Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 53 Allen is like a god, one in an instant!

Chapter 53 Allen is like a god, one hundred units in an instant!

At this moment.

Accompanied by continuous roars!

A full hundred Impeleza descended on the ground.

Then decisively began to destroy the city!
Countless fireballs and rays of light instantly turned the city into a sea of ​​fire!
Boom boom boom! ——

The sound of explosions continued to echo in the city.

All humans fled in despair.

Under the attack of Impeleza of this size, the city soon turned into ruins...

"Emperor Wu Nai! The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe!"

"He is the one who rules this universe!"

"Now convey my will to you earthlings."

"Drive away Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Eren, the two of them have transformed into humans and are lurking somewhere."

"Find them for me!"

"Then Yuer and other people on Earth hand it over to me!"

The voice of the Ampera star echoed in everyone's ears through Impelaza.

"Are you going to drive away Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Eren?"

"No one will accept such a request!"

"No matter you are the emperor or someone else, my attitude is resolute!"

When everyone in the GUYS team heard this, the anger in their hearts could not be suppressed at all!

What do you mean?
Let us hand over the Ultra Warriors who have helped us so much with our own hands?
It's just a dream!

As long as humans and Ultra Warriors are bound together, they are invincible!

He will never be afraid of any incoming enemies!

Then everyone in the GUYS team directly flew the plane and started to fight!

Facing Implezza, GUYS team's attack was so weak...

Their attacks can indeed cause damage to Impeleza, but there is no way to kill them!
Impeleza's recovery ability is something that humans simply cannot resist!
Let alone a hundred Imprezas now.

With only one of them, it would be quite difficult for the GUYS team to fight!

There is no way to destroy Impreza!
But right now!
A red and silver figure appeared in front of everyone in the GUYS team.

"It's Ultraman Eren!"

"Ultraman Eren has appeared, come on Eren!"

Everyone in the GUYS team started cheering after seeing Allen!
Allen's strength is beyond their imagination!
I'll definitely be able to defeat Impreza!
So what if your numbers are large?

Facing Ultraman Eren, who can grow to a height of 500 meters, he is just a guy who can be easily crushed to death!

After Allen appeared, there was no nonsense!
It decisively grows to a height of 500 meters!
Instantly turned into a fixed fort!

The whole body energy is concentrated!

The temperature of the body suddenly turned into a high temperature of one trillion degrees!
Then he caught an Impreza!

Burning under the terrifying temperature.

Implezza quickly turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Under the extreme temperature, no matter how strong Impeleza's recovery ability is.

It's just a plaything in Allen's hands.

hiss! ——

Everyone in the GUYS team was stunned when they saw this scene!They had no idea that Allen could easily melt Impreza into molten iron!

What a terrifying temperature this is!
The armor on Impeleza's body is made of materials completely unknown to humans.

They also used Impreza's armor for experiments!
The highest temperature that humans can produce now, a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, there is no way to melt this armor!
As a result, now it's in Allen's hands and turned into scrap metal?
The GUYS team quickly began to test the flame temperature on Allen's body, and it actually reached one trillion degrees!

What is this concept?
The temperature of the sun is nothing but child's play under the Wendy on Ellen's body!
This move is exactly the skill that Allen changed through Noah Hellfire!
Attach a trillion-degree flame to your body!
This principle is actually very simple!
The key issue is energy!

Noah doesn't need such skills, other Ultra warriors don't have this much energy at all!
But such a small amount of energy is completely casual for Allen, who has unlimited energy!
At this time, the battle on the battlefield continues!

Allen gathered the Ultra Guillotine at will!

With the blessing of a 500-meter body, he can condense ten original Ultra Guillotine shots in one round!

Countless disk-shaped light blades were flying in the sky.

Continuously chop each impreza into powder!
Noah Hellfire!
A punch of flames with a trillion degrees of intensity will take away Implezza as long as it hits it.

The originally extremely powerful Impeleza was in front of Saiyan at this time.

Basically no difference from toys!

Even the fireballs and light rays fired by the other Impeleza were reflected by the power of the aurora and bombarded Impeleza himself!

Everyone in the GUYS team is dumbfounded now!


Too strong!

Impeleza had absolutely no power to fight back in front of Allen!
Could it be said that this is Allen's true strength?

The members of the GUYS team discovered that Allen could surprise them every time!

They never thought that Allen's most powerful thing was his AOE ability!

With so many Impelezas, they couldn't even attack Allen at close range!
It's really scary!

Fortunately, Alan has always been their partner!

This would be so desperate for the enemy!

"Ultraman Eren is handsome!"

"It's so powerful! It's like a god!"

"We only have Allen, otherwise it will be dangerous this time!"

"No one can cut off the bond between Ultra Warriors and humans!"

Along with the last Impeleza was killed by Allen.

Guys all cheered with excitement!
Now Allen is really like a god in their eyes!

Only gods can possess such terrifying power!
No Impeleza can block Allen's casual blow!
It’s all about delivering food to Ellen!
at the same time.

Above the sun…

The Great Emperor of the Dark Universe - the people from Ampera also noticed this scene.

I'm a little surprised by Allen's strength, but it's okay!
Whenever he takes action, Allen is just like a toy!
After all, Impelaza is just a miscellaneous soldier, so Allen can only clear out the miscellaneous soldiers!

"Hmph! - So the people of Earth have disobeyed my orders."

"Then I will let you know how stupid and shallow you are!"

After the Ampera people said harsh words, they decisively covered the sun with their energy.

Don’t you Ultra Warriors all fight with light energy?

Don’t you, Allen, have a lot of energy?
Now I will give you the sun directly, and let me see how you use the light energy!
Without supplements, Allen would have more energy!

There are times when it is exhausted!
Watching the sun completely extinguish, the Ampera people also flew towards the earth...

(End of this chapter)

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