Douluo II: Four Spirits of Martial Arts

Chapter 106 "Be Aboveboard" Yan Shaozhe

Chapter 106 "Be Aboveboard" Yan Shaozhe
"Haha, I'm right here, why do you want to make a sneak attack?"

A chuckle suddenly sounded in the world, followed closely by a short and fat figure slowly emerging in mid-air.

It is Jing Hongchen.

Behind him, there were two ninth-level soul masters whose auras were not weaker than those of Titled Douluo.

Seeing Jing Hongchen's figure, Yuhao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He had previously thought that the other wave of people would be from the Star Luo Empire.

After all, he killed Dai Hao's son in front of him.

"Jing Hongchen, your scar has really healed and you have forgotten the pain. You were beaten by me just a few days ago, and now you are asking for it again?"

The poisonous figure slowly rose into the sky and confronted Jing Hongchen.

Thinking of what happened a few days ago, Jing Hongchen immediately blushed, but suddenly thought of something and chuckled:
"I think you are the one who healed the scar and forgot about the pain. The sword from the Snow Emperor must have been unpleasant."

Because Jing Hongchen detonated the ninth-level soul guidance container and released the Snow Emperor, Du Buushi took the Snow Emperor's sword forcefully.

But Du Bushu didn't care at all, and instead said with a smile:
"It is indeed uncomfortable, but the Snow Emperor has become my disciple's soul ring. Even if I take two more swords, I am willing to do so."

As soon as these words came out, they hit Jing Hongchen's pain point. He punched the void and an explosion suddenly erupted.

She obviously spent a huge amount of money to buy it, but now it has become someone else's wedding dress. How can Jing Hongchen endure this?

"It's so shameless to steal other people's things and say so so confidently."

"Whatever you say, we have taken the advantage anyway."

Dubu Sita looks mean.

And the more he behaves like this, the angrier Jing Hongchen opposite him becomes, and he is about to take action.

Suddenly, Jing Hongchen stopped, sneered and said:
"If the poison doesn't kill you, you can only jump around a few times now. When I bring your apprentice's head to you later, I don't know if you can still laugh."

After saying that, Jing Hongchen turned to look to one side and said:
"Dean Yan, you've been listening to this for a while, isn't it time to show up?"

As the words fell, a dazzling light fell from the sky. When the light dissipated, three figures immediately appeared.

It was Yan Shaozhe and the other three.

After hearing Jing Hongchen's words, Yan Shaozhe glanced at him, and then said coldly:
"Hall Master Hongchen, although we briefly joined forces to eradicate the Noumenon Sect, a scourge on the continent, this does not mean that you and I are friends."

Hearing this, Jing Hongchen showed a contemptuous smile and secretly cursed:

"It sounds great, but I don't know who joined forces first."

On the other side, Du Bushu taunted directly and said:
"Yan Shaozhe, you are really a hypocrite. No, it should be said that your Shrek Academy is extremely hypocritical. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that you are cooperating with Mingdetang. Why are you still so pretentious? It is really disgusting."

As he said this, he retched a few times even though he was still poisoned.

"Hmph, I say that Shaozhe has lived an upright life. Even if I am in opposition to the Hongchen Hall Master, I am willing to stand on the same front with them in order to eradicate evil forces like your Noumenon Sect."

Yan Shaozhe snorted softly, looking righteous and awe-inspiring.

He looked so disgusting that he almost made him vomit.

Not to mention being poisoned, even Jing Hongchen's eyes were twitching. If it weren't for the fact that we had to deal with the Noumenon Sect together, he would really want to ask Yan Shaozhe what you said when we cooperated.

"When did our Noumenon Sect become an evil force? If this is really the case, what does the Sun and Moon Empire that cooperates with the Holy Spirit Religion mean?"

At this time, Yuhao stood up and looked at the two people on the opposite side with indifferent eyes.

When he heard what he said, Jing Hongchen's pupils shrank, his face changed drastically, and he said:

"You, how do you know the Holy Spirit Cult!"

But as soon as he said these words, he immediately realized that he had spilled the beans and quickly covered his mouth.Seeing this, both Du Bushit and Yan Shaozhe showed doubtful expressions.

"Yu Hao, what kind of organization is the Holy Spirit Church?"

Yu Hao chuckled lightly and said: "Ten thousand years ago, because the ancestor of Shrek Academy destroyed the City of Slaughter and destroyed the throne of the Angel God, evil soul masters became popular. After ten thousand years of accumulation, They have established an evil soul master organization."

"And this organization is the Holy Spirit Church."


Du Bushu was shocked, and even Yan Shaozhe was frightened and turned to look at Jing Hongchen.

Although the latter tried his best to hide it, the imperceptible panic was still seen by the two of them.

This made Du Buushi roar angrily, pointed at Jing Hongchen's nose and cursed:
"Hahaha, it's really ridiculous. Although I am not a good person, I am not a good person, but I am also at odds with such an inhumane guy like the evil soul master."

"I didn't expect you, an old guy like Jing Hongchen, who looks so sanctimonious on the surface, but would actually cooperate with these bastards secretly. You really deserve to be damned."

After saying that, Du Bushu looked at Yan Shaozhe again, with a sneer on his lips, and said:
"And you, who pride yourself on being upright and upright all your life, don't you feel blushing now that you are cooperating with a guy like Jing Hongchen? You still feel that you are so thick-skinned that you can't even see the blush."

How could Yan Shaozhe endure such ridicule after being poisoned to death? His face turned red and white, and he said in embarrassment:

"Don't be so slanderous, why would I, Yan Shaozhe, cooperate with the evil soul master?"

Then, Yan Shaozhe turned to Jing Hongchen and asked:

"Hall Master Hongchen, are you really cooperating with the evil soul master? If this is really the case, I'm afraid I will have to do justice for heaven today."

How could Jing Hongchen admit it at this time, and said repeatedly: "What a joke, I, Jing Hongchen, will not cooperate with the evil soul master. All of this was fabricated by Du Bushui and that damn boy."

"Oh? Then why do you know about the Holy Spirit Church?"

Yuhao smiled contemptuously and said lightly.

"This... this is because I was also inquiring about the traces of the evil soul masters and wanted to annihilate them in one fell swoop. I learned about the Holy Spirit Cult during the investigation."

Jing Hongchen's eyes rolled around, and one could tell at a glance that he was lying.

Regarding this, Yan Shaozhe was also speechless and thought to himself:

"Can't you just act normal."

In fact, Yan Shaozhe also understood that the Sun Moon Empire might really be involved with the evil soul master, but he could never expose Jing Hongchen's lies at this moment.

Because the most important thing now is to destroy the Noumenon Sect and Yuhao.

After thinking about it, Yan Shaozhe coughed lightly and said:
"Master Hongchen Hall is righteous, I say Shaozhe is willing to believe you."

"Haha, Yan Shaozhe, I never thought that you would be so shameless. Fortunately, you are still the dean of Shrek Academy, bah."

Du Buushi sneered, his words full of disdain for Yan Shaozhe.

Yan Shaozhe said with an expressionless face: "Master Poison, stop using your words. No matter how fanciful your words are, there is no way to produce substantive evidence."

"If you really produce substantial evidence, I, Yan Shaozhe, can immediately swear to draw a line with Jing Hongchen and the Sun and Moon Empire, but do you have any evidence?"

Du Bushu was furious and wanted to kill the scoundrel immediately.

But at this time Yuhao stepped forward and listened to him:

"Is that the evidence? I'll give it to you."

 Chapter two, chapter two, a little late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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