"Is this what power feels like?" 'Huo Yuhao' muttered to himself, looking at his blood-stained hands.

"You feel it. Next, it's time to fight back against those in the Duke's Palace. Your power will become stronger and stronger."

"But great power often comes with risks. You will gradually lose your mind and become a walking zombie."

Huo Yuhao reminded 'Huo Yuhao'.

"Strong power often comes with risks... Haha... It's enough to avenge my mother. As for becoming a walking zombie, then let's do it."

"What a strong hatred." Electrolux in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea exclaimed.

Huo Yuhao: "It's normal."

"How can one have great strength without hatred?"

"How to complete revenge?"

"Haha... In him, I see my former self." Electrolux couldn't help but recall.

His memory has recovered a lot.

Huo Yuhao's soul method was also completed with the help of Electrolux's contract magic.

"Just watch it like this. This is just his spiritual world, and it's time for me to take action in the outside world."


【Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing option four. The reward (Resurrection of the Dead x1) has been successfully distributed.Currently owned quantity (2)]

Huo Yuhao looked at 'Huo Yuhao' lying in front of him and opened his eyes, knowing that he had completed his revenge in the spiritual world.

"Okay, now you can quietly watch the White Tiger Duke's Mansion being destroyed here."

"Because here, your combat power is only five."

'Huo Yuhao' nodded.

The blood in his eyes gradually faded.

Huo Yuhao narrowed his eyes, and nine soul rings appeared on his body.

Red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red.

A full nine circles of blood-red soul rings.

As time goes by, Huo Yuhao has become a nine-ring soul master.

The soul guidance technology developed by Huo Yuhao has also matured.

After Huo Yuhao bloodbathed the Duke's Palace, it was time to go to the Holy Spirit Cult.

Then it's time to start the war.

After Huo Yuhao released the soul ring, he did not attack directly. Instead, he used the pressure of the soul ring to suppress the entire White Tiger Duke's Mansion.

'Huo Yuhao' on the side was trembling with fear from the coercion emanating from Huo Yuhao.

He had thought that Huo Yuhao was very strong, but he had never thought that Huo Yuhao could be so strong and have nine 10-year soul rings.

That's a 10 year spirit ring!
The 10-year soul ring that countless soul masters dream of!
Huo Yuhao was like a cabbage, with no respect at all.

But the people in the White Tiger Duke's Mansion suffered. This huge pressure made them unable to move.

"Dai Yueheng, Dai Huabin, take your mother and get out. If you don't come out, you will experience unimaginable pain."

Huo Yuhao's voice was so loud that the entire Duke's Palace could hear what Huo Yuhao was saying.

In the Duke's Palace, Dai Yueheng, Dai Huabin, and the Duchess, who were being cared for, heard the following words after feeling a strong pressure.

Yes, Dai Yueheng and Dai Huabin are both squatting at home.

The reason is also very simple.

Dai Yueheng lost his legs and became a cripple. He had no way to get out.

Fortunately, he still had oregano, so he could continue the family lineage, so he stayed at home and worked hard.

Dai Huabin lost his oregano, but his body was still intact.

But this also affected the cultivation of soul power, and even the voice began to change.

Because of these two points, Dai Huabin also stayed in the Duke's Mansion.

Because of that accident, the two brothers got back together.

This is quite good.

The Duchess also lost the motivation to continue the plan because both of them were disabled.

The three of them just stayed at home, originally thinking about how to train the next generation, but now Dai Hao doesn't go home.

The Duchess's plan to raise her own trumpet was thus foiled.

So this important task was moved to Dai Yueheng.

While he was working hard, who knew that the terrifying aura of the titled Douluo could be heard from outside.

He also threatened that if they did not come out, Dai Huabin, Dai Yueheng and the Duchess would experience unimaginable pain.

If they were from other levels, then the three of them would definitely not come out.

But this is a titled Douluo!
Titled Douluo!

The probability of being forcibly demolished if they didn't go out was very high, and they didn't think they could escape from the hands of the Titled Douluo.

Then, Huo Yuhao saw Dai Huabin pushing Dai Yueheng out in a wheelchair.

The Duchess was right next to her.

"Look, this is your enemy. Surprise or not, one lost his oregano and the other lost his legs."

