Douluo II: Four Spirits of Martial Arts

Chapter 144 Ten Thousand Years Soul: Silver Ying Beast

Chapter 144 Ten Thousand Years Soul: Silver Ying Beast
Not only the young disciples, but even the older generation such as Jin Peng and others who could not be killed by poison were amazed when they saw the spirit appear.

The eyes looking at Yuhao were filled with relief and wonder.

Du BuShu snorted even more, with a proud smile on his face as if to say.

"Look, this is my disciple."

On the other side, Ditian, Biji and other beast kings also had happy faces.

Because the birth of this soul shows that the soul beast has finally taken another path.

At the same time, they looked at Yuhao with even more reverence.

"This is our Lord. He not only seeks the path to becoming gods for us, but also saves the soul beasts below from the fate of being destroyed."

Yuhao didn't know that because of the birth of the soul, both parties' evaluation of him had risen to a higher level. He sat cross-legged on the ground and after recovering his mental strength, he said:

"Who's coming next?"

"I, I'll come."

"Let me come let me come."

"I, I, I raised my hand first."


This time, almost everyone raised their hands, vying to be the next person to possess a soul.

After all, everyone saw that Xu Lili successfully contracted the soul.

Seeing that the scene was a little noisy, Du Buushi snorted coldly, and at the same time exuded the coercion of a super Douluo.

"Please be quiet, you are so frizzy, what a shame!"

Feeling the pressure of the Super Douluo, the crowd that had been in chaos a moment ago fell silent. Some even turned pale and swallowed a mouthful of saliva unconsciously.

When facing Yuhao, his direct disciple, Du Bushui was naturally amiable, but to others, the sect master was a person who kept away from strangers and had a high level of majesty.

Therefore, no one dares to disobey his words.

Then, Du BuShu spoke again:

"Arrange your team according to the level of soul power. Don't worry. Even if you don't find a suitable soul this time, you will have a chance in the future."

Hearing Du BuShu's words, the faces of these young disciples all showed joy.

Because although there are many soul beasts in front of them, not all of them have martial souls that match them.

So they no longer seemed anxious and lined up in a long line very obediently.


Seeing this, Yuhao raised his chin.

The No. 1 person in the queue was a strong young man. Hearing Yu Hao's words, he stepped forward excitedly.

"Young Master, my martial soul is my belly. My soul power level is 40. I am good at..."


For the next half day, Yu Hao continued to conduct contract rituals for these young disciples and the elderly soul beasts.

With powerful mental control and the help of Electrolux, Yuhao performed a total of fifteen contract ceremonies without making any mistakes.

This means that fifteen souls were born today.

And these fifteen souls are all soul beasts that are a thousand years old or younger.

As for those ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts, in fact, they had already made plans in the middle of the process.

After all, transforming into souls can indeed bring them new life.

And Yuhao didn't make a single mistake, breaking the doubts in their hearts.

However, Yuhao consumed too much mental energy by condensing mental imprints on other soul beasts and casting contract spells.

Therefore, Yuhao did not let these ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts appear now.

However, after successfully transforming 15 souls, Yuhao could finally rest.

Although there are still a few of these thousand-year-old soul beasts that have not been transformed into souls, there is nothing we can do about it.

After all, they really don't fit with the martial spirits of the remaining people.

So I can only wait for the next opportunity.

And Zai Yuhao sat cross-legged on the ground with his eyes closed, quickly recovering the mental power he had consumed.

The surrounding soul beasts and human soul masters were all silent, and no one dared to disturb them.After some tea time, Yuhao opened his eyes, which also touched everyone's mind.

Poisonous Death even opened his mouth and said:

"Yuhao, do you want to take a rest?"

As a super Douluo, Du Bushui could naturally see how much mental power Yuhao had just consumed.

But Yuhao smiled faintly and said:
"Don't worry, teacher, I have recovered. Let's continue."

Hearing this, Du Bushit was slightly startled, but looking at Yu Hao's expression, it didn't look like he was lying.

After experiencing the defeat of the God King and contracting with the three 10-year-old plant soul beasts, Yuhao completed his transformation.

This transformation also includes the transformation of spiritual power.

The mental recovery power is far beyond what ordinary soul masters can match.

When they saw Yuhao coming over, Gu Tong and another soul master who had reached level 50 suddenly became excited.

Because among everyone present, they were the only two people who could contract ten thousand-year-level souls.

The ten thousand year soul beast on the other side also caused a commotion.

"Gu Tong, you come first."

Yuhao looked at the anxious Gu Tong and couldn't help but smile.

For this partner who competed with him in the Soul Master Elite Competition, Yuhao still gave some conveniences.

Hearing Yuhao's words, Gu Tong couldn't hide her excitement, while the other person just sighed lightly and didn't say anything.

After all, he was not stupid. It was not like he could not see how important Yuhao was to the Noumenon Sect and the Soul Beast side.

To put it bluntly, even if he doesn't allow himself to contract souls, I'm afraid no one present will say otherwise.

On the contrary, he might blame himself for having offended Yuhao.


The soul beast Yuhao chose for Gu Tong was a rather special one.

Yin Ying Beast.

The original body was also attached to the soul ring of Yin Ying Beast, and obtained the special and powerful soul skill of "spiritual re-engraving".

It can copy the other party's soul skills at the same time as the other party releases them, and store them in the body, and then release them when necessary, without being restricted by any attributes.

Although this is completely inferior to Yuhao's soul ring fusion skill "Perfect Mirror".

But it can still be regarded as a powerful soul skill.

And Gu Tong's martial soul also has two eyes. If he chooses the Silver Ying Beast, he might also be able to obtain the powerful soul skill of "Spiritual Re-engraving".

And because Yin Ying Beast will become Gu Tong's soul.

Maybe it will be more powerful than the original soul skill.


This Yin Ying Beast is 2 years old, and its innate abilities are far beyond those of those thousand-year-old and century-old soul beasts.

Therefore, it took Yuhao longer to gather the spiritual imprint and the contract.

But the result was no different.

In the end, Yin Ying Beast successfully transformed into Gu Tong's soul.

When the Yin Ying Beast soul was summoned, not to mention how happy Gu Tong was, he was jumping up and down on the spot with excitement.

"Gu Tong, what soul skills did the Silver Ying Beast give you?"

Yuhao asked with interest.

"What is the soul skill that Yin Ying Beast bestows on you."

Hearing Yu Hao's question, Gu Tong smiled proudly, and then said: "Spiritual forging can copy other people's soul skills and store them, although only one soul skill can be stored at a time."

"But Yin Ying Beast can also use it, so I can recreate two soul skills in total."

At the end of the story, Gu Tong became a little excited, as if she thought about how her soul skills would play a role in the battle.

Yuhao was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that Gu Tong actually obtained the soul skill of "spiritual re-engraving".

And because of the soul, his spiritual replica has one more soul skill storage location than the original.

 Chapter by chapter, the weather is getting colder, so book friends, put on more clothes
(End of this chapter)

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