Douluo II: Four Spirits of Martial Arts

Chapter 110 Golden Dragon Overlord

Chapter 110 Golden Dragon Overlord
Yuhao let out another dragon roar, and the next moment the energy and blood in his body began to surge, and the parts covered by the dragon scales began to glow with dazzling golden light.

This is the soul skill given in the first blood soul ring - golden dragon body.

This is a qi-blood soul skill that enhances the energy. After it is used, Yuhao's qi-blood power will increase dramatically, and physical attributes such as strength, defense, speed, etc. will be fully increased.

Among them, the increase in strength is the largest.

You know, the Golden Dragon King itself possesses ultimate power.

And now with the increase of the golden dragon body, Yuhao's physical strength at this moment has reached a terrifying level.

Just by squeezing his fist, there was a tearing explosion in the air.

Then, Yuhao raised his right claw high and grabbed the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex transformed by Ji Xiao.

Because of Long Wei, Ji Xiao temporarily lost his will to fight.

But he was a Titled Douluo after all. As the fourth soul ring lit up, Ji Xiao let out a long roar, his eyes were red, and his whole body was emitting blood light.

Under the influence of this blood light, Ji Xiao's attack power increased significantly, but more importantly, he regained his fighting spirit.

"Boy, I don't know what's going on with you, but you will die today!"

But when Ji Xiao said this, Yuhao's claws had already patted his head.

Yuhao's right dragon claw is not only extremely sharp, but also carries crushing properties. Even the scales of Tyrannosaurus rex cannot resist this property.

Crack clap!

Under Yuhao's claw, the scales of the Ankylosaurus rex that Ji Xiao transformed into were shattered, and there were three more one-foot-long scratches on his big head.

However, although this scar is terrifying, Ji Xiao is still in the true form of the martial spirit.

So it didn't do him any real harm.

Instead, it angered Ji Xiao.

Because Yuhao, a soul sect, actually hurt him.

Ji Xiao roared angrily, turned around at the same time, and swung the thick and powerful dragon tail towards Yuhao.

With a muffled sound, Yuhao was whipped hundreds of meters away by his tail and fell hard to the ground.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, Yu Hao's figure slowly emerged. He was dressed in ragged clothes and had a gray face, looking very embarrassed.

But Ji Xiao, who was suspended in mid-air, could see Yu Hao's eyes, which were full of excitement and fighting spirit.

"This guy actually regards me as his opponent."

Although they are enemies, Ji Xiao also admires Yuhao's current courage.

After all, if it were another soul sect, facing a titled Douluo, he might not even have the courage to stand up.

As for Yuhao, he actually wanted to have a real fight with the titled Douluo.

On Yuhao's side, he felt the severe pain coming from his body, if it weren't for the powerful defensive power of the Golden Dragon King's bloodline spirit and his already strong body.

Ji Xiao's tail just now might really be able to stop him.

And this was Ji Xiao who was suppressed by Long Wei.

"So strong. Is this a Titled Douluo? It is indeed completely different from my previous opponents."

Yuhao licked the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth and said excitedly.

As he said before, he had been frustrated in the Soul Master Elite Competition.

This is because he cannot let go of all his strength.

But now, facing Ji Xiao, in such a life-and-death situation, he was finally able to fight well.

As if sensing Yu Hao's raging fighting spirit at this moment, the power of the Golden Dragon King in his body began to boil, and at the same time, the gold of living things also began to exert force. The injury suffered by Ji Xiao just now recovered quickly, and it took only a few breaths to recover. get well.


As a titled Douluo, Ji Xiao was naturally able to sense Yu Hao's physical condition. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and sighed:

"What a terrifying recovery ability. Is this one of the abilities attached to his martial soul?" Regardless of whether it is true or not, Yuhao has already fulfilled part of his terrifying talent, so Ji Xiao understands that no matter what price he pays today, I want to kill this guy.

After thinking about it, Ji Xiao rushed towards Yuhao on the ground.

You must know that at this moment, Ji Xiao is in the true form of his martial soul. The dozens of meters long Tyrannosaurus King is falling from the sky. The pressure it brings is not ordinary.

And Yuhao just stood there.

The huge body of the Tyrannosaurus rex crashed onto Yuhao, and its terrifying weight relied on gravity to create enough force to collapse a hill.


And just when Ji Xiao thought that Yuhao had no chance of surviving, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the ground and quickly fled hundreds of meters away.

Then a figure jumped out from the darkness, it was Yu Hao.

At this moment, Yuhao also had a pair of majestic huge dragon wings growing out of his back.

It is the Golden Dragon Wing.

And he just used one of Golden Dragon Wing's additional soul skills, the latent shadow technique.

Only then did he escape from Ji Xiao's attack.

"What an earthworm."

Ji Xiao sneered and immediately rushed towards Yuhao.

The huge body of Tyrannosaurus Rex is full of pressure, and every time it takes a step, it can leave a huge claw mark on the ground.

This shows how powerful its power is.

Looking at the Tyrannosaurus rex charging towards him, Yuhao's eyes narrowed and he did not continue to run away, but instead advanced instead of retreating.

He actually wanted to confront Ji Xiao head-on.

Seeing this scene, Ji Xiao was slightly startled, but then a hint of sarcasm appeared on his lips.

"Since you are courting death, then I will fulfill you!"

From the previous two battles, Ji Xiao had determined that even though Yuhao's third martial spirit was extremely powerful, due to his own soul power level, he was still unable to compete with himself in the true form of the martial spirit.

But at the moment when the two collided, Yuhao's second blood soul ring lit up, and a huge golden dragon king's shadow appeared behind him, and then disappeared in a flash, turning into a golden light surrounding Yuhao.

Against this golden light, Yuhao's golden dragon scales shone brightly.

This is the soul skill attached to the second blood soul ring, the golden dragon body.

It can triple one's own defense in a short period of time, while also absorbing the opponent's attacks and then releasing them.

The only drawback is that if you can't block it, you will suffer even greater damage.

Triple the defense, what a terrifying value.

You must know that Yuhao's defense has reached a very terrifying level due to various factors such as practicing the secret body-building method and adding the Golden Dragon King's bloodline martial spirit.

This can be seen from the previous hard fight against Ji Xiao's Dragon Tail.

Now because of the Golden Dragon's domineering body, the defense power is directly increased three times.

This can even reach the level of the invincible golden body.

With a muffled sound, the two collided with each other, and a wave of air waves spread out around it, causing the surrounding vegetation to uproot.

At the center of the collision, the air became even more distorted.

The next moment, a figure flew out backwards.

But it wasn't Yuhao, but Ji Xiao, who was titled Douluo and displayed his martial spirit true form.

 Chapter [-] is coming!
  Thank you all book friends for your support, thank you, see you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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