Douluo: The Life Choice of the Peerless Huo Yuhao

Chapter 6 Tianmeng is dreaming, so it makes sense to brag.

Chapter 6 Tianmeng is dreaming, so it makes sense to brag.

It took Huo Yuhao a few seconds to seal the part of his spiritual sea that represented his past life memories.

Only the memory of the original owner is left, so that no matter whether Tianmeng Iceworm or Electrolux comes to investigate, they can only detect the memory of the original owner that they left behind, and they can no longer detect the memory that belongs to themselves. .

Of course, the reason why Huo Yuhao was able to complete the sealing of his own memory so quickly was actually because he had been prepared for it long ago, as early as when he thought about starting the story of Tianmeng Iceworm and Electrolux becoming the big brother.

At least it took Huo Yuhao nearly a month to complete the prototype of the seal, which allowed him to complete the seal in a very short time.

At the same time that Huo Yuhao completed sealing his memory, a large pit suddenly appeared not far in front of him.

Then, a faint white light appeared, and at the same time, the big pit continued to sink.

Huo Yuhao knew that if there was such a movement at this time, it must be only the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. After all, who would get into the ground without any trouble?
Afterwards, Huo Yuhao put the White Tiger Dagger into his bag. After all, if this movement was not for the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, he would not be able to escape, and the White Tiger Dagger would not be able to kill a soul beast with such movement, let alone He was also injured.

After that, Huo Yuhao stared at the big pit that was gradually sinking.

Now as long as Tianmeng Iceworm gives up his soul beast body, enters Huo Yuhao's body and becomes his intelligent soul ring, then Huo Yuhao's plug-in will be paid, and this matter will come to an end.

In the days to come, it will be Huo Yuhao's time to express himself freely, and Brother Tianmeng will not be able to escape from his clutches, hehehe.

After all, once the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm breaks away from its body, it cannot return to its animal body.

This caused the soul beast that collapsed on the ground to finally reveal its true identity. It was the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, the cheat Huo Yuhao had been thinking about for a year.

With the appearance of the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, the surrounding temperature also dropped to a certain level, and Huo Yuhao's breath produced a faint ice mist.

Although the temperature had dropped, Huo Yuhao still smiled, but it was not so clear under the cover of ice fog.

Jie Jie Jie Jie, I’m finally willing to show up, Brother Tianmeng!
Huo Yuhao looked at the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm. This was a super version of the Silkworm Baby Silkworm. Its entire body was shiny white. Although it crawled out of a mud pit, it had the feeling of emerging from the mud without being stained. There wasn't any mud stuck to it.

And unlike the Feng Baboon, the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm had golden rings on its body. Huo Yuhao counted them in his mind, and found that there were ten rings all over his body.

Huo Yuhao knew that these were the golden rings of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm that represented years. Each ring represented 10 years, and ten meant a million years.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a good beast and won't eat you." Tianmeng Bingcan couldn't help but explain quickly when he saw the boy in front of him was stunned.

The same voice sounded in Huo Yuhao's mind.

Tian Meng Bing Silkworm couldn't do it without an explanation. This was its last hope. If it was scared away or frightened to death, where could Meng Bing Silkworm go to reason with it that day?
"Are you the guy who said he wouldn't cry just now?" Huo Yuhao blurted out his words.

After Huo Yuhao came back to his senses, he realized that something seemed wrong with what he said.

But the words have already been spoken, and the meaning of taking them back doesn't seem to be that big. Well... never mind, just make mistakes. "That's natural. Don't look at who I am. I am a million-year-old soul beast! How could you shed tears? Also, you heard me right. I am the only million-year-old soul beast in the world. I have already cultivated. For millions of years, I can punch Emperor Tian and kick Mr. Xiong! Well, that’s it. By the way, you can call me Brother Tianmeng.”

Obviously, Tianmeng Bingcan didn't understand what Huo Yuhao said and started bragging to himself.

It might have thought that the young man in front of it didn't look that big and probably didn't know about ferocious beasts or anything like that, so it was just taking advantage of this moment to brag so that Huo Yuhao in front of him could believe in his superiority.

What it doesn't know is that Huo Yuhao came here just for it.

"Six." Huo Yuhao began to try hard to hold back his laughter. He really didn't expect that Tianmeng Bingcan would brag like this. He couldn't handle it for a while, but he couldn't laugh. God knows how hard it is to hold back a laugh alone. How sad.

"So, what are you going to do after finding me?" Huo Yuhao suddenly became serious, trying to make himself forget what Tianmeng Ice Silkworm just said, so that he would not laugh before letting Tianmeng Ice Silkworm become his wisdom soul ring. Make a sound.

Tianmeng Bingsi seemed to feel that there was no point in continuing to brag, and followed Huo Yuhao's seriousness and became serious, "You know the soul ring, right? It will take me a million years for my million-year-old soul beast to become your soul ring. Soul ring, so I plan to become your soul ring and make you the first owner of a million-year soul ring in this world!"

Huo Yuhao pretended not to know anything: "Huh? You want to be my soul ring? What good does this do to you? You are a million-year-old soul beast. You can punch Emperor Tian and kick Xiong Lord. ah!"

Tianmeng Bingcan was stunned by Huo Yuhao's words and remained silent for a while.

"You're a young guy, but you have a lot of problems. Do you know that my brother is a million-year-old soul beast? Do you know what it means to have him as your wisdom soul ring?"

Huo Yuhao couldn't help but ask: "Uh... in a million years, I guess I can raise my soul master level from level 99 to level [-], right?"

Skydream Iceworm: "..."

Six, if you don’t know how to speak, you can keep your mouth shut. If you move your mouth, you will be level 99. How dare you?
Tianmeng Bingcan did not respond to Huo Yuhao's outrageous remarks: "You, you, let me tell you what you are good at. Oops, brother's time is running out, don't move around, brother is about to go in. Don't worry, brother will be gentler of."

"After we two brothers leave the Star Dou Forest and are safe, I will slowly explain your problem to you..."

"But you don't claim to be the strongest soul..." Before Huo Yuhao could finish speaking, Tianmeng Bingsican couldn't wait to press his skull against Huo Yuhao's forehead.

Huo Yuhao stopped pretending and was overjoyed: "It's done!"

After waiting for so long, my plug-in finally arrived!Jie Jie Jie Jie!

However, in order to avoid Tianmeng Bingsi's suspicion, Huo Yuhao pretended to be trying to control his body.

It was as if he was really trying to keep himself still. After acting for so long, Huo Yuhao's acting skills had reached their peak, and even he couldn't tell that he was just faking it.


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(End of this chapter)

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