Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 125 makes the double-standard female Madonna sick!Save Yu Yan!

Chapter 125: Make the double-standard female virgin feel sick!Save Yuyan!

Seeing the fearful look on Queen Amaterasu's face, Lai Ying was completely unable to suppress the anger in her heart!
After all, as a ruler, you talk about myths and legends every day.

I don’t want to work hard on my own at all. What is this!
Totally unworthy of being a ruler!

Lai Ying pulls out the knife from his waist!

Lift to the sky.

Seeing this scene, Queen Amaterasu took a few steps back and fell heavily to the ground!

He looked at Lai Ying in disbelief.

Queen Amaterasu has never doubted Lai Ying's loyalty!

Now Lai Ying actually raised the knife and pointed it at himself?
What is he trying to do?
Of course Lai Ying would not harm Queen Amaterasu.

After all, in the entire planet Ganon, only Queen Amaterasu can fight against Queen Kuin.

Without her, this planet would be completely dead!
Besides, from the beginning to the end, Lai Ying had no intention of harming the other party.

There is no intention to subvert the royal family's power.

Then Lai Ying took a few steps forward and slashed the mural with a knife, without giving Queen Amaterasu a chance to speak.

"Stop believing in myths and prophecies!"

"Please look at the reality before you!"

Now, the enemy has slapped them in the face!

There is no chance for you to negotiate!
Moreover, the purpose of talent is also quite clear!
Just want Queen Amaterasu!
Unless Queen Amaterasu herself plans to surrender and sacrifice her own life for the peace of Planet Ganon.

That's fine!
Then you go!
But the question is, will the other party really let go of Planet Ganon?

And the most important point, Queen Amaterasu, are you really willing to give up your life just to protect the people?

You are not that kind of person at all!

Everyone knows exactly what you are like.

So there’s no need to be pretentious here!

Will the cerebral palsy virgin bitch with extreme double standards really sacrifice herself?
Simply ridiculous!
Lai Ying didn't plan to say anything and walked out of the palace directly, leaving Queen Amaterasu alone to think about things.

As for Queen Amaterasu...

Directly leaving behind little pearls that are not recognized.

It makes people so angry!
As the ruler of a country, he has never done anything beneficial to the country.

Now you have the nerve to drop little pearls here?

Simply ridiculous!

As for Queen Amaterasu, she already regarded Laiying as a powerful minister.

As far as she is concerned, she doesn't care whether she is here for the country or not. As long as you disobey my orders, all the sins will be yours!

At this time, Lai Ying could actually guess what Queen Amaterasu was thinking.

As the most normal person in this special series besides Jakura.

He is quite clear about Queen Amaterasu's character!
The only thing worthy of criticism is that he clearly knows that his talent is to transform Queen Amaterasu into the God of War.

Then start the next stage of your conspiracy.

Lai Ying still needs to transform Queen Amaterasu!


the other side.

The unicorn super beast Baxim and the missile super beast Belokon in the universe landed on the planet Ganon.

Cooperate with the two huge Kuin and start howling unbridled on the planet!

Queen Kuin also descended from the sky.

There is no need to worry about whether Planet Ganon has any means of defense.

Talent is also quite clear about Queen Amaterasu's character!
I know you don’t dare to start a war!
Start the invasion right away!
It is obviously a civilization that can travel across the stars, but as a result, monsters landed on their own planet.

No resistance at all!
"Boss, is that thing Queen Kuin?"

"Just by looking at it, you know it's not a powerful monster!"

"Why can there be so many things happening!" Everyone in Zero was dumbfounded!

Queen Kuin in the sky did not give him any threatening feeling!

Just any Ultra Warrior can defeat such a monster!
As long as it is placed on the earth in the previous Kingdom of Light universe.

Stop saying you want to cause trouble!

As soon as you show up, you are likely to be killed by the Earth's defense team!
As a place that is attacked by monsters all year round, the technology tree on Earth is quite crooked!
There may not be many other methods, but there are many special attacks against monsters!

Although Planet Ganon looks relatively backward, in the final analysis, its technological level is still much higher than that of Earth!
You don't have any means to fight back?

"I told you, the main misfortune of this planet is that it has a bad ruler!"

"To put it bluntly, I even want Queen Amaterasu to die in battle like this!"

"The Tree of Life, even if the God of War dies in battle, it can still create a second God of War for you!"

Allen shrugged, not caring about Queen Amaterasu's life or death at all.


He still can't do this.

After all, he is an Ultra Warrior from the Kingdom of Light. He can't kill everyone who sees this scene!

Both of Saka’s fusion materials are here!

If they were all killed.

That's it!

From now on, there will only be three of the four mysterious ones left.

You can’t just fill it in yourself!
He wants to become a being above the four mysterious ones, but he doesn't want to replace them!
"Watching Queen Amaterasu die is not enough."

"Otherwise if word gets out, we two will be scolded to death!"

"But it's okay to let them suffer a little."

"If Musashi can't figure it out, then I'll use my fists to make him figure it out!"

Sero moved his shoulders and said to Allen with a smile.

At that time, Gauss's sense of oppression was not very strong, and Cerro did not feel any strong energy fluctuations from Gauss's body.

So he will definitely be able to defeat Gauss!
Sometimes violence can really make people's brains work better!
"That's right! Do these two monsters use us to attack?"

Thinking of the monster that just appeared, Cero looked at Allen.

"It's not time to touch these two monsters yet!"

"We will take action after Queen Amaterasu appears!"

"You have to make this double-standard virgin bitch feel uncomfortable!"

Thinking of the original work, Queen Amaterasu did not allow people to kill the two super beasts.

Allen is really angry!
Super beasts are no ordinary monsters!

That thing is a biological weapon!

I really don’t believe it!

Don’t you O50 planets know about this?

You obviously know it!
Just don't say it!


It should be said that nothing will change Queen Amaterasu's mind!
Thinking of the finale, Jakula, who was the whole team's output, was despised by everyone as he became both a father and a mother.

As a result, Dr. Qi, the mastermind behind everything, was forgiven.

Allen really couldn't accept it!
Allen didn't intend to pay attention to Jakura's fall into darkness.

Maybe darkness is Jakura's final destination!

It’s Yuyan…

As a semi-normal person, Allen couldn't say he had a good impression of him, but he didn't particularly dislike him either.

Can you help me?

(End of this chapter)

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