Huo Yuhao said to 'Huo Yuhao'.

"Thank you... thank you..." 'Huo Yuhao' did not ask Huo Yuhao to kill them this time.

Instead, he said thank you to Huo Yuhao.

"I promised you when I first entered your body."

A vague message echoed in 'Huo Yuhao''s mind, "Go with peace of mind. I will help you fulfill your last wish. Whether it is becoming a powerful soul master or avenging your mother, I will complete it." "

"I am now a Titled Douluo, and I have completed my journey to become a powerful soul master. I will avenge your mother now."

While the two were talking, the duchess, Dai Huabin, and Dai Yueheng had already arrived outside the gate of the Duke's Mansion.

"Let's go."

Huo Yuhao patted the sad 'Huo Yuhao' and motioned for him to get up.

"Your Majesty, what do you want from the three of us?" Dai Yueheng, who was sitting in a wheelchair, asked first.

It has to be said that even if Huo Yuhao is such a threat, he can face the danger calmly, which is commendable for his courage.

But Huo Yuhao didn't care.

"Why do you mean I'm looking for you? You already have a way to kill yourself!" Huo Yuhao immediately shouted angrily.

The expressions on the three people's faces turned ugly. They knew that the two people in front of them were here to cause trouble for them.

"My father is the White Tiger Duke of the Star Luo Empire! He is now a Titled Douluo! You'd better consider the consequences of touching us." Dai Huabin said in a sharp voice.

"Duke White Tiger? That's right, the one you're looking for is his son."

As Huo Yuhao finished speaking, the three of them became visibly panicked.

It's useless to move the White Tiger Duke out, it can only show that this is the enemy.

"Your Majesty... You should know that no harm can harm your family. I don't know where my father offended you. I am here to apologize to you." Dai Yueheng said while sitting in a wheelchair.

He wanted to see if his father had provoked the enemy.

If so, then maybe you can use words to make Huo Yuhao leave.

Or pay him to leave.

As for calling for support, that's unlikely.

No one can call for support under such pressure.

In particular, Huo Yuhao's body in front of him was covered with nine blood-red soul rings.

Regardless of the title Douluo's strength, the pressure brought by these nine blood-red soul rings is enough.

This is the horror of a 10-year-old soul ring.

"Yes, it will not harm the family. You are right. However, my target is the three of you. I will also kill the White Tiger Duke, don't worry. I will let you ascend to heaven together. The whole family will be reunited. .”

"Let's do this, Dai Yueheng, you cut the oregano, and I will let you three go for now." Huo Yuhao's words were shocking.

'Huo Yuhao' on the side was a little shocked.

He didn't expect Huo Yuhao to humiliate Dai Yueheng so much.

What he didn't expect even more was what Huo Yuhao said next.

"Or, Dai Huabin, you can just open a hole. Choose one of the two. Hurry up, or you will die together." The faces of the Duchess, Dai Huabin, and Dai Yueheng were more or less embarrassed.

But they dare not show it.

They knew that this was their only chance to survive from this titled Douluo.

"Okay. I'll cut it!" Dai Yueheng gritted his teeth.

Just as he was about to take off the oregano possessed by Wuhun, he was caught by Dai Huabin.

Of course, he barely caught it, even though he used his martial soul and also used the White Tiger Vajra Transformation.

"Brother, let me dig the hole. Yours still needs to be passed on to the Dai family." Dai Huabin said in a deep voice.

The eldest brother can remove the most important thing from his body for their safety, so why can't he make a hole in his body for their safety?
And relatively speaking, this is safer.

It should be much better to make a hole than to cut it off, right?
Dai Huabin thought in his mind.

"It's such a good feeling. Then hurry up. Don't wait for me to lose patience." Huo Yuhao urged.

"Just here, find a way to dig. If I don't look like it, it doesn't count."

Dai Huabin gritted his teeth and used his strengthened tiger fingers to cut a hole in his body.


This is no ordinary pain.

Some come from the body, and some come from the mind.

It's a mixture of pain.

Dai Huabin's strength is absolutely unbearable.

He could only scream to relieve the pain.

Tears fell from the corners of the Duchess's eyes to the ground.

