Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 60: Zero is dissatisfied with Allen!Leo was stunned. Did he pull Ampere for a second? !

Chapter 60: Zero is dissatisfied with Allen!Leo was stunned. Did he pull Ampere for a second? !

On King's Star at this time...

The sky is filled with yellow sand, and the ground is covered with orange-red boulders and earthy yellow sand.

Such a planet without any vegetation is the holy land of the Kingdom of Light - King's Star!

At this time, on the King's Star, two figures, one red and one black, were constantly approaching and separating!

It is Leo and Zero who are constantly fighting!
As for the other side, there is another figure, it is Zeta!

Since Allen left, Zeta has been studying with Leo.

Now Zetana really admires Zero!
Obviously not much older than myself.

But strength is what he needs to look up to!

Wearing special training uniforms, you can survive the attack of instructor Leo for so long!

Sometimes you can even gain the upper hand for a short time!
"Come on, Senior Zero!"

Just as Zeta finished refueling Cerro, the result...

Zero was kicked out by Leo!

Zeta's expression suddenly froze...

Silently looking at the sky.

Don't blame me!

Absolutely not my fault!

It was definitely not because I yelled that distracted Zero!

"Sero, that's all you have??"

"That's it?"

"With your strength, do you want to touch the plasma spark tower?"

"Brother Ace also has a disciple named Allen, who the King of Ultra said can become a god!"

"With just your three-legged cat skills, what qualifications do you have to touch the plasma spark tower?"

Leo looked at the man lying on the ground and roared with disdain.

The expression on Zero's face became even more unhappy!

He doesn't agree!
Isn’t it just that you have a few more years of food to eat than you do?

As a result, you are now educating me in such a condescending manner?
What Allen!
It’s exactly what you blew it out of!

Can there be a god in this world?

Then Sero got up decisively!

He will never let anyone look down upon him!
Especially when Leo looked at him with such disdain!

There must be revenge.

At this time, Zero didn't know how lucky he was to be the last one to touch the plasma spark tower.

It's still locked up in the little black room of the universe.

Only Leo and the others knew the identity of Zero's father.

Otherwise, Zero would have been sealed long ago.


It was also Leo who knew who Zero's father was, so he was so ruthless!
All the moves were used!

There are even dirty tricks!

The beating made Zero extremely excited.

Thinking of what he had gone through, Sero couldn't bear it anymore!

He rushed towards Leo decisively, intending to let Leo see his serious self!

However, just when Zero's fist was about to fall on Leo!
Leo with a side kick!
Kick Zero out again!
"Brother Ace, Allen."

Leo noticed the energy of Ace and Allen in the sky, so he immediately interrupted the training and came to the two men.

"Did you take on another disciple?"

After seeing Zero, Ace asked with a smile.

He and Allen are both on Earth and don't know what's happening on Earth.

"He is Brother Seven's son. He wants to touch the plasma spark tower, so he left it to me for training."

Leo also uses Ultra to transmit his voice.
He briefly introduced Zero's identity to Ace.

When Ace heard this, a strange expression suddenly appeared on his face.

Good guy!
Brother Seven handed his son to Leo...

How much I hate to see this son!

Do you want him to be trained to death by Leo?
As for Zeta at this time...

Decisively prepare to yo-yo!He is scared when he sees Allen now!
The sound of the eight-point light wheel with a diameter of 20 meters still seems to be floating in my ears.

He almost became the defeated enemy of the Saw Man of Light.

Such things are still fresh in Zeta's memory!


Before Zeta could successfully escape, Allen stopped him.

"Long time no see Allen!"

"How are you doing? Is the mission completed? It's okay if it's not completed!"

"I believe Instructor Ace..."

Zeta's fierce move made him feel as if he had fallen into hell!
All he could do was congratulate Allen with a rather fake smile.

"It's done, I disappoint you!"

"But do you know how much I miss you? Zeta!"

"No one on earth can practice with me!"

Allen's smile made Zeta feel like he was seeing something terrifying, and he was trembling all over!
Just fly into the sky and escape!

When Allen saw this scene, he gathered the vertical guillotine!

Fly towards Zeta!

Feeling the energy behind him, Zeta turned his head and glanced, then fainted!

Seeing this, Ace rushed forward and took the vertical guillotine!

After all, Allen didn't use much power, and he didn't want Zeta to die!



Can you fucking stop doing this!
That kid Zeta will be psychologically affected by you!
After Ace blocked the vertical guillotine, his whole face was filled with helplessness.

"Alan, can you let someone practice with you without catching anyone?"

Allen shrugged innocently upon hearing this.

"I was just checking out Zeta's recent training!"

Just when Eren and Ace were complaining about each other!
Sero suddenly came over and looked at Allen quite unhappily.

"You are Allen, right! Instructor Ace's disciple, I want to compete with you!"

After confirming Allen's identity, Cero announced that he would discuss with Allen!
Ever since he arrived on King Star, Leo has been using Eren to stimulate him!
This makes Zero very unhappy!

He doesn't believe it.

Allen is really that strong! ?
Can you defeat Leo?

It shouldn't be possible to beat Leo, but can it be a [-]-[-] against Leo?

Upon hearing this, Ace rushed forward.

Good guy!
Brother Seven’s son is a bit reckless!
How dare you challenge Allen!
Do you know what happens to the monsters who talk harshly to Allen?
What Ace didn't expect was that Leo stopped him.

"It's okay, Brother Ace, I think we can let Zero and Allen compete!"

"Without fighting, there is no progress!"

Leo said with a sympathetic face.

Alan is also quite excited!

Finally here comes the sparring session!

It’s still his grandson Zero in the original work!
Not bad!

not bad!
Just looking at Zero's performance in the special shooting, the reward for beating Zero must be quite good!

Thinking of this, Allen stood directly in front of Zero and looked at Zero.

see this scene...

Leo is quite proud!
One day, he finally became better than Ace!
Except for the unexpected things about fighting skills!

By the way, this time I can also reduce the arrogance of this guy Zero!
Regarding the final result, Leo had no doubt that Allen could win!
"Sero's talent is also quite terrifying!"

"It's not necessarily worse than Allen!"


Ace didn't say anything, just let out a long sigh...

"But Allen just killed the Ampera planet on Earth..."

Leo nodded,
Then he suddenly reacted!

You are so special!

WTF? !
Allen killed Ampera? !
(End of this chapter)

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