Chapter 31 No response

Perhaps because of the leader Jiang Nannan, the students who had originally surrounded Huo Yuhao's stall actually made way for themselves, allowing her and several female students to reach Huo Yuhao's grilled fish stall unimpeded.

Huo Yuhao also noticed the strangeness of the students and looked at Jiang Nannan.

At this time, Huo Yuhao had delivered all twelve grilled fish that had received gold soul coins, leaving only the last four fish on the grill, but these were not for sale.

The soft-bone charm rabbit Jiang Nannan has the same martial soul as the Harpoon God King's Shura Scabbard, and they are both civilian soul masters.

After taking one look at Huo Yuhao, he recognized her. Huo Yuhao naturally remembered her. She was completely different from the one before. The reason why Huo Yuhao remembered her was simply because she was too explosive.

"How do you sell your grilled fish?" Jiang Nannan asked softly.

"One gold soul coin." Huo Yuhao replied calmly while observing his surroundings.

Jiang Nannan frowned slightly, "Isn't this too expensive? Considering the cost and your processing, a maximum of three copper soul coins is enough, right? You can still make money."

Huo Yuhao was stunned. He really didn't expect Jiang Nannan to dare to bargain like this, and he couldn't handle it for a while.

【Passive trigger option! 】

[Jiang Nannan, known as the most beautiful woman in the outer courtyard, appears at your booth. The choice you will make is...]

[Option 1, friendly communication: Impatiently tell her, you don’t need to criticize the price of my grilled fish.Completion reward (mental brainwashing*[-])]

[Option [-], treat it rationally: Agree with her and change the price of grilled fish.Completion reward (Title: Lustful Person)]

[Option three, be bold: put aside the topic and further discuss the pros and cons and depth with her in public...Completion reward (soul power level +1)]

[Option [-], Tear the flower apart: Don’t argue with her, cut her into eight pieces, carve her into eight flowers and tear them apart.Completion reward (Second Martial Spirit, Soft-bone Rabbit)]

Although Huo Yuhao was a little confused as to why this could trigger selection, he still looked at it seriously.

View option 10, Title Erotic Person: Charm -[-]
Huo Yuhao was a little speechless after reading it. This crappy selector is like this every time. How can this be a selector? It's clearly a radio selector.

However, Huo Yuhao seems to have gradually discovered the rules for selecting passive triggers, which are limited to passive triggers. Up to now, Huo Yuhao has not used active triggers a few times.

"I'm sorry, I'm not short of money. I only sell grilled fish because someone wants to eat it, and my craftsmanship is worth the money. Besides, you don't have to buy it, but why do I set the price and it's not your turn? Criticism? What's more, today's grilled fish has been sold out." Huo Yuhao said calmly.

He was not short of money. Originally, Huo Yuhao didn't even think of selling grilled fish. If he hadn't felt sorry for letting Tang Ya go, maybe Huo Yuhao's custom-made grilling equipment would have been left with ashes.

What's more, this Jiang Nannan is still here to bargain, and she wants to cut off 97 copper soul coins when she opens her mouth. Even if the selector does not show the trigger option, Huo Yuhao will still say this.

To be honest, Huo Yuhao really didn't understand why she was so confident. If Huo Yuhao hadn't had a good temper, he might have fired her away on the spot.

[Congratulations to the host for completing option one. The reward (mental brainwashing*1) has been successfully distributed to the system props. 】

Jiang Nannan was stunned for a moment and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I just did a random calculation. If I have a chance in the future, I will try it again."

With that said, she turned around and walked out.Huo Yuhao could clearly feel that the atmosphere around him had changed. Many of the students who had been looking at him eagerly before were actually glaring at him.

Fortunately, although they glared, no one took action, otherwise Huo Yuhao would have asked Brother Tianmeng to come to the rescue.

At this moment, a deep, deep but angry voice suddenly sounded.

"Boy, do you dare not sell it?"

Immediately afterwards, a bit of golden light shot straight towards Huo Yuhao's stall.

Huo Yuhao needs to control the heat when grilling fish, so his Wuhun Spirit Eyes are always open. In addition, when concentrating on grilling fish, he cannot be distracted. In order to observe the situation, Huo Yuhao's mental detection is always open.

Without sharing, Huo Yuhao's mental detection can last for a long time, at least until the fish is grilled and the stall is closed.

Although the grilled fish was sold out not long ago, Huo Yuhao did not turn off the mental detection in advance to save soul power because he didn't usually use his soul power.

Huo Yuhao could clearly see the flight path of the golden light with the help of mental detection, and could tell that the golden light was a golden soul coin. Although he knew how to stop the golden soul coin, Huo Yuhao's body was unable to react.

This is the result of being too mentally strong and too weak physically. The brain reacts but the body does not.

Although the negative enhancement of this body was eliminated last time, in the final analysis, Huo Yuhao's physical fitness is still at the normal level of an ordinary soul master.


The gold soul coin accurately hit the oven that Huo Yuhao had spent a lot of money to customize, and was completely embedded in it.

Immediately afterwards, a figure strode over, quickly passed the stunning girl and arrived in front of Huo Yuhao's stall. He raised his hand and grabbed two of the grilled fish on his oven.

"Hey, wait." Huo Yuhao fired an enhanced version of Soul Shock towards him.

Huo Yuhao would not spoil him. His oven was valuable. Since he had damaged the oven, he would naturally have to pay the price.

The hand that was grabbing the grilled fish stopped after being hit by the enhanced version of Huo Yuhao's Soul Shock, and he covered his head with a painful look on his face.

Huo Yuhao knew who this person was without even looking at him. Xu Sanshi, a fifth-year Shrek Academy student, was the only one who would fight for Jiang Nannan.

Huo Yuhao looked at Xu Sanshi's painful appearance, but he didn't feel any fear.

He is not afraid of Xu Sanshi at all. Although the current Huo Yuhao cannot beat him, where is this place?This is Shrek Academy, a place where only lower-grade students are allowed to fight against upper-grade students, but not a place where upper-grade students can fight against lower-grade students.

If he didn't say anything, who would know that he had launched an attack on him?
If he insists on using this excuse to attack Huo Yuhao, he will definitely face punishment from Shrek.

Even if a fight really breaks out, Huo Yuhao is not afraid of him. Apart from Brother Tianmeng, he still has everything at the bottom of the box that is of no use.


(End of this chapter)

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