Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 140 Zero’s lifelong enemy!Allen laughed numbly

Chapter 140 Zero’s lifelong enemy!Allen laughed numbly

At this time, Dahewang was hovering in the air in his fighter plane.

He had no intention of joining the war.

After maintaining a certain safe distance from the battlefield.

He also came up with a generation of jelly very naturally.

"Anyway, let me see what you are capable of first, Ultramans."

Also at this time.

The Baxters, whose mission had been completed, did not hesitate at all.

He directly controlled his spaceship and slowly left the battlefield.

see this scene.

Zero's eyes widened immediately!

"Stop! Bastard!!"


Due to the presence of surrounding fighters.

Zero couldn't catch up immediately.

He could only watch as the Baxter starship disappeared directly into the battlefield.


Sero, who was a little angry, no longer held back.

Start frantically harvesting the surrounding fighters.

See him like this.

Allen almost laughed without restraining himself.

Although just now I was able to catch the Baxters in the first place.

If there were no Baxters,
Then how can Jayton be born smoothly~
To know.

Hyperjackton, who appeared in Ultraman Legend, is one of the most powerful beings in the entire Ultraman universe!

After absorbing all the creatures on the entire planet.

Its strength has also undergone a qualitative change!
Only with its fighting power can it forcibly transform Zero, Gauss and Dyna into Saigas~
And this time.

The battle is drawing to a close.

Under Zero's merciless and crazy attack.

The last fighter plane on the battlefield was directly shot down by him using Emelim Cut.

"Tsk, I didn't expect to let that guy escape."

Zero returned to Allen very unhappy, smacked his lips and said.

Hear this.

Allen also showed a very regretful expression.

Then he pointed to the city below.

"What is that, Zero?"

"Look at it, it looks like a human being, right?"

Hear this.

Zero was also slightly startled.

Then he immediately turned to look at the ground.

I saw a human child riding a bicycle and looking at me blankly.

And the last fighter plane he shot down before.
At this moment, he was braving a raging fire and smashing towards that naughty kid!

Zero was instantly frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

Then he immediately rushed downwards!
But right now.

Dahewang, who was suspended at the edge of the battlefield just now, also discovered the existence of the child.


Dahewang threw away the jelly bag in his hand!
Then he immediately rushed to the vicinity of the crashed fighter plane.

Decisively pressed the fire button!
Countless energy light bombs also completely smashed the fighter plane to pieces!

But the ensuing explosion also swept Dahewang into it.

After half an hour.

Dahewang woke up again from his coma.

He clutched his aching head.

Looking at everything around him in confusion.

"I thought I was dead."

He shook his head and shook off the gravel and rubble covering his body.

Look at the child who was saved safely.

Also heaved a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing, kid? Why are you so possessed by humans again?" But at this moment.

A strange voice suddenly sounded.

Dahewang raised his head and took a look.

Ultraman who was fighting those Sophia just now
At this moment, he was actually by his side!
"Ah!! Ultraman!"

He shouted in great surprise.

Then he immediately retreated and distanced himself from the opponent.

"There's nothing I can do. This guy saved that child with his own life."

"I was touched by his courage. It was right to save him who was seriously injured."

Just at this time.

He heard another unfamiliar voice.

Dahewang, who was extremely confused, also lowered his head and looked at the inexplicable extra bracelet on his hand.

"Listen up, Taihe."

"I'm Siro, Ultraman Sero!"


As soon as this word comes out.

All the water Dahe had just drank spurted out!

Dahe's reaction also made Allen and Sero not hold back, and laughed directly.

But what Zero didn't know was.

The reasons why Allen and him laugh may be different.
I'm coming!

The famous scene is coming!

"From today on, the two of us are of the same mind!"

Sero put his hands on his hips and said very proudly.

Dahewang stared at the bracelet on his hand with a pair of dead fish eyes.

"Get out."

"That's right, let's get out next. Huh?"

"Why did you come inside my body just because you were talking to yourself?"

"I don't need the power of Ultraman!"

"Get out of my body quickly!!!"

these words.

He fucked Zero right on the spot!
"Stop, stop, stop!!! You are seriously injured and on the verge of death!"

"If it weren't for me, your life would be..."

"Well, thank you, so get out of here, hurry up!"

Dahewang ruthlessly interrupted Zero's words.


no! ?
Dahe, you kid, don’t you want to get in oil and salt? Hey! ! !

Don’t you know the value of the three words Ultraman? ! !
If I hadn't saved you, you would have died right now! ! !

At this time, Allen smiled so happily.

I almost rolled on the ground.
Great river look, great river look!
You are indeed Zero's lifelong enemy!


This boy Dahewang is really extraordinary!

Being able to defeat Zero so easily.

more importantly.
Many of Sero's famous scenes were brought out by this boy Dahe Wang.
All of Ultraman's power fell on him, but because of Asuka's previous relationship, he didn't want it at all!

Afraid that I will "die" like a bird!
If Jakula were here at this moment,
I guess I want to kill Dahewang in front of me~
Also at this time.

Suddenly there was a violent shaking in the earth!

The buildings in the distance suddenly exploded!
An extremely huge creature just emerged from the ground!
Guvira! ! !
Saw the appearance of Guvira.

Dahewang was also stunned instantly!
"Strange. Monster!!!"

It was Zero who reacted immediately.

"Quick! It's now!!"

"Dahe! Equip this! It's time for me to take the field!"

"Fight with me!!!"

At this time, the Zero bracelet also emitted an extremely strong light!
Countless light particles are slowly condensing into Ottersero glasses!

Dahewang also nodded vigorously.


Dahewang quickly put the Zero glasses back into the Zero bracelet.
G:.? ? ?

ha? ? ?
Dahe, what the hell are you doing!
play it! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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