Douluo: The Life Choice of the Peerless Huo Yuhao

Chapter 114: Fooling and fooling again and again

Chapter 114: Fooling and fooling again and again

"Dragon crazy. I have indeed heard this legend. But, what does this have to do with him?" Snow Emperor asked in confusion.

"Of course it does. When he went crazy, he made a big oath."

The Snow Emperor looked at the Ice Emperor, and then looked back at Huo Yuhao. She was a little unconvinced as to why a boy who was only twelve or thirteen years old knew so much.

She felt that she had lived for so long in vain.

"The big oath is that unless the dragon clan is revived and the dragon god reappears, the soul beast cannot become a god. (The setting comes from Dou Si, Chapter 750, the truth is revealed)"

"And then, on this basis, the God Realm began to suppress the soul beast's path to becoming a god."

"Do you all think that the Dragon God is dead? No, it is not dead. It is still half of the body in the Star Forest. It is the Lord of Ditian, the Silver Dragon King."

"Why can't I become a god even if I just re-established myself as a human being?"

"Because this requires relying on humans. And the humans you have re-cultivated will be seen through. What will happen if a ferocious beast that is over 10 years old without any resistance is seen through? I don't need to say more, right?"

As soon as Huo Yuhao finished speaking, Snow Emperor burst out with a strong anger, even though she had lived for so long.

This kind of thing also successfully angered her.

Of course Hyōtei was anxious, but she had already transformed, so she could only lose her temper.

As for Xiaobai, he remained silent because of the existence of Snow Emperor.

It wasn't that the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor believed in Huo Yuhao, but what Huo Yuhao said seemed to have some magic power.

Plus it's true.

Why has no soul beast become a god in all these years?not a single one.

Even Di Tian couldn't become a god.

"It's really ridiculous. In order to survive, I survived catastrophes again and again, but in the end it was a futile struggle."

She has practiced for 69 years, isn't it just to survive?

But now, Huo Yuhao told her that soul beasts cannot become gods.

This is tantamount to telling her that all your efforts are in vain.

And it's not just her who thinks so, all the ferocious beasts think so.

They all thought that this was a problem with the soul beast itself.

I never thought that this was caused by the Dragon God.

"there's one more thing."

"You should still remember that incident ten thousand years ago, right?"

"He now controls this continent, which has led to fewer and fewer people becoming gods."

"Especially after he became a god, Ultimate Douluo's lifespan was greatly reduced."

"Who did this? I don't know. All I know now is that the King of Bitterness has been around for a long time in this continent!"

"Join us, Snow Emperor. If I, with my god fragments, can't become a god, then who else do you think can become a god in this world? Only in this way can you continue to live."

"If you die, I think the Ice Emperor will be very sad, right?"

Huo Yuhao knew very well that for the sake of the Ice Emperor, the Snow Emperor could make concessions.

His voice was full of temptation, tempting Snow Emperor to make a choice.

"Snow Girl, join him, please." The Ice Emperor leaned over and kept touching her slender thighs with his hands.

Snow Emperor looked at Huo Yuhao, his sky-blue eyes full of complexity, as if he didn't know what to do.

She wanted to just die like this, but her Bing'er was begging her not to do that.

And after listening to what Huo Yuhao and Tianmeng Bingcan said, she was actually moved.

It just so happened that Tianmeng Iceworm still had a place for a masterless martial spirit.

This kind of opportunity is actually very good for a soul beast like her whose lifespan has come to an end.

But she doubted whether Huo Yuhao could withstand his own energy. If he failed, he would die together.

What about Binger?Huo Yuhao was a little confused. He didn't know what the Snow Emperor was thinking.

However, soon, he knew what the Snow Emperor was thinking.

"Snow Emperor, are you worried about failure?"

"Aren't you worried that the Ice Emperor will be helpless after the failure?"

"It's useless to worry about you. Your catastrophe is coming soon. Instead of worrying about this and that, it's better to give it a try."

"I, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, dare to risk his life, so what are you afraid of? Your life span is not as long as mine, I guess."

Huo Yuhao said with a smile.

"Give it a try...Yeah, how could I not even have the courage to give it a try? When did it happen? You are right, then come on."

Snow Emperor looked at Huo Yuhao seriously, as if he had made up his mind.

【Passive trigger option! 】

[You impressed the Snow Emperor with your courage to not be afraid of death. Now she is ready to give it a try. The choice you will make is...]

[Option [-], stay calm: be fully prepared before fusion.Completion reward (soul bone strengthening)]

Soul Bone Strengthening: A piece of soul bone can be strengthened to increase its lifespan by 1 years.

[Option [-], stay rational: During the fusion, it is required to absorb the soul bone first, then the martial soul, and finally the soul ring.Completion reward (soul bone change)]

Soul bone change: The soul bone will be changed to the external soul bone, the Snow Emperor's Crown.Age limit: 69 years.

[Option [-], Insatiable: After the fusion is completed, ask to take the Ice Emperor away with him.Completion reward (covering halo)]

Obscuring aura: No one within 30 meters of you can see through it.

[Option [-], life and death: What reward? You don’t need any reward. What you are playing is the heartbeat. Just fuse without any preparation.Completion reward (none.)]

None: No rewards will be provided for options one, two, and three.

Huo Yuhao glanced at it roughly.

This life selector seems to have clicked, and it’s so easy to get rewards.

And it can all be completed, bah bah bah, option four cannot be completed.

What the hell, how come there is such an option?

But these rewards are really good.

In order, first is the Snow Emperor's Crown, then the Soul Bone Strengthening.

The attached soul bone is definitely not bad, and the strengthened soul bone can just increase the Snow Emperor's crown to 70 years.

It is perfect to cover up the halo and lead the Ice King away without being discovered.

Jie Jie Jie Jie, the life selector finally became sensible.

Thoughts over.

"But before that, I need to explain something." Snow Emperor said.

Once the Snow Emperor and Huo Yuhao merge, she will definitely go to the human world with Huo Yuhao, and the same goes for the Ice Emperor.

But when she left, there was no one to manage the Far North.

And the far north cannot be left alone.

Ice Bear King Xiaobai is not suitable, so the only suitable candidate is the Titan Snow Demon King.

Before merging, go find the Titan Snow Demon first.

"Oh, I didn't expect it. One day, I will also place my hope on humans in order to survive."

Snow Emperor couldn't help but sigh as he hurried on his way.

"You will not regret your choice. Maybe you will be glad that you made this decision later."


(End of this chapter)

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