Douluo: The Life Choice of the Peerless Huo Yuhao

Chapter 35 Wang Dong Xiaoxiao was shocked [deleted]

Chapter 35 Wang Dong Xiaoxiao was shocked [deleted]

On one side is the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. Although there are two people, one of them is a new student. On the other side, there is the mutated and powerful defensive martial spirit Xuanming Turtle, so it is really hard to say who can have the upper hand.

For those viewers who have not seen Huo Yuhao use blue silver entanglement to control Xu Sanshi, Xu Sanshi is more likely to have the upper hand.

Huo Yuhao was just a new student, and the new students had just started school and were most likely a soul master with only one soul ring, so they felt that Huo Yuhao was probably a jobber.

After all, there are very few freshmen who can reach level 12 at the age of [-].

For those viewers who had watched Huo Yuhao release Blue Silver Coil to control Xu Sanshi, they felt that Huo Yuhao's side was more likely to have the upper hand.

They have not forgotten how Huo Yuhao controlled Xu Sanshi by himself before.

So both sides held their own opinions.

"They are all the best ratios. I don't know which side will win!"

"It must be Xu Sanshi, he is known as the strongest shield in the outer courtyard!"

"Wrong, it must be Brother Grilled Fish. You don't know that when the two of them had a dispute, that little brother only used one move to control Xu Sanshi."

"What happened, please tell me in detail..."


Wang Dong asked worriedly, "Do you think Huo Yuhao and Senior Xiaoya can win?"

Xiao Xiao is more optimistic, "If it can be done, believe in them!"

Then the two of them looked at Huo Yuhao and Tang Ya in the field attentively, but they were still looking at Huo Yuhao more because they both wanted to know how Huo Yuhao used Blue Silver Grass.

Wang Dong thought more. He knew about Huo Yuhao's martial spirit. Now he even doubted whether Huo Yuhao was a twin martial spirit.

"The first soul skill, Blue Silver Coil!"

After Tang Ya released her martial soul, she immediately displayed her first soul skill, and Xu Sanshi's reaction was also quick, avoiding Tang Ya's blue and silver entanglement.

And the reason why Tang Ya released this soul skill was just to distance herself so that she and Yu Hao could use the soul fusion skill. She didn't expect that the blue silver entanglement could directly catch Xu Sanshi, let alone If caught, they will be broken free.

Although it was said that she still had Tang Sect's secret skills which were of no use, Yuhao specifically asked her to be gentle and she would not use them herself.

Of course, the main reason Tang Ya agreed was because she wanted to combine with Huo Yuhao again and release the martial soul fusion skills.


"Martial Soul Fusion Skill! - Blue Silver Eyes!"

This was the name that Tang Ya had given to their soul fusion skills. Originally, Huo Yuhao wanted to change it to another name, but he couldn't resist Tang Ya's tactics, so he had to agree.

Huo Yuhao and Tang Ya were seen leaning together, and then, a blue-gold light began to emerge, and at the same time it emitted mental fluctuations. In just a moment, the two disappeared under the light of this light. "Impossible, it's actually a martial soul fusion skill!" Xu Sanshi was a little stunned and seemed to be a little unacceptable.

Under the influence of his master Huo Yuhao, Xu Sanshi naturally pretended to be like this.

"Look, I said the grilled fish guy will win!"

"Today is an eye-opener. I really didn't expect to see martial arts fusion skills. The ticket money is really worth it!"


Everyone in the audience marveled.

Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao's eyes widened. They never expected that Huo Yuhao could actually perform martial soul fusion skills with Tang Ya. That was a rare occurrence in a hundred years!Even rarer than having full soul power!

The two finally understood where Huo Yuhao's confidence came from, but Wang Dong still had doubts.

When the blue-gold light full of mental fluctuations dissipated, only Tang Ya's figure remained in front of Xu Sanshi and everyone in the audience.

Not only did Huo Yuhao disappear, but the blue silver grass she had summoned before also disappeared.

Behind her, a huge eye appeared out of thin air. Following the soul ring on her body, yellow, yellow, purple, and white appeared one by one. The figure of Blue Silver Grass appeared in this huge eye, and then It dissipated into blue light spots.

This is the second martial soul fusion skill used by Huo Yuhao and Tang Ya. Compared with the first time, the fusion is much faster, and this time there is an extra third soul ring of Tang Ya, so in terms of strength, the fusion skill is much faster. Naturally, it has also improved to a higher level.

After the martial soul fusion skill is successfully performed, Huo Yuhao's mental detection and sharing will become a permanent soul skill, providing Tang Ya with enhanced effects.

After possessing Huo Yuhao's mental detection, Tang Ya felt that it was easy to deal with Xu Sanshi.

Just by looking at it, you can see that Xu Sanshi is full of loopholes.

Compared with the first time, Tang Ya was obviously more skilled this time. After taking a look at Xu Sanshi, a large number of bluesilver grass seedlings grew crazily on his body and quickly wrapped him.

At the same time, the second yellow soul ring on Tang Ya's body lit up. This was Tang Ya's second soul skill, parasitism.

The soul skills that originally required the blue silver grass to contact the target can be directly generated on the target with the blessing of martial soul fusion skills, and the strength of the soul skills has been directly increased by several levels.

And with the blessing of martial soul fusion skills, the parasitic bluesilver grass will also have a spiritual entanglement effect.

Although the parasitism Tang Ya released was instantaneous, under the influence of his master Huo Yuhao, Xu Sanshi still used his first soul skill.

The first century-old soul ring on Xu Sanshi lit up, and Xuan Ming was shocked.

But when facing the Blue Silver Grass under the Martial Soul Fusion Skill, the effect was not very obvious. It only broke half of the Blue Silver Grass. But at this time, he could clearly feel that his whole body seemed to be strangled, but this The blue silver grass is obviously not tightly entangled.


(End of this chapter)

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