Douluo: The Life Choice of the Peerless Huo Yuhao

Chapter 88 Du Weilun: Do you think Mr. Xuan’s vision is wrong?

Chapter 88 Du Weilun: Do you think Mr. Xuan’s vision is wrong?

Xie Huanyue tried to activate his third soul skill, which was a thousand-year soul skill. He felt that he could break through this strange move, but no matter how he activated it, it was to no avail. He could not use it at all, even if he had released it There is no way to take back the second soul skill.

It was as if he was frozen.

It was just the disappearing soul power that told him that he was not fixed.

Huo Yuhao's soul skill also arrived at Xie Huanyue's brain at this moment.

Now that Xie Huanyue's soul power could no longer be used, it was the best time to attack. What he used was not a powerful soul skill, just a soul impact.

It's just that under his control, this soul impact turned into finger-sized spiritual power groups, which Electrolux had taught him before.

Although Huo Yuhao couldn't reduce the soul impact to the size of a hair like Electrolux, it was enough to break through Xie Huanyue's defense.

Originally he wanted to wait a little longer, but Xiao Xiao's pale face told him that time was running out.

At this time, Xie Huanyue, who had level 32, could only watch helplessly as he was being attacked continuously, but could not do anything. A sense of fear arose spontaneously. Although it only lasted for a short second, he could not do anything. It left him with an indelible memory.

"Xiao Xiao, you can stop now." Huo Yuhao said immediately when the soul impact finger version broke through Xie Huan Yue's mental defense.

Although most soul masters can release this combination skill, there are also disadvantages, that is, the consumption of soul power will become extremely large. Xiao Xiao's soul power can only last for a few seconds, and she has to have full soul power. state.

And she had already released her soul skills before, so the time she could sustain it was even shorter. Fortunately, she hadn't overdrawn her soul power yet.

After Xiao Xiao heard Huo Yuhao's words, she immediately stopped releasing her combo skills. However, her whole body was a little dazed. When she was about to fall to the ground, she seemed to be hugged by someone, but she had fainted due to excessive exertion. After passing by, I didn’t know who hugged me.

Of course, the only one who could hug her in time at this time was Huo Yuhao.

"Is it time to declare victory? Xie Huanyue has been knocked unconscious by me." Huo Yuhao reminded.

Only then did the invigilator come to his senses and announced the victory of the three of them.

This game is easier than expected. Fortunately, Xiao Xiao's soul power is much higher than in the original work, otherwise he might be overdrawn like before.

Xie Huanyue, who was knocked unconscious by Huo Yuhao's soul impact finger version before, also woke up and his body recovered. It was no longer the long black shape before, but his fear of Huo Yuhao had reached its peak. He didn't expect that the biggest threat was the guy he didn't pay much attention to.

Huo Yuhao's blow just now had the potential to seriously injure him, but he didn't know why he suddenly stopped and only made himself dizzy for a while.

The teachers in the spectator seats all began to praise Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao. Obviously, they did not notice that Huo Yuhao was the main attacker, but this was what Huo Yuhao hoped for, otherwise Huo Yuhao could have settled the previous battle by himself. .

Of course, the more important reason is because Xuanzi was present. Although he said that he killed three people in front of him, they were just an ordinary team of great soul masters with no characteristics. The second time they met him, he just killed them in seconds. One person, and two left.

I deliberately left it for comparison, and because no one was on guard against my mental attacks, I was actually not as dazzling as Wang Dong and Xiao Xiao.

It is impossible for Xuanzi not to know this.

Du Weilun, the teaching director of the Martial Arts Department of the Outer Academy, came to Zhou Yi's side and said, "Congratulations, Teacher Zhou. A strict teacher produces great disciples, and you have taught two good students. In my opinion, the two of them can definitely become the core of the Outer Academy." Disciple, please remember to report them two." Obviously, Du Weilun was completely unaware of Zhou Yi's changes and thought she was the same as before, but even if he didn't know, it wouldn't affect anything.

He must catch these two students, after all, these are students who can defeat Soul Lord.

Zhou Yi was stunned. Because she was a half-servant, the object of her observation had always been Huo Yuhao. She also knew that Huo Yuhao was the soul of the group.

Du Weilun's words kicked away Huo Yuhao, who had made the greatest contribution. Obviously, she couldn't accept it, whether it was her original idea or the influenced idea, she couldn't accept it.

"Director, there is Huo Yuhao, he is the soul of this group." Zhou Yi said.

Du Weilun smiled, "He? He's too weak. Although he is at level [-], he only has one soul ring, and this soul ring is still ten years old. There are so many students above level [-], why do we have to do it for him? Why is he wasting a quota? And this quota is still for core disciples."

"Furthermore, if I read correctly, he should be a rare spiritual soul master, right? Have you ever thought about how many soul beasts there are with spiritual attributes?"

Zhou Yi wanted to laugh, but she couldn't. Du Weilun said that there were few spiritual soul beasts, but were there many spiritual soul masters?Especially a pure spiritual soul master like Huo Yuhao.

Du Weilun continued: "Okay, don't think too much. Remember to report the two students I just mentioned. As for Huo Yuhao you mentioned, forget it. This is not my intention alone. As for who it is, it doesn't matter who it is." It’s convenient to tell you, anyway...his eyes can’t be wrong.”

Zhou Yi took back all the words he wanted to explain and nodded silently.

Du Weilun then left the viewing platform.

After Zhou Yi secretly made a decision, she also left the viewing platform.

After the morning game, the defeated Xie Huanyue and his teammates had already set off to the cafeteria to have a meal to fully prepare for No. 3 in the afternoon.

In fact, it's the same thing if they don't prepare, because the full second-ring team has already given up. They already know how powerful Soul Lord is, and they just want to see if they can lose gloriously and replace one or two.

This can also be said to be a pity for defeat.

Xiao Xiao was unconscious for a short time. When he woke up, he was carried to the cafeteria for dinner by Huo Yuhao. Wang Dong naturally followed him.

After lunch, the three of them returned to the dormitory to rest and recover their soul power and physical strength consumed in the game.

In one noon, Xiao Xiao's soul power only recovered about [-]%, while Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao had fully recovered.

And this afternoon is the last final of the freshman elimination round.

Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao were waiting downstairs for Xiao Xiao to come out early, and then the group headed towards the assessment area.


 Thank you, a Xiaopeng friend, for your two-month vote!
(End of this chapter)

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