Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 33: Allen glared Grozam to death? !Seven: From today on, I am the 1th brother!

Chapter 33: Allen glared Grozam to death? !Seven: From today on, I am the seventh brother!

How dare you mock me!
If that's the case, don't blame me!
No one can stop me today!
I said!
Allen was furious after hearing Grozam's words.


He will definitely use cruel means to let Grozam die!
No one can stop it!

Seeing Allen's lack of movement, Grozam thought it was because of his strong sense of oppression.

Allen didn't dare to move at all!

So he laughed wildly:

"Hahahahahahaha! He is really a turtle!"

"Seeing that I can't even..."


Just as Grozam laughed crazily.


Allen reached out and stabbed Grozam in the mouth!

Then he squeezed Grozam's throat hard twice with his fingers.

Grozam, who was laughing, suddenly retched.

Allen looked at Allen in front of him with shock and disbelief in his eyes!

What the hell are you doing!

How could anyone come up and stab someone in the throat directly?

Is this something that humans can do! ! !

"You deserve to die! You deserve to... vomit!——"

"I... ugh!——"

"I will definitely let you die today!"

"Even Ultra Guillotine can't stop me!"

Grozam stared at Allen with murderous eyes!

Aren’t you guys just relying on Ultra Guillotine?
This thing is of no use to me!
I want to see how you kill me today!

As long as you drain all your energy, I will directly pierce you with my sword!
Just like the last time you treated the Red Flyts!
Let you understand that you can't stab someone in the throat casually during a battle!
"Aw... I won't be able to use Ultra Guillotine in this battle, no! I probably won't be able to use any light skills!"

Allen wiped his hands on the cliff on one side, looking like he disliked Grozam being dirty.

Then he shook his hand nonchalantly and clasped his fingers.

Seeing Allen's completely contemptuous and indifferent expression, Grozam was instantly furious!
I am one of the four kings of darkness!

Why the hell do you look down on me so much?

you are fine!
You are really good!
Die for me!
The furious Grozam rushed towards Allen with his ice sword.

Facing Grozam who was rushing toward him, Allen glanced at him disdainfully.

Then condense the ultimate ultra-psychic power!

Suddenly, extremely terrifying ultra telepathy rushed towards Grozam!

At this time, Grozam felt as if he had entered a black hole.

The surroundings were full of pulling force, which directly tore Grozam apart!
next second!

Earth-shaking explosions resounded through the sky, and in the eyes of countless people who were extremely shocked, Grozam, which was originally rushing towards Allen, instantly exploded into countless fragments and scattered in the sky!

The blast waves exploded in layers, scattering the clouds and setting off waves of sand and dust, sweeping in all directions!

see this scene.

There was an eerie silence all around!
Everyone's eyes were full of shock, and they all took a breath, and their hearts were beating like a storm!

I even wondered if my eyes were wrong!

What the hell happened! ?

Why did Grozam explode into countless fragments? ?

What happened in the middle?
Could it be that Allen didn't like Grozam, so he was so angry that he committed suicide?

Here are the four dark kings...

"What the hell happened!"

"Why did Grozam just explode!"

Desirem and Mephilas are numb!
The two of them didn't understand at all why this was happening!
Grozam couldn't think about it anymore and committed suicide?
Isn't it because when you laughed at Allen just now, you were disturbed?

As for it! ?

"Grozam...Grozam was torn apart by Allen's ultra telekinesis!"

The Yabo people naturally know why Grozam is like this!

Swallowing, his tone was extremely difficult!
And Desrem and the people from Mephilas heard this.

Immediately stunned!
I can't believe my ears at all!

Ultra telekinesis tore apart Grozam, one of the Four Dark Kings? ? ? ? ?
how could it be possible!
Before the two of them asked.

The Abo people also saw the surprise in their eyes.

Then nodded.The two of them were immediately shocked!

This Allen!

He is not a butcher!
He is God! ! !



"Ultra power?"

"Is this special telepathy power?"

At this moment.

the other side.

Severn's eyes were filled with incredible expression!

As one of the best users of ultra telekinesis in the Kingdom of Light!

He was naturally able to detect the method Allen used to tear Grozam apart!

But isn’t this ultra-psychic power a bit too scary?
As the master of Ultra-Psychic Power in the Kingdom of Light, his Ultra-Psychic Power can only affect monsters briefly!

Or an ordinary monster!


Allen's telekinesis can actually tear Grozam apart?

The explosion caused later was actually able to blow Grozam into pieces?
Is he old or is Allen just too awesome?

This Nima is too outrageous! ?

Seven stood there blankly, his eyes dull...


"Brother Seven, I told you that you should be worried about the four dark kings..."


"How did this kid do it?"

Ace sighed and asked with the same curiosity.

Allen seems to have done nothing!

"He...he...he uses ultra telekinesis..."

"After tearing Grozam apart, an explosion occurred!"

"That is to say..."

"Alan glared at Grozam to death!"

"Ace, why the hell did you tell me that Eren is a little bit stronger???"

Seven is numb!

The tone is full of shock!
I have absolutely no idea why Allen can have such terrifying telepathy!
Why don't I give you the title of Master of Mind Power!
What Qiye...

I am the seventh brother!
Allen is the real one!

and also!

Ace, you bad boy!

This is why you tell me, Allen is a little bit stronger?
This is a little bit...

Then what am I?

But at this time, Ace heard Severn's words...

Also numb!


Allen, what are you doing? ! ! !

on the battlefield...

Gudoo! ——

The Guys players all swallowed their saliva!
Good guy!
Just one look at Grozam and Grozam exploded? ? ? ? ?
Ah? ? ?
is this real?
Mebius spent a long time and couldn't do it!
The point is that Grozam was directly blown into countless pieces!

Allen is really getting more and more cruel,
And I am getting more and more impatient...

But it's okay!

This is better!

Everyone in the GUYS team has hope in their hearts!
While no one is stopping them.

He drove the Loader directly to the frozen Membius.

Then release - Magnelium's medical beam! !
I saw the beam of light hitting Mebius, instantly melting all the ice!

Let Membius enjoy the warmth of the sun again...

at last!

Successfully saved him!

(End of this chapter)

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