He looked at his son distressedly.

She never thought that this would happen.

Dai Yueheng held back tears and clenched his fists.

He only hated that he was not strong enough to protect his younger brother.

I also hate my father, why is he not in the Duke's Palace!

Why!Why!To bring such a powerful enemy to the family!
"Your Majesty, please look..." Dai Huabin said with a trembling voice.

"It's not enough, it's still too shallow. Let's dig twice as deep. That's almost it."

"it is good……"




The difficulty level increases by more than one or two points from easy to deep.

Dai Huabin could only buckle a little bit.

Otherwise, if one click is broken, his life will also enter a countdown.

You know, it is difficult to stop such a big wound.

"Your Majesty, it's okay now..." Dai Huabin's weak voice came.

"Yeah. Pretty much. I'll let you go this time."

"Of course, you'd better invite the White Tiger Duke back, otherwise I can't guarantee that I won't regret it." Huo Yuhao smiled harmlessly.

Dai Yueheng and the Duchess trembled as they looked at Huo Yuhao's harmless expression.

"Oh, by the way, you still don't know who I am, right?"

"Then I will tell you with great compassion. I am Huo Yuhao."

"Huo Yuhao!"

"Huo Yuhao!"

"Huo Yuhao?"

The brother is shocked and the Duchess is confused.

"Why? We obviously have no grievances." Dai Yueheng asked bitterly.

The Duchess always felt that she had heard this name before.

Judging from Dai Yueheng's appearance, he should be familiar with him.

So the Duchess did not continue to wonder why the name sounded familiar.

"No injustice?"

"you sure?"

"I have not forgotten the person who assassinated me. There is also what happened to the owner of this body when he was a child, and what happened to the mother of this body. From the moment I inherited this body, your Duke's Palace was destined to have a hard life. .”

"I tell you three, if you don't have the protection of Titled Douluo, you won't be able to survive. I'll give you time. You can call whoever you want. You can also escape from here. It's up to you. But if there is no Titled Douluo, Luo Bao, then you can’t blame me.”

"Without the protection of Titled Douluo, I would kill you like a chicken."

"Let's go." Huo Yuhao waved his hand, signaling 'Huo Yuhao' to follow.

"Okay." 'Huo Yuhao' nodded.

He did not question Huo Yuhao's behavior.

Instead, he watched silently.

In his heart, he has completed his revenge on the White Tiger family.

Here, he did not have the strength to continue his revenge, but he could watch them being killed with his own eyes, which was considered a kind of revenge.

Why not?

After all, Huo Yuhao is himself!
"Huo Yuhao, I will give you a chance to resurrect now. Will you choose to resurrect yourself or your mother?" Huo Yuhao asked 'Huo Yuhao', wanting to see what he was thinking.

"Resurrection?" At this time, 'Huo Yuhao' stuttered again.

"Yes, resurrection. If you choose to be resurrected, your mother will exist in your current state."

"If you choose your mother to be resurrected, you will exist as you are now."

"Choose. Answer me before the whole family is killed in the Duke's Palace..."

Before Huo Yuhao could speak, he was interrupted by 'Huo Yuhao'.

"I choose to resurrect my mother!" 'Huo Yuhao' did not hesitate.

Huo Yuhao, who was originally a little unhappy because of being interrupted, smiled after hearing what 'Huo Yuhao' said.

He is indeed a good and filial boy.

However, Huo Yuhao does not plan to resurrect Huo Yun'er now.

Because if she comes out, it will only interfere with him killing all the people in the Duke's Palace.

This affects your performance too much.

Come back after the killing is over.

This way, you won't hear annoying words.

"Okay, just wait now. When I kill all these people, your mother will be resurrected and appear in front of you."

Huo Yuhao nodded his eyebrows.


"Mother, what should we do now?" Dai Yueheng asked angrily.

He knew that his father was very busy.

Maybe even if his whole family dies, he won’t come back.

As for letting the Star Luo Empire send Titled Douluo to protect it?
That's too much to think about.

Would a powerful person like Titled Douluo be sent to protect the three of you?

Unless Dai Hao takes the initiative to request.

Otherwise it's basically impossible.

But now they can't contact Dai Hao.

... (end of this chapter)

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