Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 148: Zero collapsed, Allen: Eat more food!

Chapter 148: Zero collapsed, Allen: Eat more food!

Very meow!
I, Zero, have a great reputation throughout my life!

Why do you have to let me meet such a human body!
Say it!
Although I, Zero, have not made as many contributions as Allen, I am still pretty good!

The results of it?
The moment I met Dahewang.

All the names I had made before are gone!

After someone in the universe hears his name.

Just one sentence: Ah!Is he the Ultra Warrior who can't grow to giant size?
Say it!
How much such humiliation hurt him!
Reluctant anger continued to surge in Zero's heart.

"The river is all yours!!!!"

Accompanied by Zero's roar, this time Zero was not picked up by Gomes' tail. Instead, he directly lifted Gomes and threw him far away!
But it's not over yet!
This time, Zero must regain all the face he just lost!
He rushed to Gomes and lifted him up heavily!
"It hurts me..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The anger in his heart made Zero feel that his body was full of power.

He directly lifted Gomes up and flew into the air, constantly spinning his body!

"Being treated as an idiot!"

Then he threw Gomes to the ground hard!

Allen really couldn't stop laughing when he saw this scene!

Knew it!
For Sero, anything is okay, but you must not lose face!

If he loses face, Zero's strength will be greatly improved!

Especially the disdain from girls!

It seems that whenever he wants to find a girl in the future, he will be on the sidelines to hurt Sero!
Only in this way can Zero's strength be improved!
Gauss glanced at it and was stunned when he saw this scene!

Good guy!
Cow, cow!

Cero has you covered!
Such a small body can beat Gomes, not bad!
It seems that you still haven’t grasped the essence of fishing!
But now that Zero has eliminated his opponents, he can't fall behind!

With such a small body, he can defeat a monster. If he is so big, if he can't defeat his opponent, it will be a shame for Dafa!
Gauss's combat power surged instantly, and he directly picked up Guvira and threw him to the ground.

Decisively condensed the full moon light waves to calm the two monsters.


The members of the Earth Defense Force were stunned when they saw this scene.

I go!

I still underestimated these two Ultra Warriors before!

They didn’t fight seriously at all!
Especially Zero, who can defeat his opponents with just a little bit of size!
The body proportions of the two are more than ten times!

Watching the two monsters leave, Gauss was very happy.

Zero also released his transformation state.

Dahe hoped that Xuan had not been squeezed dry. After returning to his original state, his physical strength dropped rapidly and he was half-kneeling on the ground.

"There's no guarantee that it will go so smoothly every time!"

The battle just now was so suspenseful that Dahewang was not frightened to death!
If one accidentally gets stepped on by a monster, it's really the end of the world!
But right now!
The Baxterian battleship appears in the sky again!

Two golden thunderbolts suddenly hit Guvira and Gomes on the ground!

Zero is still in the form of a human body. Gauss consumes too much energy and cannot react at all!

However, Allen will not watch these two monsters disappear!
He decisively gathered his energy and used his human form to directly display the Ultra Grand Light Wall!

A colorful energy shield immediately covered the two monsters.

The golden lightning beam did not harm Guvira and Gomes at all.

"Haha! I want to see what you, the Baxter Star, have to say now!"

Allen knew very well that this was the threat posed by the Baxters to Zero and Gauss.

However, you have not harmed Guvira and Gomes now, is there anything else you can say?
...The Baxters in the sky were also stunned!

what's the situation?

Why didn't my own light kill these two monsters?
This shouldn't be!
Ultraman Gauss's energy is exhausted, and another Ultra Warrior...

It's not that the Baxter people look down on Zero, he has no ability to block his attacks!
Could it be that he is an Ultra Warrior who has not appeared before?
That's even more impossible!

Ultra warriors in their human body want to be weak!

All abilities will receive considerable nerfs!
It is impossible to block his own attack without transformation!

damn it!
what's going on?
Do you still want to say harsh words?
Let's forget it, it didn't hurt the monster, so there's no point in saying harsh things!
Wait for me!

Thinking of this, the Baxter starship suddenly disappeared.

"What's going on with this guy?"

"Just to kill two monsters????"

Zero looked at the empty sky with a blank expression, completely confused as to what the Baxters wanted to do.

If you want to say that guy wants to be their enemy, the light should be hitting himself!
If you say you don’t want to be an enemy...

Everything that happens on this earth has a lot to do with each other!
I don't understand!
It’s really confusing!

Wait and see if the boss has any ideas.

The girls from the Earth Defense Force were equally confused.

Of course they know that the spaceship that just appeared is the spaceship of the Baxter star behind the scenes!
But judging from the previous situation, the other party will not leave so easily!
So the other party has changed his temper?
possible!It’s really possible!

So can we put people back?

Damn guy!
This little episode did not affect everyone's mood.

In the evening, in order to welcome Allen and the others, the girls from the Earth Defense Force prepared a lot of delicious food!

After a few bites of Dahewang, I didn’t want to eat anymore.

After all, it is the end of the world.

So there are still relatively few things to eat, and most of them are vegetables!

After all, even animals have disappeared in this world.

There is no meat to eat at all.

The meat that can be eaten is still canned from the supermarket before!
"Dahe! You still have to finish all the food!"

"Look at the Zero you transformed into, he's so small!"

"It must have something to do with your picky eating!"

Allen said at the dining table with a smile on his lips.

Drawing everyone's attention to Dahewang.

Dahewang is so embarrassing!

I don’t even want to transform into an Ultra Warrior and fight!
It turns out that Zero played a trick on him somewhere!
So it’s not your own fault that you haven’t grown bigger!

It also has a lot to do with Zero!


Why not talk about Zero, why not talk about yourself!
"It's obviously because Zero is too weak!"

Dahewang decisively chose to blame the problem on Zero.

Sero was lying peacefully inside Dahewang's body, but...

As a result, a super big pot suddenly hit his head.

He did nothing!

If it weren't for you, Dahewang, you would have been dead long ago, okay? ! !
(End of this chapter)

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