal family been deceiving them?

"What the Tree of Life spreads in the universe is not new life, but..."


Allen and Sero are here at this time.

"So you are Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light?"

At this time, Musashi also learned about the origins of the two of them from Sero.

But what Musashi didn't expect was that the Kingdom of Light could now get news from other universes!
He was still called over by Dana, the cosmic street liar.

Otherwise, this kind of thing would not be clear at all. The Kingdom of Light was obtained through its own method.

All I can say is that there is a real difference between being organized and not being organized!
Still quite envious!
"By the way, do you also need to protect the Tree of Life?"

Musashi was a little curious, was this tree really that magical?

Able to directly spread life to the universe!
This kind of thing is really hard to accept!

"Actually, what the Tree of Life spreads is not life."

Allen's words stunned both Sero and Musashi.


The tree of life does not spread life, so what does it spread?
Could it be just a relatively large ordinary tree?

"what is that?"

"The birds told me that after a certain period of time, this tree will be able to spread new life into the universe!"

Musashi didn't understand, but he still wanted to believe his friend.

After all, his friends wouldn’t lie to him!

"The tree of life spreads wisdom!"

"Life in the universe is actually universal."

"But things like wisdom are not easy to produce."

"The vast majority of living things are actually beasts. They do not have their own intelligence and can only act by instinct."

"But the tree seeds of the Tree of Life can give birth to wisdom on a planet!"

"This is why it is said that the Tree of Life in this universe must be protected. Only with the existence of the Tree of Life can civilizations be born one after another in the universe!"

Allen revealed the true function of the Tree of Life.

Hearing this, the expressions of both Zero and Musashi changed!
They finally knew why this tree was so important!
For Ultra Warriors, life cannot be given by a tree of life!

I even think it’s just a myth and legend created by the people on this planet!
Just to maintain their own rule.

This kind of thing is very common no matter which planet it is on.

But never expected!

The role of this tree of life is more important than they imagined!

Wisdom is the basis for the birth of civilization!As for life...

How many creatures are there on the earth? Are the groups they create civilized?

Absolutely not!

"By the way, brother, what is the connection between Queen Amaterasu and the Tree of Life?"

Zero asked curiously, just looking at Queen Amaterasu today.

I always feel like there is something wrong with this person!
Also, what did Musashi mean when he said not to let Queen Amaterasu become the God of War?
"The royal family on the royal planet Ganon can transform into gods of war!"

"As for the God of War, he is the patron saint who protects the Tree of Life."

"There is another patron saint named Kuin the Destroyer!"

"That's the source of the puppet poison!"

Allen thought for a while to see if Musashi could return to his original appearance after letting him know everything.

After all, Musashi can only be said to have been affected by the halo of subdued wisdom.

Maybe it could be returned to its original state if I intervened!

Asking Musashi to remind Queen Amaterasu about the God of War was a test by Allen.

Then Allen discovered that Musashi was actually normal.

It was only when his words were interrupted by Queen Amaterasu that it became strange.

So, can Queen Amaterasu make everyone around her have low IQs?

It’s really difficult to be able to block such a halo!

"Is that so..."

"So, the reason Asuka doesn't let Queen Amaterasu transform into the God of War is to prevent Queen Amaterasu from being controlled?"

Musashi is a little curious. He can only turn to Allen now to know the situation on this planet.

"The name of the man behind this time is Dr. Talent."

"What did he say... He was fed up with the strife in the world, so he wanted to use the power of Queen Kuin, which is the puppet poison, to turn all creatures in the entire universe into puppets."

“He becomes the ultimate ruler so that strife can be eliminated.”

Thinking of the purpose of talent, Allen didn't know what to say.

You've lost so much strength, so you just plan to turn the entire universe into a retard?
Simply incomprehensible!
Musashi and Sero were speechless when they heard the purpose of talent, and they didn't know how to evaluate this matter.

But what does this have to do with Queen Amaterasu?

It seems like these two can’t explain each other clearly!

"Because the high concentration of puppet poison can cause the God of War to explode and spread the puppet poison to the entire universe!"

Allen's words stunned Musashi!
He finally understands now!

Therefore, Queen Amaterasu must not be allowed to transform into the God of War now!
Otherwise the entire universe will be destroyed!


He must go over and explain clearly to Queen Amaterasu now!

Queen Amaterasu must not be allowed to transform!

"Boss, will that woman be obedient?"

"I always feel like it won't be that simple!"

"That person gave me a very bad feeling after we met!"

Seeing Musashi leaving, Zero didn't say much.

Instead, he turned to look at Allen.

The first impression of Queen Amaterasu was really not good.

Sero felt that the other party would not listen to Musashi so easily.

Allen shook his head, this result was destined!
He asked Musashi to go over just to see if Musashi could return to normal.

If it doesn’t work, there’s nothing we can do!
(End of this chapter)

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