Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 160 I believe in you Ultraman Orb!Allen brings Zero to visit!

Chapter 160 I believe in you Ultraman Orb!Allen brings Zero to visit!
At this time in the park on the other side.

Hongkai is still playing a hometown ditty.

But right now!
Xiaoyao, who was able to predict the future before, suddenly found Hongkai.

The expression is not particularly good.

He looked at Hong Kai with worry.

"Did you have a prophetic dream again?"

When Hongkai saw Xiaoyao's look, he knew what he wanted to say.

"Well! Although the dream was very blurry, I saw a powerful energy that enveloped the whole world in darkness!"

"And, it will happen in the near future!"

Xiaoyao drew what he saw and gave it to Hongkai.

The expression on his face never relaxed.

This monster is completely incomparable to the previous Demon Kingmon!
The energy is much scarier than before!
The whole world turned into darkness, and she could not imagine how powerful the energy was to achieve this.

"I have said before that fate is like a blank piece of paper and the future can be changed!"

Hongkai didn't take Xiaoyao's words to heart. He turned to the second page and showed Xiaoyao a blank page.

"Catch the ball for me!"

Just when Xiaoyao wanted to say something else, a child's voice sounded.

Let Hongkai help catch the ball.

Looking at the ball in his hand and the smiles of the children.

Hongkai turned to look at Xiaoyao.

"I will definitely protect the earth!"

"No matter what happens!"

Looking at Hong Kai who was full of confidence, Xiaoyao still chose to believe it!
After all, Hong Kai, or Orb, has never let down humans! ~
"I believe you!"

"Ultraman Oub!"

Seeing Xiaoyao's smile appear again, Hong Kai also smiled.

Then he threw the ball in his hand to the child.


The SSP trio on the other side also discovered something was wrong.

Many buildings in the city suddenly developed cracks.

"Air attack? Or what do you think it is?"

Ultra's uncle made a cold joke and laughed happily.

However, the SSP trio had no intention of paying attention to Ultra's uncle.

"Ah! It's that air attack!"

But soon!

Shanta realized what the homophonic joke Ultra's uncle was talking about!
Matsuto Mori also explained on the side.

"Air attack means that after certain conditions are met, the atmosphere turns into a vacuum state, and then the skin cracks in this state!"

Hearing this explanation, Naomi was stunned for a moment.

Then he couldn't help but sigh: "But this is too awesome!"

But there is a key question!

It is impossible to say that this crack is caused by atmospheric phenomena!
"It is impossible for an air attack to cause cracks in a building!"

What they say can only make people’s skin feel dry!

It is completely impossible to crack something with a relatively high defense like a building!

"By the way, Asen! Is there anything written in Taiping Fengtu Ji?"

Shanta thought about it for a while, and it seemed like he could look for clues in the Tian Ping Fu Do Ji!
After all, it is a new generation script!
Undecided in times of trouble, Taiping Fengtu Ji!
"Like one of those monsters that can create a vacuum!"

After receiving Zenta's suggestion, Matsudo Mori also reacted.

Of course you have to look for it!

I took Ultra's uncle and Shanta to another computer.

"I think it's very likely this!"

"This monster's name is Kama Itachi!"

"The ominous wind it stirs up can cut everything into pieces!"

After seeing this introduction, Shanta was immediately convinced!It must be this thing!
"Kamaitatsu! It must be the good thing it did!"

Shanta’s face is full of smiles!
Now all we need to do is find Kama Itachi Tun!


About this part, only half of it!
The other half of the content simply disappeared!
This made the three of them stunned.

“There’s only so much data!”

"I have to go over and find the original information for the following information..."

Matsuto Mori said that he had no choice, as there was only so much content on the Internet.

“Originally, it seems to have been kept by the local document keeper here!”

After seeing the news, Matsuto Mori smiled again on his face.

It’s great to be able to see the original version of Taiping Fengtu Ji!
By the way, you can also save the above content well.

Maybe it will also help the monsters behind!
On the other side, the cracks on the building are getting bigger and bigger, which will even affect the stability of the building later!
Preconceived notions about the current SSp trio.They can only think that Kama Itachi's ability is getting stronger and stronger!
But right now!
The door of the SSP base rang.

"anyone there?"

Allen took Cero and knocked on the door.

"Hello! Welcome to the Search for the Unknown!"

"Can I help you?"

Naomi instantly took on the posture of a strong woman and came to Sero and Allen!
After seeing the two of them, Naomi was stunned!
I go!

So handsome!

So handsome!

Is such good looks possible for people on earth?
I am so lucky to be able to talk to such a handsome guy!

"Hello! I want you to investigate the news about the cracked defenses."

"For some reason, our house suddenly developed quite large cracks!"

Allen said with a smile.

His main purpose this time was to see Naomi.

This woman can support three men by herself!
Moreover, she is the heroine with the most costumes among all Tsuburaya’s special shots!

He is also a person who can withstand the torture of Tsuburaya makeup artist!

"We have news now!"

"I will tell you after the investigation comes out!"

Zenta and Matsuto Mori were also stunned when they saw Allen's appearance, and quickly blocked Naomi behind them.

This is one of our own!

It would be troublesome if you were attracted by the other person's appearance!
"Okay, thank you very much!"

Allen smiled and glanced at Matsuto Mori's computer.

The introduction of Kama Itachi above is quite eye-catching.

How would Jakula react if he knew that he was being treated as a mouse?
It's sure to be a lot of fun!

But forget it!

Meeting Naomi is enough!

It can only be said that Tsuburaya makeup artist does a lot of harm to people.

Naomi's real look is much better than what Tsuburaya's makeup artist does!
The evil Tsuburaya!

Look what I did to this girl!

You are so dark-hearted!
Allen then took Zero out of the SSP base.

"Boss, is there something wrong with these humans?"

"I feel like they are just a bunch of middle school students!"

Sero was a little curious and didn't know why Allen came over specifically to take a look at Naomi and the others.

There is nothing special about these people!
"You'll find out later."

"Uub's human body lives there, and that woman supported three people in the family by herself!"


Allen smiled.

It depends on Jagula’s operation later!
(End of this chapter)

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