Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 186 The scene of a father’s kindness and his son’s filial piety

Chapter 186 The scene of a father’s kindness and his son’s filial piety

Accompanied by a strong vibration! !
The ultimate guillotine also hit Dark Lops Allen without any suspense!

Extremely terrifying destructive power.

In an instant, a hideous and terrifying wound was cut on Dark Lops Allen's body! !
If not for the last darkness, Lops Allen used his last energy to resist it in time.
I'm afraid, even a casual blow from Allen might cut it in two!

see this scene.

Everyone watching the battle was completely shocked! !
No one can think of it.

This existence was able to crush Geed before.

It was almost split in half so easily! ?

no! ?
This level of attack power
Who the hell are you! !

At this time, Zero, who was watching the battle, was stunned on the spot!

Brother Allen!

I really can’t learn this! !

Not to mention that Ultra Guillotine itself is the secret skill of the Kingdom of Light!

I have no clue!

Just the difference in energy level alone makes me completely inferior! !
If only I had this level of energy.

Even a simple head dart can cut the little monster in half! !
At this point, the battle continues.

Although Dark Lops Allen has suffered such serious injuries.

But it is a mechanical structure after all.

Therefore, it still maintains considerable combat effectiveness.

But because energy is about to be exhausted.

Dark Lops Allen came to Allen in two or three steps.

Raising his hand is an uppercut as a probing attack.

However, Allen only took a slight step back.

He just dodged the attack.

However, Dark Lops Allen's attack is not over yet.

Taking advantage of Allen's retreat, he bullied him again, not allowing Allen to distance himself.

He is preparing to directly enter into close combat!
Allen was not surprised at all by this.

He turned to look at the stunned Zero.

"Hey, remember to watch and study hard."

“There will never be such a good teaching opportunity again!”

Hear Alan's words.

Zero also recovered from the shock.

He quickly concentrated on watching Allen's movements.

Allen stepped back to avoid Dark Lops Allen's elbow.

Then, he reached out and grabbed its arm firmly in his palm.

With a jerk!
Dark Lops Allen's center of gravity was unstable and he fell directly towards Allen's chest.

A simple straight punch hit Dark Lops Allen directly in the abdomen!

suffered such a heavy blow.

Dark Lops Allen took several steps back.

He knelt down on the ground directly!

So strong! ! !

Feeling the intense pain coming from the abdomen.

Dark Lops Allen raised his head slightly.

Look at Allen who is standing there without pursuing.

Obviously Allen did not activate any skills at this time.

This is an ordinary punch.

He was actually able to fight with his full strength in a powerful state! ! !

If he hadn't reacted in time and reluctantly adjusted his posture to slow down the force of the punch.

At this moment, he may have been beaten to the ground! ! !

at the same time.

The previous trauma to his chest has not been repaired.

The current Dark Lops Allen can be said to have reached the end of his strength!
Take a deep breath.

After forcing himself to stand up.

Dark Lops Allen rushes towards Allen again!

The battle must be ended as soon as possible! !

However, coincidentally, Allen also has the same view as it.

After all, the battle between them has been going on for a long time.

Sero is almost done with his studies.

It's time to bring this training battle to an end!
I saw Allen's body suddenly burst into a bright light!

The entire sky is dyed with a dreamy color!The next second.

The unparalleled sense of pressure directly immobilized Dark Lops Allen! !
Allen was seen raising his arm slightly.

Countless energy instantly transformed into an Ultra Guillotine!

Floating above his head!
No. Not right!

More than a handful! !

Under Allen's control! !

More and more Ultra Guillotines appeared in mid-air! !

Circular guillotine, vertical guillotine, ultimate guillotine
Various Ultra Guillotines are currently staring at Dark Lops Allen! !

next second.

Under Allen's control.

All the Ultra Guillotines were shot out with a bang! !
It hit the body of Dark Lops Allen with great precision! ! !

That extremely terrifying power.

In an instant, Dark Lops Allen was beaten into a "human stick"! !

Only an empty head is left!
at this time.

Dark Lops Allen, who was severely injured, also fell to the ground helplessly.

Although it still retains some consciousness.

Judging from its current state.

There is no way to continue fighting Allen! !

see this scene.

Allen also shook his head slightly.

It seems that I still overestimated this guy's fighting ability.

I originally thought that he might still have a chance to withstand this attack~
I didn't expect to be chopped into human sticks by myself so easily.


Then let’s end it for now.

Anyway, in Geed’s world.
There are a lot of training materials~
Think so.

Allen also directly teleported to Dark Lops Allen's side.

Lightly waved with one hand.

An ordinary ultimate guillotine fell instantly!


The violent explosion directly made the earth scream! !
In front of the ultimate guillotine.

Dark Lops Allen, who has only one head left, is powerless to resist!
It turned into debris all over the sky! !

After doing all this.

Allen also turned to look at Ged.

At this time, Geed was looking at Allen and Zero with extremely shocked eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Zero quickly stepped forward to help the exhausted Geed.

Available in the next second.

When he saw Geed's eyes.

He was also stunned on the spot.

I boil!

these eyes
Aren’t they Beria’s eyes? ! !
This guy is so similar to Beria! ?

This can't be Beria pretending! ?

Or does this guy have anything to do with Beria? ?

a time.

Sero was also a little hesitant.

at this time.

Geede could no longer hold on.

His body gradually transformed into countless light particles.

It just slowly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

See this scene.

Sero also immediately turned his head to look at Allen.

Allen nodded slightly.

Then the two men immediately disappeared from the battlefield.

What comes next is obvious.

Go find Ged first!

Identify yourself!
Help Geed all the way through the levels!
See the famous scene of a loving father and a filial son as soon as possible! !
Now it was finally possible to kill Beria again.

Allen doesn’t want to miss such a good program! !
(End of this chapter)

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